What’s more damaging: votes, emails or polls? Answer: Lawsuits. See who made this week’s list!
Tom Wolf. It’s tough to discern what the Governor was thinking. He proposed a new tax plan only for it to be resoundingly rejected by the State House. It seems the goal was to simply rally the Democratic troops. That such a move is necessary 100 days into the budget standoff is a discouraging sign. The icing on this sour cake, though, is the fact that Wolf’s approval ratings have also hit a new low. At this rate, it could be a long winter for the Gov.
Michael Eakin. Attorney General Kathleen Kane called out the State Supreme Court Justice after her latest perjury charge. Then, the Daily News got ahold of the crude emails Justice Eakin sent and received over the years with various lawyers. It’s now clear that there was validity behind ex-Justice McCaffery’s charges and that yet another high-ranking government official was involvement in this idiotic, juvenile activity.
Pat Toomey. The state’s junior Senator is still leading all general election match-ups for 2016. The incumbent has a fifteen point advantage over Joe Sestak and a twenty point lead over Katie McGinty, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll. Additionally, while the Democrats are sure to have an entertaining primary featuring Sestak, McGinty and John Fetterman, Toomey has the next six months to prepare. Now he just has to make sure he uses that time wisely.
Kathleen Kane. Even when her enemies have bad weeks, Kane can’t seem to catch a break. The latest Quinnipiac poll shows a plurality believe she should resign and a majority disapprove of the job she is doing. Furthermore she is being sued by James Barker, the man who testified against her and was later fired as part of a “reorganization”. So to recap, Pennsylvania’s Attorney General is facing before a criminal trial and a civil suit.
Brandon Neuman. Let’s end on a happier note. Congratulations to the State Representative and his wife Carrie on the birth of their daughter!
The tweet of the week goes to MSNBC’s Luke Russert and I guess by extension to Congressman Ryan Costello for breaking the biggest story of the week.
Press found out about McCarthy from Rep. Costello (R-PA) walking out of the Conference meeting.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) October 8, 2015
36 Responses
It’s really a great and useful piece of info. I’m glad that you shared this helpful information with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.
Looks like the shills from Mont Co DA’s Office have moved onto a new topic … Castor.
Shame on you, shills.
Bruce Castor should not be elected DA In Montgomery County He did not Believe any of The Many Victims of Bill Cosby and Castor did not Prosecute Bill Cosby as a Result . Bruce Castor You’re FIRED
Lets Have everyone in Government resign and bring in all new People EAKIN Must GO as well as everyone else who sent Porn and Jokes on a Government Server or Computer anywhere it took place Long Live AG Kathy Kane She is The Best AG PA ever had
Has Eakin resigned yet??
AP repot today:
High court: Justices ‘disturbed’ by reports of Eakin emails
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20151012_ap_32c9e37a268d4c149be6add2e86ed8ac.html#mlZbw2t1jtu3mV6c.99
Pat Unger: I don’t think I ever defended McCaffery or his wife in their pocketing referral fees. Obviously, that is an absolutely corrupt way of litigants and their smart lawyers aligning the judge’s interest with their own. McCaffery’s Chinese Wall defense that it was his wife, not him, receiving referral fees is a huge joke. What is an even bigger joke is that this arrangement was legal under the PA Supreme Court ethics code.
That aside, you are using this corruption to defend the unethical conduct of Eakin. Gee, he robbed a bank and I only stuck up a liquor store does not make you any less of a robber. They both should be in jail.
You are fake, aaron.
There goes fake aaron again. Soon kane will be sitting in a jail cell. Own it.
Of course – the whole prosecution of Kane was designed to discredit her before she exposed Eakin, Fina, Costanzo, and others.
Pat. Few people know who eakin is and even fewer care. Anyone who even pays attention to this story sees right through it as a kane diversion tactic. Period.
I wonder if a plurality favors Justice Eakin’s resignation? As others have pointed out, the D Judge who was involved in this resigned right away to preserve the Court’s image (which is very important, IMO).
Why doesn’t the Republican, Eakin, hang on? Does he not care about the image of the Supreme Court?
This is bad. Very bad.
It’s funny. The Clown Car attacking Kane (and their shills who post here) seemed to know all along that they had the Supreme Court in it’s pocket. Now we know why. They are protecting one of their own — Eakin, one of the racist creep perverts who swapped vile e-males with his all-white-male buddies.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania deserves a big, fat THUMBS DOWN,
Well – what WAS McCaffery under investigation for? And – since you know so much – WAS IT McCaffery that was the main player in terms of naughty e-mails?
@unger-McCaffery was NEVER under investigation for taking kickbacks. Try not to make things up before you post. Castille asked the Feds to look into his wife’s referral fees. They did and completely cleared him. Same with traffic court Moron.
Fake aaron. You are sad.
