1/25 PoliticsPA Playbook

PA-state-flag6Fitzpatrick’s brother runs to replace him, PA’s unemployment rate drops to a six-year low and Terry Madonna examines the decline of split ticket voting. Plus, last week’s Ups & Downs! Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!

1/22 Ups & Downs: Primaries, emails and endorsements. See who made this list!

PA-8: Fitzpatrick Jumps Into the Race: Brian Fitzpatrick will try to take the place of his older brother.

Politically Uncorrected: The Decline of Ticket Splitting & Why It Matters: Not only are moderates gone from American politics; moderation is gone as well.

Map: The Growth of the Appalachia/Acela Divide in PA: A new graphic from the New York Times illustrates again how the Keystone State has changed over the decades.

December Jobs Report: Unemployment Drops to 4.8%: This is the lowest rate for the Keystone State since February 2008.

PA-9: Halvorson Reveals Campaign Staff: The Republican challenger announced Joe Sterns will be his campaign manager.

PA-2: UFCW Local 1776 Endorses Evans: Evans picks up the support of the food and commercial workers.

Sunday Show Preview: January 24, 2016: We take a look at the Sunday morning political talk shows that will air throughout the state.

Capitolwire: Received-only emails shouldn’t be evidence at Eakin’s ethics trial, defense says
StateImpactPA: Lack of data on fracking spills leaves researchers in the dark on water contamination
State House Sound Bites: Torture film actor returns for more than a cameo

Philadelphia Business Journal: DISH-led coalition launches to fight Comcast, Charter-TWC ‘duopoly’
Inquirer: Latest in Anthony Clark saga: Seems the reformers issued some elections, too
Daily News: D.A.’sOffice adopt new policy on personal relationships
Daily News: DROP has cost Philly $1.2 billion – for what?
Daily News: Cold feet, hot steak and … Insane Clown Posse?

Pottstown Mercury: U.S. Rep. Ryan Costello tours Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center, East Norriton
Delco Daily Times: Media’s budget debate continues with concerns about library funds
Bucks Local News: Out with the old as Lower Makefield supervisors choose new township solicitor

Tribune Review: Woes across government branches tarnish Pa.’s image, experts say
Tribune Review: Pa. Turnpike chairman apologizes for winter storm traffic snarl
Tribune Review: Murrysville council seeks state input on drilling regulations
Post-Gazette: Fines to Pennsylvania nursing homes increasing

Beaver County Times: Former Beaver County Commissioner Nichols taking steps to challenge state Rep. Christiana
Beaver County Times: 1,700 Beaver County residents could lose food stamps in June
Tribune-Democrat: FreightCar America settlement leaves some former workers unhappy

Times-Leader: Luzerne County manager search on Tuesday’s council agenda
Times-Tribune: Scranton looks for help to downsize parking garages
Times-Tribune: NEPA’s top donors backing Hillary Clinton

South Central
York Daily Record: Wolf talks success, continued work after snow
York Dispatch: Government offices in York County closed Monday
York Dispatch: Time to apply for Pa. tax/rent rebate
Lancaster Intelligencer: PA Turnpike chairman apologizes for ‘ordeal’ that stranded hundreds during winter storm

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Bill Hoffman withdraws his application for Allentown controller vacancy
Morning Call: Lower Macungie gives East Texas a zoning makeover
Capitol Ideas: Fitzpatrick seeks to succeed Congressman Fitzpatrick
Capitol Ideas: Politics and snow impact attorney general race
Express Times: Are the days numbered for county’s 145-year-old prison?

North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Locals bash Wolf
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Former Jersey Shore teacher announces bid for state legislature
Centre Daily Times: One year later: Centre County courthouse dogfight continues
Erie Times-News: Rally for justice presses for arrests in teen murders
Erie Times-News: Retest keeps Erie magistrate from taking office

Lebanon Daily News: Jeb Bush: My plan of attack on heroin
Carlisle Sentinel: Goldberg: The Koch’s biggest sin
Carlisle Sentinel: Guest Editorial: Remove statute of limitations for sexual assault victims
Lancaster Intelligencer: Redressing the poverty in Lancaster’s Southeast section is a priority that’s long overdue
Lancaster Intelligencer: Kudos to Lancaster County DA for looking into possible Sunshine Act violations by Manheim Township School Board
Patriot-News: Tell lawmakers to pass this very important LGBT civil rights legislation now
Reading Eagle: Positive message welcome in discussion of heroin crisis
Morning Call: Allentown council delivers deepest cut of all to Mayor Ed Pawlowski
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Budget standoff gets less logical as it drones on
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Latest EPA study on fracking challenges agency’s previous work
Centre Daily Times: Rep. Kerry Benninghoff: Pa. government must live within its means
Philly.com: This bunch is Brady’s

Citified: The Sánchez Insurgency
Commonwealth Foundation: Despite Name-Calling, Wolf’s Tax Hike is the Largest
Commonwealth Foundation: Attack Ads Funded by Taxpayer-Collected Union Dues
Keystone Crossroads: In case you missed it: The week’s best reads from Pennsylvania cities

One Response

  1. Turnpike chair apologizes for turnpike ordeal…but he kept the victims of his incompetence in his thoughts and prayers.how consoling…and how ordinary. Our progressive governor needs to force the resignation of all the hacks on the commission. Their only purpose seems to be the protection of the 200/day garbage trucks run from N.J. To an Ohio dump by the commissioners sponsors, the Bazzano-Zappala-Porter mafia. Greg “cash forKids” Zappala married the Hoboken Area political bosses daughter and his dowry was a garbage contract for the “family.” Tony Soprano couldn’t have worked it better. Governor! Please stop the mob influence on the turnpike.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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