Former Republican County Chair accuses Peters of switching loyalties last year ahead of Peters deciding to enter the race for the 11th district, Groen gets elected to the DNC’s Executive Committee, and Paul Perry drops out of the 7th district primary citing concerns over the amount of money required to run. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!
Former Republican County Chair: Peters ‘Switched Loyalties’: Former Columbia County Republican Party Chair Bill Toth sent a letter to the current county chairs in the 11th Congressional district detailing what he sees as a betrayal by Joe Peters over the last few years.
Groen Elected to DNC’s Executive Committee: Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairman Marcel Groen was elected to the Democratic National Committee’s Executive Committee over the weekend.
Perry Drops Out of Primary: Democrat Paul Perry announced he is dropping out of his Primary run in the 7th Congressional district citing concerns over the amount of money required to run for office.
State House Sound Bites: Fights over transgender coverage could delay CHIP reauthorization
State House Sound Bites: Still at-odds with House, Senate assembles new gambling plan
StateImpact: PJM says plan to subsidize coal, nukes, “not workable”
City & State: Senate tries to figure out budget-balancing endgame
KYW: Toomey: Pa. Matters To White House On Tax Reform Bill
Inquirer: In Bucks, Ivanka Trump touts benefit of tax cuts for middle class
Inquirer: Red light, green light: New cop car can trip traffic signals
Inquirer: Jeff Sessions, speaking in Philly, vows to ‘dismantle’ international MS-13 gang
Inquirer: Vandalized Jewish cemetery in Philly restored after donors give $300K
Inquirer: Former Ridley councilman and area health exec is Trump’s pick for envoy to Norway
WHYY: Philly reaches $12.5M deal with Taser maker for police body cameras
WHYY: At Philly police conference, AG Sessions vows to make combatting street gang MS-13 a ‘priority’
BillyPenn: Why there’s so much confusion about REAL ID and PA driver’s licenses at airports
Bucks County Courier Times: Council Rock retains consultant to aid in redistricting
Bucks County Courier Times: Ivanka Trump discusses tax reform plan at Richboro town hall
Bucks County Courier Times: Falls waste treatment facility plan back before state DEP
Pottstown Mercury: Congressman Costello touts moderate voting record: ‘I’m a reasonable Republican’
Pottstown Mercury: Chesco Republicans tout row office, judicial candidates
Pottstown Mercury: Three seek two open Schuylkill Township supervisor seats
KDKA: Gov. Wolf Sets Special Election To Fill Remainder Of Rep. Murphy’s Term
KDKA: Controversial Education Bill Both Divides, Unites Teachers & School Boards
Tribune Review: Special election to replace Tim Murphy in Congress scheduled for March
Tribune Review: Investigating medical marijuana
Tribune Review: Tarentum mayoral race pits incumbent and council president against each other
Tribune Review: North Allegheny school board candidates talk future of district
Tribune Review: Apex Energy’s approved well sites in Penn Twp. face court challenge
Post-Gazette: Wolf announces special election date for Tim Murphy congressional seat
Post-Gazette: Eight candidates fight for four spots as judges in state’s Superior Court
Post-Gazette: Bethesda-Homewood units among the lowest scoring of HUD-subsidized properties in Pa
Beaver County Times: Commissioner helps raise money for children’s charity
Beaver County Times: Special election set to fill the remainder of Murphy’s term
Altoona Mirror: Altoona magisterial district judge candidates face off
WBRE: Governor Wolf Welcomes Guard Members Back Home
WBRE: Gov. Wolf pushes for vote on LGBT non-discrimination protections
Times Leader: Hazleton police to cover Banks Township
Times-Tribune: Cummings’ reassessment presentation rescheduled
Times-Tribune: GOP: Powell letters violated campaign law
South Central
York Dispatch: Sen. Casey endorses Bracey in York City mayor’s race
Patriot News: We still don’t know what Pa. offered to lure Amazon: Here’s why
Patriot News: Injunction sought to stop Wolf’s borrowing to balance Pa.’s budget
Patriot News: Procedural vote would keep bar on public funding for sex-change surgeries, therapies
Patriot News: Remove those old registration stickers to avoid getting pulled over by out-of-state cops, Pa. rep advises
Patriot News: Optimism starting to build – again – around Pa. Capitol about solving state budget stalemate
Patriot News: Ivanka Trump pitches tax reform in Pa., says child tax credit will bolster middle class
LNP: Republican candidates seeking to unseat Gov. Tom Wolf in 2018 must decide how closely to align themselves with Donald Trump
LNP: Is the PA pheasant stocking program worth the cost?
LNP: Forum for Manheim Twp. school board candidates is Tuesday
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Possible sale of Allentown State Hospital in the works
Morning Call: Ivanka Trump headlines tax reform event in Bucks County
Reading Eagle: State Senate ponders House budget plan that’s short of what it wanted
Reading Eagle: Olympic gold medalist to seek GOP nomination for Congress
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Sewer authority set to expand its water reuse program
Centre Daily Times: They both said no to a white nationalist. Now Penn State, Ohio State being sued.
Erie Times-News: State Senate bill would boost Erie schools
Erie Times-News: Tax has hurt Pennsylvania vapor store owners
Inquirer: Should former Philly DA Seth Williams be freed to go see his mother? | Jenice Armstrong
Inquirer: How racist incidents at local schools taught a positive lesson | Editorial
Inquirer: File campaign ad from Delco Democrats under ‘fake news’
Inquirer: Standing by beverage tax and with pre-K, community schools, and Rebuild
Bucks County Courier Times: Editorial: Good natured prank turned newsworthy emergency
Tribune Review: Trib editorial: Soldier’s sacrifice overshadowed by hostilities
Tribune Review: Lowman Henry: Pa. voters’ time for judging
Post-Gazette: HUD money pits: Better landlord monitoring is just one remedy
Patriot News: House bills 542, 453 and 118 do not honor our environmental rights in Pennsylvania | Opinion
Patriot News: A welcome response to hate | Editorial
Patriot News: The 2nd Amendment doesn’t say what you think it does | Nick Field
Erie Times-News: Our view: Empty borough ballots cause for concern