2/19 Morning Buzz

Wax presidents
All of America’s favorite Presidents, all in one place! Photo: USA Today

Good morning politicos, hope you enjoyed your Presidents Day as much as we did. Here’s the Buzz.

2/15 Ups & Downs: The romantic haze of Valentine’s Day is past. Here are the politicos who gave Pa. voters a bouquet of roses, and those who gave us a discount box of K-Mart chocolates with the $4.99 price tag still on.

Guess Who Bought SchwartzforGovernor.com: If you were looking to pick up a new domain, you’re too late for SchwartzforGovernor.com. The Congresswoman’s staff beat you to it.

Voter ID Not Required For May Primary: Lawyers involved in the pending Voter ID lawsuit decided Thursday that Pa. voters will not need to show ID as a condition for voting in the May primary on the grounds that the court has not yet ruled on the measure.

State House Sound Bites: Lottery bid extended to allow administration planning time
State House Sound Bites: Bills to eliminate Philly traffic court clear Senate panel
State House Sound Bites: Reaction to lottery deal rejection not neatly partisan
State House Sound Bites: Lawmakers applaud, blast AG’s rejection of lottery contract
State House Sound Bites: Lawmaker drafting Dream Act for Pa.
PA Independent: State owes billions to victims, state and courts, report says

Inquirer: Philadelphia-area financial consultant running for reelection—to the Italian parliament!
Inquirer: Insiders: Allyson Schwartz (D-Montco) nearly certain to face Corbett
Inquirer: Camden charter’s chef gets $24,000 raise, drawing scrutiny
Inquirer: Conservative lawmaker sponsors PA “Dream Act” bill
Inquirer: Thousands rally for climate
Daily News: Community leaders unite over opposition to new property tax system
Daily News: Cell earnings: prison inmates collect unemployment
Heard in the Hall: City controller candidates spar over API
WHYY: Nutter says old property tax system is ‘dead’
WHYY: Tax-strapped Philly schools hoping to target tax deadbeats
WHYY: School safety hearings come to Philadelphia City Council
New WHYY blog: Taxipedia: The blog that demystifies Philadelphia’s property reassessment
CBS/KYW1060: Pain at the pump continues to rise

AP: Longtime Rendell adviser David Cohen backs Corbett
AP: Pa. table games revenue up sharply over last year
Pottstown Mercury: Area residents join rally to block Keystone XL pipeline
Pottstown Mercury: Redistricting dispute flare between Phoenixville, Chesco
Burlington County Times: Towns want assistance for revenue lost due to disabled veterans’ tax exemption
Delco Daily Times: Chesco reviews security at Justice Center in wake of Wilmington shooting
Delco Daily Times: GOP endorses candidates
Delco Daily Times: Springfield School Board OKs preliminary budget
Bucks Local News: New system to change the way teachers are graded in Council Rock, other Pennsylvania school districts
Daily Local News: Kennett Square explores use of natural gas vehicles
Daily Local News: Oxford school board moves to close budget gap
Daily Local News: West Chester councilwoman speaks on gun violence

Tribune Review: Brockway businessman named to Pitt board of trustees
Tribune Review: Former Washington Co. DA to review Pittsburgh police rules on outside work
Tribune Review: 10 GOP lawmakers forgo their Pa. pension
Post-Gazette: Ravenstahl taps former DA to study Pittsburgh police employment policies
Post-Gazette: Pitt promotes House to defensive coordinator
Post-Gazette: Former chief sues council members, interim manager, municipality of Monroeville
Early Returns: Mayor names outside counsel
Early Returns: Labor lines up behind Ravenstahl, Peduto
Early Returns: Breakfast Sausage: Presidents’ Day edition
KDKA: U.S. Attorney To Conduct Investigation Of Legionnaires’ Outbreak
KDKA: Sen. Casey Proposes Bill To Advance Locks & Dams Upgrades
KDKA: Layoffs Likely Unavoidable For Cash Strapped Jeannette
KDKA: Local Farmers Becoming Marcellus Millionaires
WTAE: Public given chance to ask Consol Energy about $500 million airport drilling
WTAE: Human trafficking on the rise in Western Pennsylvania
WTAE: Homeowner finds out about contractor’s bad record after paying thousands
WPXI: Former Washington Co. DA to review Pittsburgh police rules on outside work
WPXI: British firm extends Pa. lottery bid

