12/12 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, and welcome to the buzz. Yet again, we’ll be waiting on congressional maps. Tomorrow, maybe?

ProPublica: Video: Redistricting Song
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. Congressional Districts Sure To Generate Controversy
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. Legislative Map Changes Await Vote
Johnstown Tribune Democrat: Redistricting map would carve up Somerset County
Observer-Reporter: Redrawn districts affect region
Morning Call: Lawmakers await new congressional map
Citizens Voice: Redistricting on the fast track
Record Herald: Franklin county legislative districts changing

New York Times: GOP Debate Reverberates Going into Final Stretch
New York Times: What to Watch for in Tonight’s Debate
RealClearPolitics: Debate Highlights Fluid, Unsettled Race
USAToday: Immigration becomes hot topic in presidential race
Hill: Lobbyists go to battle over Keystone pipeline
Hill: GOP payroll tax bill wades into flood insurance flight
Hill: Political winds shift to Democrats
Hill: Santorum: Obama administration ‘has done nothing but appease the Iranians’
Hill: Gingrich and Romney poised for drawn-out primary fight for delegates
Washington Post: Gallup poll shows anti-incumbent sentiment at all-time high
Politico Playbook: Gingrich shines in Des Moines debate– Sabato shock analysis: If Romney stumbles, a Republican could enter race in Feb. and have mathematical chance at nomination – Hard-fought climate deal in Durban
Roll Call: House GOP Offers Sweeping Reforms for Unemployment
Roll Coll: Republicans Send Mixed Signals on Payroll Tax Cut
Washington Post: Fact-checking the GOP debate in Iowa
WHYY Newsworks: GOP Candidates Vying For Sen. Casey’s Seat Debate In N.Y.
Heard In The Hall: Rep. Bob Brady Subject Of Lawsuit
Intelligencer: Rep. Fitzpatrick Protests Police Killer’s Conference Call
AP, Johnstown Tribune Democrat: Santorum likens Gingrich and Romney to Obama
Post-Gazette: Good friends Altmire, Critz  hoping to avoid election confrontation
Post-Gazette: Penn Hills neighborhood alters redistricting plan
Republican Herald: U.S. Rep. Holden comments on investigation of death of Ringtown cyclist
Daily Mail: Casey seeks b an on the Apple app that lets anyone with an iPhone or iPad make a fake driving licence
Times Leader: Anti-gun violence group targets legislators
YouTube: DPOYC interviews Dan McCaffery
Times Tribune: GOP senate hopefuls debate bu target Casey
Go Erie: Casey urges slower speeds for high-speed rail contracts
ProPublica: More on EPA’s Fracking Findings
Capitol Wire: Rick Santorum for President: Iowa’s secretary of state endorses Santorum

Capitol Ideas: Pennsylvania Society Geography Lesson
Capitol Ideas: PA Senate Candidates Don’t Debate, So Much As Agree
Capitol Ideas: New Q-Poll: Voters Split On Corbett’s Handling Of Penn State Scandal; Back Spanier
Capitol Ideas: Friday Morning Coffee: Greetings From the Hogwarts Express
witf: Links: PA Society, Act 47, & the tossed-out horseshoe
PA Independent: GOP Senate candidates agree: No tax hike, cut federal spending
PA Independent: Some cities could hit residents, visitors with higher sales taxes to close budget gaps
PA Independent: Vouchers, shale still waiting as lawmakers put spotlight on Act 47 issues
PA Independent: PA officials seek changes in arbitration law
State Impact: Reporter’s Notebook: Unfriendly Bars and The Incredible Hulk Comes to Dimock
State Impact: Southwestern Township Officials Will Hold Anti-Impact Fee Meeting Tuesday
State Impact: “Natural Gas Prices Poised to Go Higher”
State Impact: Business Leaders Push For Impact Fee Resolution
State Impact: “EPA Report on WY Water Doesn’t End Fracking Debate”
State Impact: Drill Bits: Business Leaders Want Impact Fee Done Soon
Capitol Wire: Rep. Steve Santarsiero: Lower Makefield, Yardley receive $90,000 in recycling grants
Capitol Wire: Sen. Anthony H. Williams: Meeting to focus on communication between community police
Capitol Wire: Sen. Hughes fights for HIV-AIDS student who was denied admission to school
Capitol Wire: Public School Employees’ Retirement System Board of Trustees certifies employer contribution rate for next fiscal year
Capitol Wire: Independence Hall Tea Party PAC: PAC says recent political report could mislead readers into thinking it had endorsed Steve Welch for US Senate
Capitol Wire: Office of Mayor Nutter: Mayor Nutter to sign equal benefits bill
Capitol Wire: Pennsylvania Democratic Party: Chairman Burn denounces Republican for secretive, partisan congressional redistricting process
Capitol Wire: Legislative roundup and higher education update, on Pennsylvania Newsmakers
Capitol Wire: Pennsylvania Medical Society: Dealing with cancer-related fatigue
Capitol Wire: Quinnipiac University Polling Institute: Pennsylvania voters barely support Paterno firing, Quinnipiac University poll finds; Football has too much clout at Penn State, voters say
Capitol Wire: Rick Santorum for President: Santorum issues statement on Trump debate
Early Returns: GOP Senate debate shows agreement
Beaver County Times: 24 homes in Pa. pass federal buyout approval
Pocono Record: Pa.’s political elite hobnob in Manhattan

