Some great polling news for Tom Wolf, McCaffery steps down from the Court and congressional Republicans are in the driver’s seat. See who made this week’s list!
Tom Wolf. On the eve of the election, three polls on the gubernatorial race were released. In all three surveys, Wolf held a double-digit lead of 13, 13, and 10 points. The Democratic nominee also appeared with former President Bill Clinton in Pittsburgh on Monday. Months ago, our readers chose the 42nd President as the best campaign surrogate around today. Overall, everything is lining up well for Wolf with just hours to go until the polls open.
Tom Corbett. At the same time, all the good news for Wolf is bad news for the Governor. The Corbett-Cawley campaign notes that Wolf’s lead has narrowed. While true, this reflects Republicans coming back to the fold, a development that needed to happen weeks if not months ago. Still, the incumbent is trying to tag Wolf to the President especially with their campaign appearance coming this weekend. Still, it’s going to take a historic effort on Tuesday to secure Gov. Corbett a second term.
Seamus McCaffery. The long, strange saga of Justice Seamus McCaffery appears to be over. Justice McCaffery resigned from the bench after the revelation that he was involved in the porno email scandal led to open warfare between members of the Court. While the judge may still get to keep his pension, his less-than-stellar exit may be what he’s ultimately most remembered for. We’d also like to give a shoutout to the Inquirer for their investigation of McCaffery back in 2013, which indirectly led to this outcome.
Congressional Republicans. Altogether, it was a good week for all the GOP congressional candidates. Two separate polls showed incumbent Representatives Mike Kelly and Tom Marino cruising to re-election. PA-6 Republican nominee Ryan Costello earned the endorsement of the statewide Fraternal Order of Police. Finally, our readers overwhelmingly predicted that Costello and Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick will hold on to the PA-6 and PA-8 seats, the only congressional districts that were in any real doubt. So far, it is looking like Tuesday will be a good day for the Keystone State’s Republican congressional delegation.
Russ Diamond. Republican nominee for the 102nd House District, Russ Diamond already had to deal with multiple opponents. Now, it looks like he’ll have to fend off some highly personal attacks as well. This week, someone leaked footage that was taken of Diamond in the midst of an argument with the woman filming him. At one point Diamond says that “every cop is a pig and a liar”. This comment sparked a rebuke from GOP State Rep. Mauree Gingrich, and further highlighted the Lebanon County Republicans’ issues with Diamond. Altogether, this is not the ideal way to close out one’s campaign.
With the months-long campaign finally nearing it’s end, this felt like the perfect tweet of the week.
#TheWalkingDead is also a good description of campaign staffers near the end of an election cycle. #TWD
— David Kanevsky (@davidkanevsky) October 27, 2014
2 Responses
Armond James is the endorsed candidate in the 2nd Congressional by the Philadelphia Inquirer.
How was this not news on Politics Pa?
Regardless of whether he wins or loses, that was big news in certain circles and it sent a signal.
The Philadelphia Republican Party has arrived and are fielding credible, electable candidates capable of being endorsed by national newspapers.
Mr. James is one of a few bright lights there in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.
At least Frein got caught which Corbett will try to milk for all its worth