We unveil our 2012 list of Pennsylvania’s Rising Stars: 30 Under 30! Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
Pennsylvania’s Rising Stars: 30 Under 30: Here they are, Pennsylvania’s top campaign operatives under age 30. These are the men and women who will be running the show in a few years – if they aren’t already.
11/16 Ups & Downs: We have the final results of Pa.’s elections, including a few narrow scrapes. And now, lawmakers get down to the business of governing. Here’s who had a good week, and who didn’t.
Corbett Returns to RGA Executive Committee: Tom Corbett has been a party builder in Pa. for years, and he will continue his national efforts to do the same the Republican Governors Association announced.
Capitol Ideas: Study: Income gap grew in Pennsylvania
Capitol Ideas: Corbett named to RGA leadership team
Capitol Ideas: Pa county commissioners hold their fall meeting in Hershey next week
State House Sound Bites: Independent budget office bears gloomy news for state
State House Sound Bites: PA National Guard troops back in-state
PA Independent: Analyst: Scranton’s 12 percent tax hike might be best-case scenario
PA Independent: White House petition site sees call for PA secession
PA Independent: Week in Review: Pensions, federal health-care law cloud state’s fiscal horizon
StateImpactPA: StateImpact Pennsylvania on Al Jazeera
StateImpactPA: New Pipeline Planned to Transport Marcellus Gas to South Jersey
StateImpactPA: Shale Gas Reshapes U.S. Plastics Industry
Capitolwire: Politics, courts could be stumbling blocks to major pension overhaul
Capitolwire: OFF THE FLOOR: IFO projects revenue growth to be half of likely pension cost increase
Inquirer: Funds Frozen to Nonprofit Tied to Evans
Philly.com: 90% Turnout Rumor was 100% Wrong
Inquirer: Mayor Nutter joins the president in calling for keeping middle-class tax cut
Inquirer: Council Bill Ressurects Electric Factory Billboard Fight
Heard In the Hall: At long last, Philly parks likely to get more money
PhillyClout: Penn National Talks to Brady about Casino
Inquirer: Montco draft budget has steep cuts, no new taxes
Tribune Review: Expert: Rep. Jesse White ‘can’t have it both ways’ in drilling debate
Tribune Review: U.S. Steel denies report it has sold Slovak operation
Tribune Review: GOP leader in state House urges investigation of Rep. Jesse White
Tribune Review: High-ranking official leaves Allegheny County post
Tribune Review: Residents oppose plan for restrictions on Parkway East on-ramps
Tribune Review: Wisconsin-based atheists foundation answers citizens’ calls to defend First Amendment
Tribune Review: Amid natural gas drilling boom, conventional wells hold edge
Tribune Review: Faculty, coaches at state-owned universities vote to authorize strike
Tribune Review: Access restored to cash, food stamp benefits
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: PA Cyber CEO’s consulting work questioned
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pa. House lawmaker urges investigation into politician’s ties to Range Resources
Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Mayor Ravenstahl will seek re-election
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pa. capitol in WA gov race ad
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Corbett again on RGA exec team
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh contractor charged with bribery
KDKA: All Water Restrictions Lifted In Armstrong Co.
KDKA: Labor Dispute At 14 State-Owned Universities Could Disrupt Education
Beaver County Times: No charges in Election Day confrontation
Beaver County Times: Buzzing over commissioners’ electricity letter
Beaver County Times: More Democrats could tangle Corbett’s next 2 years
Beaver County Times: Analysts: Gay marriage OK remains unlikely in Pa.
Observer-Reporter: Hispanic community growing in this area
Altoona Mirror: Politicians transition out of, into office
Altoona Mirror: City could balance budget
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Somerset leaders to vote on zoning
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Landowners hope to cash in from shale-gas rebound
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Council gives rec group leeway to spend funds
Pocono Record: Corbett gets more time on health care exchange decision
Lehigh Valley
The Morning Call: Politics as Usual
The Morning Call: Gas drilling presents Obama with difficult choices
The Morning Call: Taxing the fun
The Morning Call: For anti-gas drilling lawmaker, DEP action is no joke
The Morning Call: Free speech rally to protest Sands casino
The Morning Call: Forks township looking to hold line on 2013 taxes
The Morning Call: Bethlehem approves $10 million to improve old steel plant
The Morning Call: Lehigh county commissioners may oust chairman
The Morning Call: Salisbury School Board president denounces state education department
The Morning Call: Grammar Police explains Mitt Romney’s defeat
The Morning Call: West Easton could hike taxes by half a mil
WFMZ: Dent, Gerlach welcome diplomat to Lehigh Valley
WFMZ: Training our future community leaders
Express Times: Easton Area School District exploring nonprofit education foundation option
Express Times: Warren County weigh station question that stumped Gov. Chris Christie answered
Express Times: Easton admissions tax, positive or negative, is a model for Bethlehem
Express Times: Demonstration planned to test free speech restrictions at Bethlehem’s SteelStacks complex
Express Times: Warren County Prosecutor’s Office yet to investigate Lopatcong Township clerk’s campaigning at work
Express Times: Easton Area School District says it requires $2,100 payment before releasing email records – UPDATE
South Central
York Daily Record: Todd Platts retires: Congressman prepares to leave job he’s wanted since he was 14
York Daily Record: More Democrats could tangle Corbett’s next 2 years
The Patriot News: Carlisle mayor William Kronenberg announces election bid; wants to retain office to thwart police cuts and other changes
York Dispatch: Waugh re-elected as Majority Caucus chairman
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Looming fiscal cliff worries Centre County leaders
Tribune Review: Carbon caper: Bogus policy
Tribune Review: Energy independence: Don’t blow it
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Slipping grades: For Pittsburgh’s sake, the schools must do better
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Romney’s excuses: A poor loser thinks the voters were bought off
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Shame on them: Embarrassment would make for better landlords
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: False allegiance: Today’s secessionists are pledged only to discord
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Obama’s course: His answers to reporters sketch his next priorities
Observer-Reporter: An active citizenry makes things happen
Observer-Reporter: Every vote really does count
Altoona Mirror: Throwing US off fiscal cliff bad strategy
Altoona Mirror: Corbett facing more scrutiny
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Jerry Hudson | Region ranks at the top of generosity index
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Seth Cotlar | Founders’ beliefs found on both sides of aisle
Williamsport Sun Gazette: If compromise is his goal, Obama needs to rein Reid in
Keystone Politics: How to Make Social Security More Generous Without Hurting Its Finances
Keystone Politics: Include Dental Coverage in PA’s Essential Health Benefits Package
Pittston Politics: Mundy should stop political rhetoric, please
Pittston Politics: Post election rant
Pittston Politics: City admin will be held accountable on home rule
Pennsylvania Progressive: University government doesn’t represent the people
Pennsylvania Progressive: News and notes on the 16th