Beemer reveals new hires, Shapiro responds to Rafferty and Hillary is set to return to Southeast PA. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!
9/30 Ups & Downs: Voter registration, debates and a life-saving Congressman. See who made this week’s list!
Beemer Announces Additional Promotions: The new Attorney General is still reshuffling the office.
Shapiro Fires Back at Rafferty in New Ad (VIDEO): We’ve reached the first response commercials of the race.
Hillary and Chelsea Clinton to Visit Delco: The two will be joined by actress Elizabeth Banks.
Sunday Show Preview: October 2, 2016: We take a look at the Sunday morning political talk shows that will air throughout the state.
State House Sound Bites: Trump goes off script in Lancaster
State House Sound Bites: Pension, opioids among top legislative priorities when session resumes
City and State: Moves to sanction parking authorization fizzle
PLS Reporter: Women in Pennsylvania Government: Rep. Pam Snyder (D-Greene)
Inquirer: How the Parking Authority became a Republican patronage haven
Inquirer: Polarization, political angst aired at Haverford College forum
Inquirer: Philadelphia Orchestra strike ends; contract vote 73-11
Philadelphia Magazine: Tom Wolf struggling to find a balance in State Government
WHYY Newsworks: Clinton and Trump are two of the most polarizing nominees for president
KYW Newsradio: Donald Trump’s advisors may choose Chris Christie to be in charge of debate prep
KYW Newsradio: Polls are not showing the full truth
Philadelphia Business Journal: Philadelphia’s first healthcare IPO brings in $51.6 million
Bucks County Courier Times: Casino ruling needs works
Bucks County Courier Times: Four backup wells on joint base tainted by PFOA, PFOS; rest come up clean
Delco Daily Times: Why we must fight against terror and intolerance
Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania’s legalization of marijuana gives doctors pause
Post-Gazette: Court ruling leaves holes in Pennsylvania drilling law
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh, casino negotiating possible payment in lieu of taxes
Pittsburgh Business Times: What you need to know about business cases before the Supreme Court this term
Tribune-Review: Watchdog warns of undue influence on both sides of Senate race
Beaver County Times: Beaver County Chamber hosting debate night on Penn State-Beaver campus
Beaver County Times: New squadron coming to 911th in Moon Twp. after funding clears legislative hurdles
Altoona Mirror: Commission planning Hamilton Park repairs
Tribune-Democrat: Seniors bolster Trump’s support in Pennsylvania
Tribune-Democrat: Analysis | Court tosses gag rule for doctors in fracking cases
Citizens Voice: Cannabis rally in Kirby Park draws advocates of legalized marijuana
Citizens Voice: Vape shop owners seek relief from tax
Citizens Voice: Local experts weigh in on presidential debate
South Central
Patriot News: Actor Ted Danson to appear at opening of local Hillary Clinton field office
Patriot News: Lancaster crowd shows why Trump can win Pa.
Carlisle Sentinel: Treasurer’s election arrives amid turbulence, deficits
Carlisle Sentinel: Cyberattack hits Mount Holly Springs police department
York Daily Record: ‘Outraged’ community members meet after mayor’s controversial posts
York Dispatch: West York mayor faces censure but not removal
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Hillary Clinton to campaign in Harrisburg Tuesday
Lehigh Valley
Capitol Ideas: Unscripted Trump overshadows his own economic message
Morning Call: Families refuse to bury the truth about heroin
Morning Call: New Morning Call/Muhlenberg poll finds election affecting friendship
North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: District told to provide board emails
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Lycoming Gateway Building announced
Erie Times-News: Edinboro native heads Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s communication division
Post Gazette: Sustaining shale: High court ruling will help industry in long run
Post Gazette: Disabled in need: Services for thousands denied with funding gap
Post Gazette: Trying for Mars: Elon Musk aims for a getaway planet
Post Gazette: Home truth: Lease-to-own plans need more scrutiny
Citizens Voice: McConnell should schedule confirmation votes for federal judges
Patriot News: Two views of the 2016 Campaign
Patriot News: Americans don’t know civics and that’s bad for democracy
Inquirer: Sexual harassment scandal shows Philadelphia Parking Authority board should be replaced
Commonwealth Foundation: Top Ten Recipients of Government Union Contributions
Plan Philly: Full Funding secured for phase one of rail park
Keystone Crossroads: Hoping to boost economy, Pa. lawmakers look to demographics
2 Political Junkies: If Climate Change Is A Chinese HOAX, Then Why Doesn’t The Intelligence Community Reject It?
One Response
Beemer continues to hire and promote the usual suspects and looks like a weak player, but given the fact he replaced Kane he will end up looking good after all her insane actions. I’ve never seen anyone as incompetent as Kane and wonder how any so called editorial board could not see through her in 2012.