The other Pat Unger is right. I do get a bit obsessed with Fina. He probably wouldn’t even remember prosecuting me. But I remember him. Oh, do I remember him. Fina is on my mind in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night. I dream of Fina. Fina has crept into my soul. Of course, none of this has anything to do with Kane’s criminal behavior, but I will keep defending her tooth and nail, because somehow I think that hurts Fina. Fina is the Great Satan.
The “other” Pat Unger is right … the one using my screen-name …
Pat Unger is right. McCaffery was corrupt. Just look at the e-mails he sent and received. Luckily – he had the decency to resign. Not Eakin though. He is going to drag the Court down with him. Sad … So sad ….
I read recently that it was Fina’s request for his e-mails that led to the discovery of the racist, misogynistic, sexist, pornographic material. Karma is a b-tch sometimes.
Now we need the truth about why those 20,000,000 e-mails were ordered destroyed. Good thing Kane’s team was able to recover them. Or else we would never know the truth about “Fina and the Corbett Pervs” as another commenter likes to call them.
Any idea when the grand jury is going to get sworn in to investigate their use of State equipment? Their theft of $$$ (in the form of their salaries)? The leaks to Craig McCoy at the Inquirer? The good people of PA are waiting. IMO – the prosecution of Kane hangs in the balance. After all – selective enforcement is a form of corruption. Protecting political allies is criminal. Protecting Frank Fina is stupid and a career killer. Just ask Seth Williams.
gulag: You tell me. McCaffery’s wife was receiving “referral fees” for sending clients (some were actually referred by Justice McC himself) to certain personal injury firms. She was making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this. Those firms argued cases before the court, where Justice McC has a financial interest in them succeeding so that they will continue to pay “referral fees.” Crooked? I think so. Meanwhile, Eakin was just getting (and possibly sending) jokes with dirty pictures and a racial dimension.
Pat Unger: How do you distinguish between kickbacks and campaign contributions? Pretty much all the same thing: payoffs.
Dig deep enough and something dirty can be found on nearly every judge. Granted, it is easier to see on some judges than others.
Kanesdriver: No guess about it. Castille never did care about the integrity of any PA court.
gulag – don’t forget the racists and women-haters!!
Is there really a band called The Repervlicans? If not – there should be.
What probably upsets most folks more than a possible future where Kane sits in jail is the present where perverts and liars sit on courts and prosecute sometimes-innocent people for lesser misdeeds than they are famous for.
Why does this thread start at the bottom and go up? Have you ever read a book where you go to the end and read backwards to the front? Never.
The “Got something to say” box should also be at the top, not the bottom. What idiot designed this?
Well, unlike McCaffery, Eakin isn’t under investigation for kickbacks from personal injury attorneys who appeared before the Supreme Court. That’s kind of a big deal.
You know what, the more I think about it, if you say one bad word about Kane, YOU are a friend of Fina. Errybody a friend of Fina! And you are all Corbett Pervs on Clown Car heading to see a band called The Repervlicans!
Not sure how being sued by a friend of Frank Fina’s means a down-arrow for Kane. Every day she is in office and getting closer to her TRIAL should be an UP-ARROW day for Kane.
The Clown Car smearing Kane is barely news anymore … except to the TEA-guzzlers and the shills for Fina & The Corbett Pervs.
And – before I forget – BENGHAZI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The double up arrow will have to go to Eakin.
He stays on – refusing to resign – when his D colleague (J. McCaffery) did the right thing A LONG TIME AGO. What is it with these guys? I guess the integrity of the court does not matter to guys like Castille and Eakin.
Can we get a “double up arrow” for Kathleen Kane? Not only does she get caught red-handed committing felonies, but she also manages to lie so much that even she believes her lies now! Any other person with a shred of dignity would have resigned by now rather than engage in the embarrassing spectacle of flailing around like she is. But that’s our Kathy!! We need to recognize her ability to break laws, promote sexual harassers, fire honest HR directors and other public servants, get sued for violating a court order, and generally create an atmosphere of complete paranoia in the OAG. Only a MULTI-TASKER could pull all of that off!
Hey, Kathy, take the weekend off, sit on the couch with your boys, and watch Boondog Millionaire. You earned it! Plus, they don’t show that film in prison.
To fake aaron…I know your upset that kane will be sitting in a jail cell pretty soon. I’m sorry.
you are fake, aaron. Eakin and Fina are the real problem and we know it.
There goes fake aaron again. The real Aaron doesn’t believe in blame shifting and thinks kane needs to resign and go to prison for a very long time.
And what about an up arrow for truth. The truth is finally coming out on people like Eakin, Fina, and Costanzo. It will get worse for the last two when the”sting” case goes to trial.
So do you normally congratulate state reps on new babys? whats so special about Neumans Kid? other state reps have had kids recently, didn’t see you say anything about them?
No up arrow for turzai and reed? They pretty much won the week.