The top sheet of Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro reveals that he amassed a sizeable war chest in 2013.
His report shows $860,481.72 cash on hand: $333,341.94 rolled over from 2012 and $626,169.50 raised in 2013. His expenditures came in just under $100K at $99,029.72.
Shapiro has yet to confirm, but it has been rumored that he’s considering a run for the Senate in 2016.
He’s received contributions from community and business leaders such as Darren Check, Leslie Anne Miller, Jim Danella, Steve Cozen and David L. Cohen. Labor unions across Pennsylvania including the Laborers District Council and IBEW Local 98 have have also contributed.
According to a source close to his campaign, Josh’s leadership PAC, Keystone Reform (which was opened in May 2013) raised $94,312.96 and had $38,213.67 on hand at the end of 2013 after making targeted contributions across the Commonwealth to help candidates and local parties.
Although a good rolodex would help with any future campaigns, most of the money is not directly transferrable to a U.S. Senate committee.
He was elected Commissioner in 2011. He received the highest amount of votes for the office of County Commissioner in the history of the county and led the ticket for the first board controlled by Democrats in 140 years. Before his election in Montgomery County, Shapiro filled the 153rd Pennsylvania House seat for seven years.
PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane is in the rumor mill with him, which began when she hired prominent Democratic fundraiser Aubrey Montgomery in December 2013. Her recent finance report release revealed she has $592,248 cash on hand.
Admiral Joe Sestak also remains under the category of prospective candidate for the time being, but he has begun to recruit volunteers. Former Congressman Sestak just managed to hit the million-dollar mark with $1,025,758 a cash on hand for the fourth quarter.
Senator Pat Toomey definitely tops the bunch with $4,045,182 cash on hand.
6 Responses
I don’t get it Why is The Media so in Love with Josh Shappiro What has he ever done for anyone but Josh Shappiro
To be a contrarian to Mr. Diano and the others here, I will say that I’ve got tons of love and respect for Rep. Sestak, and will be voting for him in 2016 over other prospective candidates, including Mr. Shapiro. PolPA and Harrisburg seem to be microcosms in the sense that they think that the Commonwealth is in the same place politically, and will support the same candidates, as they do. More often than not, Harrisburg has picked the losers: See Governor Bob Casey Jr’s and Governor Dan Onorato’s portraits hanging up anywhere? Nope! Harrisburg’s politicos wanted and backed them both. McCord is destined for a similar fate with this year’s race: In order to win PA in 2014, the Obama coalition needs to stay together and rally around a candidate that will get them motivated to come out and vote in an off year election without Barack Obama on the ballot: and a bland, boring, middle aged white guy with moderate positions isn’t going to make the cut. Sestak can bring them out and hold the line in 2016, Kane likely can too. I gather most everyone here will disagree with me on that assessment, and they’ll tell me how wrong I am, but that’s alright: Harrisburg usually ends up backing the loser anyway (see “election day, re:morning after” for more information).
I’d Rather-
Attack? I was just mentioning the two-star thing and referencing the explanation. While he refers to himself as a “former three-star Admiral”,
“he retired as a two-star Admiral, as he did not hold the rank of three-star Admiral long enough to retain it as a permanent rank” (Biography.com)
Sestak is getting more desperate in his search for donors. A few weeks ago, he began dipping into a pool of email addresses from his 2006 campaign that he hasn’t used in the past 6 years.
Yes that attack certainly worked in 2010…
Maybe he can use some of that money to buy back his soul or some moral conviction.
Shapiro or Kane would wipe the floor with the fast fading two-star Admiral.
Yes, TWO-star. He had three once, but when the navy made it his clear his services were no longer desired (and “administratively reassigned” him), he retired prematurely and retained only two stars.