Today’s the day: the long-awaited decision on Voter ID. It’s the Commonwealth Court’s deadline for a decision. Look for a specific injunction targeted at provisional ballots. And it’s October, so every campaign in Pa. it seems is on TV. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
New Maggi Ad a Clinic on Dem Medicare Messaging (Watch Video): It’s among the best attack ads of the 2012 election so far. The latest spot from Democrat Larry Maggi features a line of seniors handing bundles of cash over to to the government while blasting Rep. Tim Murphy over his votes for the Ryan budget.
Casey Ad Hammers Middle Class v. Millionaire Message (Watch Video): Recent polls have shown the U.S. Senate race tightening, and it looks like Bob Casey’s campaign is taking it seriously. The freshman Democrat is up today with a new attack ad which aims at a middle-vs-millionaire message and pulls no punches.
Dems Ding PAGOP Chair Over Etch-a-Sketch-Style Romney Remark: For Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the idea of an erasable, ever changing image is one he hoped he’d left behind after the primary. Now, Democrats are using comments by Pa.’s Republican Party Chairman to make Romney’s sketch last.
Legislative Election Updates:
SD-15: A debate is officially scheduled in this race. Community group Harrisburg Hope will host a debate between Republican John McNally and Democrat Rob Teplitz on Oct. 15 at 6:00 p.m.
at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore. Both are vying for the seat of outgoing Sen. Jeff Piccola (R-Dauphin).
In other news, Teplitz too a shot at McNally over education. He said, “make no mistake – McNally’s education plan is vouchers and privatization. He calls himself ‘a pro-voucher guy’ and supports cuts to public education.”
SD-17: Charles Gehret, the Republican challenging Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montco), launched this introductory web video.
SD-37: “Raja” may not be a typical Pittsburgh surname – in fact there are just 10 registred in Allegheny County – but the Republican state Senate hopeful wants voters to know about his strong connection to the area. Meanwhile, Matt Smith’s new spot hammers the Republican over outsourcing.
SD-49: Update: Wiley has his own response ad. Janet Anderson, the Republican running to replace retiring Sen. Jane Earll (R-Erie), is pulling punches no longer. Her latest television ad – and accompanying website – blast Democrat Sean Wiley for his time working in Erie County government.
HD-55: Watch out, Rep. Joe Petrarca: you’re on notice. A Democrat near the district said he’s seen 3 mailers from the House Republican Campaign Committee in the district so far. He faces an opponent for the first time in several years, Republican John Palaika.
HD-89: Susan Spicka, the Dem challenging Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) is having her second in a series of forums. This one will be about government waste (read: per diems). She said she’s having solo forums because Kauffman won’t agree to participate in additional debates.
HD-93: Linda Small, the Dem meteorologist challenging Rep. Ron Miller (R-York), called on her opponent to acknowledge climate change. “98% of climate scientists, the Pentagon, the insurance industry and even the oil industry have stated that manmade global warming is here and it’s a problem. My opponent’s wholehearted embrace of the falsehoods of the fossil fuel corporate lobbyists and the climate change deniers puts our families’ health and well being at risk. Rep. Miller should warm up to the science or resign,” said Small.
HD-129: Erik Saar, the Democrat challenging Rep. Jim Cox (R-Berks), challenged the incumbent’s plan to eliminate property taxes (HB 1776), namely regarding this report that it would fall short of funding public schools by over $2 billion. “It is unfortunate Representative Cox has chosen to champion a political gimmick designed to help him stay in office instead of supporting real solutions to this pressing challenge,” Saar said.
HD-131: State Rep. Justin Simmons wants to make sure he doesn’t become a cautionary tale. The conservative Republican today unveiled two new campaign ads which seek to frame the debate about public education funding and GOP state budgets. His opponent is a public school teacher.
HD-151: Former Gov. Ed Rendell endorsed Will Sylianteng, the Dem challenging Rep. Todd Stephens (R-Montco). “I urge the voters of the 151st to elect Will to the legislature because Will is the only candidate in the race who will truly fight for public education, jobs, and the environment. Will is a strong, independent-minded leader who will help put Pennsylvania back on track,” Rendell said.
Capitol Ideas: Tax collections were up a tad in September, state says.
Capitol Ideas: In the 131st District, Justin Simmons is on the air.
Capitol Ideas: Monday Morning Coffee: PA schools under the fiscal microscope.
PA Independent: Report: Taxes will come due for renters if state nixes property levies
StateImpactPA: Report: Decision on Transmission Line Through Delaware Water Gap Expected Soon
StateImpactPA: Report: The Energy Jobs Are There…If You’ve Got The Technical Background
CapitolWire: Report: Former Gov. Tom Ridge warns that his economic, national security at risk.
CapitolWire: Report: Capitolwire: PennDOT aims to continue modernization efforts.
CapitolWire: Report: OFF THE FLOOR: GOP supportive of Simpson plan, Dems wary of fine print.
CapitolWire: Report: OFF THE FLOOR: GOP sounds jilted by Gov. Mitt Romney.
