1/17 Ups & Downs

Campaign finance reports and a major court ruling dominate this weeks Ups & Downs, but some endorsements make the list too. Check them all out here.

Up Arrow Democrats: Voter ID probably wouldn’t have had the dire consequences that some Democrats feared. But the issue helped the party mobilize key parts of its base in 2012, namely African Americans. Now Pa. Dems have a legal victory they can use to help rally the troops again in 2014.


Down ArrowArt Halvorson: The Tea Party Republican is mounting a challenge to Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Blair), but he can’t seem to find financial traction. According to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) report, Halvorson has only raised $152,604.92 in his efforts to capture the Republican nomination in Pennsylvania’s 9th congressional district. He has spent $80,206.28, leaving him with only $72,398.64 currently on hand.

Up ArrowRob McCord: The State Treasurer raised $6.6 million between his previous campaigns, a personal donation and other contributions, and still has $6 million on hand to spend in 2014 on his campaign for governor. He also picked up two union endorsements: The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 163 and Local 81.

Down ArrowJohn Hugya: Another congressional challenger filed disappointing campaign finance reports; this one comes from a Democratic candidate for PA-12. Hugya raised $31,050.00 in the fourth quarter of the year. In the third quarter, he posted just $225. He’s running against Erin McClelland for the Democratic nomination to face Rep. Keith Rothfus. Rothfus walloped them both last quarter, raising $381,482.66. This left him with leaving him with $750,650.06 on hand for the race to keep his seat and no announced primary challenger.

Up ArrowMike Stack: The State Senator posted strong numbers in his campaign for Lieutenant Governor. He has $400,000 on hand to start the new year, $66,000 comes from fundraising in the month of December and Stack did not contribute anything to himself, according to his campaign. His campaign also hired Pittsburgh campaign manager Marty Marks and Philadelphia fundraiser Lindsey Perry.

Tweet of the week goes to Rep. Ryan Bizarro who welcomes his colleagues back to Harrisburg after the winter break.

New year. Same issues. Same problems. New solutions. Let’s get it done. #WelcomeBack

— REP. RYAN BIZZARRO (@RyanBizzarro) January 13, 2014


2 Responses

  1. Jan. 31st Rob Gleason’s PAGOP hosts Haley Barbour as the Corbett GOP’s fall speaker. Barbour proves you can be a RINO and a racist at the same time. Who is go to the Gleason/Corbett speaker for the GOP fall meeting in September: the Obama Rodeo Clown? http://youtu.be/bIM4nxvepGI

  2. Mike Stack is a worthless piece of garbage who gets taxpayers to foot the bill for his car washes. Sacks of crap like him shouldn’t ever get an up arrow

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