1/12 Ups & Downs

Lewis boycotts a candidate forum over the invitation of a white nationalist, Pennsylvania’s Congressional maps win again in court, Wagner and Bartos start to show working as a team might have its benefits, Barletta jumps out to a lead in PA GOP straw polls, and Wolf works to fight the opioid crisis.  See who made this week’s Ups & Downs!

Up-Arrow4-2 Andrew Lewis. 11th Congressional district candidate Andrew Lewis took a strong stand against the fringe elements of the Republican party when he announced he was boycotting a candidate forum over the invitation of a white nationalist to participate in the event.  The event was cancelled after Lewis’ announcement.

Up-Arrow4-2 Congressional Maps.  Pennsylvania’s Congressional maps got another boost this week after the U.S. Circuit Court ruled that the lines did not violate the Constitution.  The lines still need to survive a challenge before the state Supreme Court, but the odds are looking better that the lines will stay for the 2018 election.  

Up-Arrow4-2 Wagner/Bartos Ticket.  Though some doubted the effectiveness of creating a ticket ahead of the endorsement process and primary, the ticket of Scott Wagner and Jeff Bartos is showing state party members will at least show their support for the ticket during the straw polls, with both Wagner and Bartos leading after three caucus meetings.  


Lou Barletta.  Congressman Lou Barletta’s Senate campaign is showing they have unified the support of the party establishment in his home turf, winning all but 17 votes in the three straw polls held so far.  

Down Arrow

Coal.  FERC announced this week that they are rejecting a plan from the Trump administration that would boost coal power plants in the U.S., which likely would have boosted coal production in Pennsylvania.

Up-Arrow4-2 Brendan Boyle.  Congressman Brendan Boyle picked up lots of positive press coverage after introducing his “stable genius” act that would require all presidential candidates to go through a standardized physical and disclose the results.  The tongue-in-cheek legislation shows pokes fun at President Trump’s to questions about his mental stability, while still maintaining a air of getting things done in Washington.  


Governor Tom Wolf.  Governor Wolf announced this week he is declaring a 90 day state emergency to fight the heroin and opioid crisis facing the state.  The move has been well received on both sides of the aisle and will hopefully help end the deaths caused by the crisis in Pennsylvania.  

Bonus Up/Down: Every week, PoliticsPA will be including a bonus up or down, that is exclusive to Playbook email subscribers.  To sign up to see the bonus arrow click here.

The tweet of the week goes to Post-Gazette reporter Chris Potter for hoping for what all law nerds want.  

11 Responses

  1. Applaud the Gov for apparently getting serious about the drug epidemic. Since drugs are killing people, ruining families and destroying communities shouldn’t drug dealing be treated as a capital crime with death sentence possibilities? Treatment for users, swift justice for dealer/killers.

  2. Facts are important. It was a 3-judge district court, not the Third Circuit, that upheld the maps. Big difference.

  3. Lewis cant make it in politics. His extremist views on the limits of the First Amendment are dictator like.

  4. Andrew’s arrow sure went the other direction with the GOP women in Dauphin County. It’s a shame for him that they actually vote and the media actually doesn’t.

    1. Yeah, screw Lewis for not wanting to legitimize the fascist’s candidacy. And how dare the press report on batsh*t views espoused by the fringe of one of the nation’s two major parties? I share your concern that normalcy is still alive and well.

      1. 1. The Republican women cancelled the event to avoid legitimizing the fascist.
        2. The press is free to report on whatever they want – I never said they weren’t.
        3. I’m comforted that normalcy is still alive and well. Nothing is more normal than a losing candidate with a weak campaign attacking the party.

        1. You know what they say. So goes the Dauphin County Council of Republican Women, so goes the 11th Congessional District.

        2. They could have simply disinvited him. Perhaps they didn’t want to have an awkward conversation about how Mr. Donahue’s views overlap with other prominent members of their party.

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