1/31 Morning Buzz

The story of the week is Obama’s visit to Penn State, with elected officials and political groups giving their two cents.

The story of the day is the looming showdown over House Republicans’ proposed rules changes, with Democrats launching a statewide counteroffensive and editorial boards across the state weighing in against the GOP on this one. Could they be preparing to back down a bit?

The DCCC is targeting Reps. Barlettta, Fitzpatrick and Meehan this week. In case you missed it, check out John Micek’s piece: Actual laws submitted by actual lawmakers.

And of course, stop on by the site if you missed PoliticsPA’s celebrity look-alikes. Or, check it out for a second time – it’s still funny.

Good morning politicos, and welcome to the buzz.

PoliticsPA Reports

Rep. Thompson welcomes President Obama to Penn State
The White House announced this week that President Obama will pay a visit to State College, and PA Republicans’ reactions run the gamut from civil to, well, you’ll see.

Exclusive: Democrats Prepare Paid Media Campaign Against House Rules Change
Pennsylvania Democrats sense that they have the upper hand in the debate over the GOP’s proposed rules change in the State House, and launched a statewide effort to counter the measure this weekend.

Casey Comments on Situation in Egypt
Senator Bob Casey, Chair of the Foreign Affairs subcommittee which oversees U.S. policy in the region forcefully condemned the violence by Egyptian security forces against civilian protesters.

Fitzgerald Starts Off Allegheny County Exec Race With a Bang
Allegheny County Council President Rich Fitzgerald officially began his campaign for County Executive Friday with show of political force. Fitzgerald gathered with high-profile supporters at the Allegheny County Courthouse, including U.S. Represenative Mike Doyle.

The Fix: DCCC to target Barletta, Fitzpatrick, Meehan this week.
Patriot News: Gas-drilling opponents split on moratorium, short on political muscle
Scott Detrow: House GOP may back down from rules change
Capitol Ideas: Actual bills submitted by actual lawmakers
Philadelphia Magazine profiles powerhouse PA lobbyist David Urban
Centre Daily Times: What would you ask President Obama?
Post-Gazette: Meet Ron Tomalis, Pa. Sec. of Education
Post-Gazette: Meet Patrick Henderson, Energy Executive
Post-Gazette: Meet Glenn Cannon, PEMA Director
Post-Gazette: Meet Gary Alexander, Sec. of Public Welfare
Times-News: What are the implications of Marcellus Shale drilling in the Erie area?
Times-News: Why is Marcellus Shale suddenly so attractive?
Times-News: History of Marcellus Shale drilling in PA/NY Region
Delaware County Times: 185th District to have special election Tuesday
Delaware County Times: Freshman lawmakers learning on the job in Harrisburg
Inquirer: Pa Supreme Court overturns detrimental requirements for crime victim testimony
Tribune-Review: Penn State proposes streamline measures
Politico: Santorum hires key Iowa advisers
Patriot-News: DEP removes Dauphin County’s Paxton Creek from ‘impaired’ list
Post-Gazette: Ravenstahl, Bloomberg make good on AFC bets
Intelligencer: Montgomery County’s Bruce Castor says he would run if GOP chose Jenny Brown as running mate
Times-News: Erie County property reassessment delayed a year
Times-News: Bidding to begin on next phase of Erie runway extension
The Hill: Santorum bets the house on the Iowa caucuses
Tribune Review: Independent Democrats to vie for Westmoreland County posts
Pocono Record: Safe driving group gives Pennsylvania failing grades
Citizens’ Voice: Former state Rep. Frank Coslett has died
Citizens’ Voice: Number of defense contracts in NEPA soar
Morning Call: Pa. Supreme Court to hear abortion appeal
The Inquirer: Group sues to force new Phila. tax system

John Micek and Scott Detrow Editorial: Politics as Usual
Tribune-Review Editorial: Santorum’s ethanol pandering: Balsa Rick
Times Tribune Editorial: House GOP abuses power
York Dispatch Editorial: House GOP goes nuclear
Post Gazette Editorial: Corbett’s reform: It’s a start, but the governor should push for more
Inquirer Editorial: Protecting Pa. in hard times
Times-News Editorial: Legislature needs to lower standard to treat severe mental illness
Citizens’ Voice Editorial: Special interests are still in charge
Observer-Reporter Editorial: Clean-air standards benefit PA
Altoona Mirror Editorial: House Republicans should use caution as they consider forcing rules changes
Patriot News Editorial: Abortion Clinics: State dropped ball on Philly doctor
Patriot News Editorial: America’s real problem? ‘Dishonest discourse’

One Response

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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