CapitolWire: Report: Corbett’s Justice Reinvestment Initiative could see movement this week in state Senate.
AP: Report: Ridge says debates critical in White House race
WHYY Newsworks: Current, former prosecutors criticize attack ads against Kane
WHYY Newsworks: Beyond the Ballot
WHYY Newsworks: Candidate gets some help from prosecutors over attack ads
WHYY Newsworks: Is Pennsylvania’s swing state status slipping?
Philly Clout: TV Show Parks & Rec takes on soda taxes
Philly Clout: New political show on WHYY
Inquirer: Christie: Romney will win debate
Constitution Daily: Why same-sex marriage seems lost as an election issue
Inquirer: Christie won’t blame the media, except when he will
Pottstown Mercury: Economy will likely recover no matter who wins
Pottstown Mercury: November elections will likely end with ‘status quo’
Pottstown Mercury: Ronald Reagan’s debate advice for Mitt Romney
Pottstown Mercury: Is Mitt Romney repeating the Meg Whitman campaign?
Pottstown Mercury: Five Senate races to watch this November
Daily Times: 10 Things you need to know for Monday
Daily Times: Obama, Romney hunker down for debate prep
Daily Times: Obama trying to avoid miscue in first debate
Daily Times: Romney criticizes Obama foreign policy record
Daily Times: Deadline for Pennsylvania voter ID law ruling a day away
Tribune-Review: Bill Clinton to campaign for Mark Critz in Beaver on Thursday
Post Gazette: Judge gives Post-Gazette more time to reach deal on poll access
Post Gazette: Report: Pa. House bill to abolish school property taxes would fall $1.5 billion short
Post Gazette: School drilling lease bill heads to Corbett
Early Returns: At Dem dinner, Kane defends record
Early Returns: Casey ad hits Smith/Romney tax plans
Early Returns: Maggi ad hits Murphy on Medicare
Early Returns: Perry on Politics: Quemoy and Matsu
Beaver County Times: Clinton to headline rally for Critz in Vanport Twp.
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Dems file complaint against GOP candidate
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: In PA senate race, Casey runs a new attack ad attacking opponent Smith’s plan on the tax code-John
South Central
Sentinel: State House passes a bill to issue valid IDs to veterans for no cost-John
Patriot News: Governor Corbett praises new law that uses traffic fine revenue to increase funds to police forces-John
Patriot News: Former PA Governor Tom Ridge attacks Obama administration’s handling of Libya-John
Pocono Record: Marino challenger Scollo explains $40K+ debt
The Times Leader: Local unemployment rate up to 9.4 percent in August
The Times Leader: Lawton irks some on council
Times-Tribune: Nonprofit leaders shrug off legislative review of their groups
Times-Tribune: Clinton to stump for Kane at Philly fundraiser
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Report: WomenVote PA aims to raise awareness of women’s issues before election
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Report: Republicans urge fall voters to seek fiscal responsibility
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Report: Legislative Tally
Steve Welch, Inquirer Op-Ed: The audacity of pandering: plan would worsen college-debt crisis
Times-Tribune: Don’t give up on reforming property tax
Citizens Voice: Find other ways to eliminate school property tax
Pottstown Mercury: Outside groups should stay out of Pa. politics
Tribune-Review: End of the referendum
Post Gazette: Early to battle: Peduto makes his move toward a run for mayor
Keystone Politics: Kathleen Kane Gives Us a Preview of How Awesome It Will Be to Have a Democratic AG
Keystone Politics: Americans Not So Into Divided Government Anymore
Keystone Politics: Blame PA Ballot Access Laws for Uncompetitive “One-Party Town” Politics
Keystone Politics: Return of the Etch-a-Sketch
Keystone Politics: #HD131: Kevin Deely Brings the Real Numbers on Justin Simmons’ School Funding Cuts
Keystone Politics: PA Supreme Court’s Bad Arguments for Local Funding of PA Courts
Keystone Politics: PA-15: Getting Tougher to Tell Which Candidate is Worse
Keystone Politics: Why Are We Even Collecting Payroll Taxes Right Now?
Lehigh Valley Independent: Blame PA Ballot Access Laws for Uncompetitive “One-Party Town” Politics
The Liberty Blog: Gibson Guitar Part 1 – Harvey Silvergate – My Liberal Hero and the First Ammendment – Federal Prosecution/Federal Intimidation
The Liberty Blog: Democrats Do It Again – Huma Abedin and Muslim Minority Affairs McCarthy/Walid Shoebat
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Armstrong: Allentown’s Frankenstein Monster
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Molony, McNeil Talk State Politics on Business Matters
2 Responses
PA 55- John Palaika withdrew and was replaced bu John Hauser
Here’s a story for your. In a Morning Call poll, 97% of those who responded, nearly 20,000 from our local area, said that Romney would win PA if he spends more time here.
Don’t sweat the small stuff, Gov Romney. Come back to PA, we are listening!