The Department of State moves the time span for Congressional candidates to circulate petitions, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney joins the crowded Democratic primary field to replace Meehan, Wolf delivers his last budget address of his first term, and the last two PA GOP caucus straw polls for Governor split between Turzai and Wagner. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!
Dept. of State Moves Congressional Petition Dates: The Department of State moved the start and end of petition season for Congressional candidates only. The new petition window begins at the end of February and ends in March.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Enters Race to Replace Meehan: Former assistant U.S. Attorney Ashley Lunkenheimer, a Democrat, announced she is joining the crowded field vying to replace retiring Congressman Pat Meehan.
Wolf Delivers Election Year Budget Proposal: Governor Tom Wolf addressed the state Senate and House to propose his budget for 2018-2019, marking his last address before his re-election campaign this year.
GOP Caucus Meeting Straw Poll Results: Governor: Turzai and Wagner split the last two caucus straw polls ahead of the state party’s endorsement meeting.
Legislative Election Update
CD-15: State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie’s Congressional campaign was endorsed by Lebanon County elected officials Russ Diamond, State Representative; Frank Ryan, State Representative; Bill Ames, County Commissioner; Bob Phillips, County Commissioner; Dave Arnold, District Attorney; Donna Lutz, Recorder of Deeds; Bruce Klingler, Sheriff; Barbara Smith, Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts; Sallie Neuin, Treasurer; Bob Mettley, Controller; Brian Craig, Register of Wills; Sherry Capello, Mayor of Lebanon. “We need a strong, conservative leader in Washington and we know we can count on your to be just that person,” the endorsement letter read.
City & State: Former prosecutor Ashley Lunkenheimer jumps into PA-7 primary
SD-12: State Rep. Todd Stevens won the Bucks County GOP endorsement for the seat, giving him the endorsement of both of the county parties that the district has parts of.
State House Sound Bites: Wolf unveils moderate budget proposal; GOP says it’s a mixed bag
State House Sound Bites: Legislature’s plan remains hazy in Pa. congressional map-redrawing
City & State: Wolf’s $33B budget pushes education, workforce development funding
Capitolwire: Congressional district map vehicle reported out of House committee, but when the next step happens is anyone’s guess.
Capitolwire: Wolf spending increases in GOP sights.
Capitolwire: Wolf’s election year budget features a bit of unfinished business.
Inquirer: Pa. Gov. Wolf’s budget wish list: More money for schools, more money from drillers
Inquirer: Brady aide Smukler cites porn scandal as key to his defense
Inquirer: Kenney’s ambitious workforce plan to tackle blue-collar skills gap
WHYY: Gov. Wolf emphasizes education, but scales back funding ambitions during final first term budget address
WHYY: Former prosecutor takes a shot at Meehan’s congressional seat
KYW: Wolf Budget Proposal: More Education Money, Shale Tax
Bucks County Courier Times: Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget renews battles on natural gas, minimum wage
Bucks County Courier Times: Pennsylvania redistricting decision gives Democrats a boost
Delco Times: Governor’s budget proposal faces familiar GOP objections
Pottstown Mercury: Wolf renews battles on natural gas, minimum wage in budget
WESA: Wolf renews battle on natural gas, minimum wage in budget
Pittsburgh Business Times: Wolf stresses severance tax, hopes for Amazon in budget address
Tribune Review: New budget features Wolf’s “greatest hits”
Tribune Review: Gov. Wolf’s education budget proposal bolsters workforce development programs
Tribune Review: Republicans oppose Gov. Wolf’s latest attempt to tax natural gas drilling
Tribune Review: More than 1,200 rape kits sitting idle in Pennsylvania
Tribune Review: State House sends caller ID ‘spoofing’ bill to the Senate
Post-Gazette: Wolf’s Pa. budget features more money for schools, hike in minimum wage, new tax on gas drilling
Post-Gazette: Wolf’s Pa. budget: More money for schools, hike in minimum wage, new tax on gas drilling
Post-Gazette: Wolf optimistic that his budget proposal will sail through the Legislature
Post-Gazette: Liberal groups push back on GOP tactics in special election
WTAE: Court allows Pa. to redraw GOP-favored district map
KDKA: Gov. Wolf Submits Budget, Calls For Marcellus Shale Tax, Minimum Wage Hike, Fee For Those Using State Troopers
Beaver County Times: Republican legislators mostly pleased with Wolf’s budget
Beaver County Times: Beaver County commissioners detail state of county
Beaver County Times: Wolf, lawmakers meet ahead of deadline for congressional map
Observer- Reporter: State Sen. Bartolotta introduces bills aimed at veterans
Altoona Mirror: Portage votes to evict residents of unsafe residence
Altoona Mirror: Commissioner proposes improved budget process
Times-Tribune: The winners and losers in Wolf’s proposed budget
Times-Tribune: Text of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2018 budget address
Times-Tribune: Wolf’s wage hike proposal rankles business community
Times Leader: Area’s Harrisburg delegation reacts to Wolf’s budget proposal
Standard-Speaker: City council approves police deal
South Central
WPMT: Gov. Wolf announces no new taxes for taxpayers in 2018-2019 budget proposal
Patriot News: GOP gubernatorial candidates criticize Wolf’s budget as ‘more of the same’
Patriot News: GOP lawmaker seeks impeachment of justices in Pa. gerrymandering case
Patriot News: A reluctant Pa. legislature settles in for a map-making cram session
Patriot News: GOP gubernatorial candidates criticize Wolf’s budget as ‘more of the same’
Patriot News: Pa. Republicans are skittish on spending levels in Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal
Patriot News: Gov. Wolf’s 2018-19 budget plan: Winners and losers
WHTM: Groundhog Day II: Wolf calls for extraction tax in budget address
WHTM: Lawmakers respond to Gov. Wolf’s budget address
LNP: Gov. Wolf’s budget could push state spending levels up 3 percent, to $33B
Lehigh Valley
Reading Eagle: Highlights of Gov. Wolf’s state budget proposal
Reading Eagle: Schools win in Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal
WFMZ: Berks lawmakers weigh in on Wolf’s address
Morning Call: Gov. Wolf seeks $33 billion for state budget
Morning Call: Gov. Tom Wolf, Republican leaders reach no breakthroughs on redistricting
Morning Call: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf seeks nearly $33 billion next year
North by Northwest
WJET: Governor Wolf outlines budget in Harrisburg
WJET: The breakdown on Governor Wolf’s new budget proposal
Centre Daily Times: State College bans LGBTQ conversion therapy for minors
Erie Times-News: Erie-area lawmakers react to Wolf’s budget address
Inquirer: U.S. Supreme Court to Pa.: Quit the clowning and draw fair congressional districts| Editorial
Inquirer: What Wolf was really thinking during his (yawn) budget address | John Baer
Tribune Review: Trib Editorial: New state budget features Wolf’s ‘greatest hits’
Post-Gazette: Make the map: Don’t delay the drawing of congressional districts
Patriot News: Gov. Wolf’s budget speech was a dry run for the 2018 campaign | Analysis
LNP: Enough already with the legal wrangling — lawmakers need to redraw Pennsylvania’s congressional map