Inquirer: NRC adds oversight on one Limerick reactor
PhillyClout: City Has Spent 75% of Recovery Act Grants
Heard In The Hall: City Finance Expert Leaving Oversight Post
Philly Now: Remember High Speed Rail Through Philly? It’s Dead
Capitol Wire: School District of Philadelphia: Winning student filmmakers honored for math and science award ceremonies

Philly Suburbs

Inquirer: A Sudden Silence From Commissioner Matthews

AP, Indiana Gazette: Occupy Pittsburgh responds to notice
Tribune Review: Occupy Pittsburgh misses noon deadline to leave Mellon Green
Post Gazette: Occupy Pittsburgh vows to seize and rename Mellon Green

Valley News Dispatch: Shale gas pipeline pose challenges to state’s forests, wildlife
Somerset Daily American: Little-known presidential candidate drops by Somerset
Altoona Mirror: Preliminary hearing to offer insight into case
WJAC: Local attorney weighs in on Sandusky case
Daily Courier: No tax increase planned in Saltlick
AP, Beaver County Times: Paper: Proliferating gas lines lightly regulated
Observer-Reporter: Majority of council happy with budget
Beaver County Times: Christiana headed for victory or career suicide?

South Central
Public Opinion: Chambersburg pay rates compare well
Patriot News: Harrisburg appeals bankruptcy decision -britanyf

TimesTribune: Region faces a long road in its return
Times tribune: Scranton City council ponders pay cuts
Times Leader: Economy, disasters challenge salvation army
Citizens Voice: Outgoing Lackawanna commissioner questions baseball deal
Wayne Independent: Incoming council members seek input in borough manger issue
Standard Speaker: City seeks way to reclaim money from expiring mineland payments
The daily Review: Four days left to register for FEMA, SBA aid  
Go Lackawanna: Split could put Doughterty’s proposed plan into effect
Pocono Record: Economic slump felt in school cafeterias

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Teenage councilman will take office despite arrests
Morning Call: Allentown condemns church land for American Parkway project
Express Times Easton mayor eyes property task force

North by Northwest
Go Erie: Erie residents could soon see one bill for water, sewer and garbage
Sun Gazette: Taxes up; 2 firemen dropped
Sun Gazette: Fate of Marcellus Shale impact fee has lawmakers talking
Sun Gazette: Commissioners approve line of credit for human service agency

Politico: How to reach voters
Politico: The Bambino clears fences at debate!
Politico: Why Norquist’s pledge is different
Roll Coll: A Novel Proposal for Job Creation: Tax It Less
Roll Call: Do Democrats Face More Trouble From Occupy Wall Street?
New York Times: Consultant Nation
New York Times: The 1 Percent Club’s Misguided Protestors
New York Times: Expanding the Fight Against AIDS
New York Times: Professor vs. Professor
Inquirer Column: Montco’s GOP Car Wreck
Bucks County Courier Times Op-Ed: Rep. Fitzpatrick: Regulation Without Representation: Beware The Unelected Rule-Makers
Patriot News: No texting law is a good first step
Valley News Dispatch: The property tax increase
Altoona Mirror: Rethink postal cutbacks
Hill: Obama opts for third way
USAToday: Out of Penn State, Syracuse: Empower the kids
Washington Examiner: Why Americans No Longer Trust Washington

Young Philly Politics: The fight to restore the rights of tracey gordon and her constituents move to the courtroom
Young Philly Politics: PA Liquor Priviatization findings to good to be true
Young Philly Politics: How much does child poverty cost the economy?
Commonwealth foundation: PLCB called to stop wines and spirits advertising
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Norco council follows open records research with sunshine act violation
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Three Northampton Council members say goodbye
Lehigh Valley Independent: Is Economic development really better off under legislator control
NEPArtisan: Gay marriage state-to-state
The Pennsylvania Progressive: Berks County Democrats close meeting, for some
Above Average Jane: PA Senate GOV’t committee passes empty bill
Keystone Progressive: Outogoing commissioner leave a mess
Keystone Progressive: Tales exaggerate congressional pay and pensions
PennPatriot: Three percent cost of living raises simply outrageous
Keystone Politics: 19 philly occupy protesters will go go trial
Keystone Politics: Constituents get tough on Barletta

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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