Beaver County Times: Video: Natural gas exploration concerns Beaver County residents
Beaver County Times: Blackhawk developing Marcellus curriculum
Beaver County Times: $1 million grant for Pa. gas drilling health study
Observer-Reporter: Toprani to lead review of Pittsburgh police procedures
Observer-Reporter: $1M grant for Pa. gas drilling health study
Altoona Mirror: Jubelirer seeks PSU?board seat
Altoona Mirror: Geisinger study to examine health effects of gas drilling
Altoona Mirror: Portage looking at road fixes for ’14
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Authority to answer questions
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Sorting out the fracas
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat:  Oakland firefighters land $194,500 federal grant

The Times Leader: Refinancing of bond saves $330,000 for district
The Times Leader: County still lacks purchase policies
The Times Leader: Course aims to put guns in safe hands
The Times Leader: Will minimum wage hike help or hurt more?
The Times Leader: Voting machine questions explored
The Times Leader: Blake: Pa. transit plan a lose
Times-Tribune: Ex-chief public defender says Wansacz interfered in hiring
Times-Tribune: Bridge rebuilding seen as private sector job
Times-Tribune: North Pocono wants opinions on safety issue
Citizens Voice: Child protection laws target safety, education
Citizens Voice: Mundy reintroduces bill for disaster aid loans
News Item: MCA bubble gun incident studied as part of discipline in schools
Wayne Independent: Veterans focus of job training
Standard Speaker: Luzerne County Council strongly divided
Pocono Record: Pipeline protesters locking themselves to Delaware Forest gate
Pocono Record: Minimum wage hike: Pocono businesses, lawmakers debate ‘negative effect’
Pocono Record: Bill would put leash on drones
Pocono Record: Local schools tackle bevy of safety issues since Newtown shooting

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Former state Rep. Joe Brennan to return to Harrisburg job Tuesday
Morning Call: Grocery, retail chains ready to pounce if state dumps state stores
Morning Call: Corbett gets British lottery firm to keep bid open another week
Morning Call: Pennsylvania: Life is good, despite some concerns
WFMZ: Alberta Scarfaro of Whitehall Twp. announces run for district judge
WFMZ: Attorney Madelyn Fudeman seeks Berks judgeship
WFMZ: Gov. Corbett’s last second effort saves lottery bid
WFMZ: New bill proposes Online Sales Tax
Express-Times: Northampton County Councilman Lamont McClure declares candidacy for county executive
Express-Times: Allentown attorney Juan Camacho running for Lehigh County commissioner
Express-Times: New state dollars could be headed to child advocacy, rape crisis centers across Pennsylvania

South Central
AP:  Pa. urged as site for air traffic control facility
AP: $1 million grant for Pa. gas drilling health study
AP: British firm, Corbett extend lottery bid
AP: Corbett negotiating the politics of Medicaid
AP: Tension creates ‘anti-honeymoon’ for Corbett, Kane
Carlisle Sentinel: Meeting Tuesday to explain how residents can gain a seat on Carlisle home rule commission
Carlisle Sentinel: House passes small games of chance amendments
Carlisle Sentinel: Gala to honor Sen. Vance, Atlanta Falcons fullback
Harrisburg Patriot News: Harrisburg arts group founder enters City Council race
Harrisburg Patriot News: Carlisle residents hope to study home-rule government option
Harrisburg Patriot News: Headlines from across Pa.: run for governor, a rockslide and maple syrup
Harrisburg Patriot News: Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson to host second annual Pillars of the Community Awards
Harrisburg Patriot News: Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration seeking bid extension from Camelot while deciding its next step
Harrisburg Patriot News: Pennsylvania Lottery director Todd Rucci thanks his employees for keeping their chins up and nose to the grindstone
York Daily Record: York County primary candidates wait for Tuesday’s ‘starting gun’
York Daily Record: York area lawmakers weigh in on charter school proposal
York Daily Record: York mayoral candidate says he’s ‘gaming the system’ to win
Lancaster Intelligencer: Corbett: Schools would get shot of cash from selling liquor stores
Lancaster Intelligencer: Pa. governor looks for ways to shovel out of avalanche of pension debt
Lancaster Intelligencer: Pa. lawmakers considering move away from guaranteed pension plans
Lebanon Daily News: Sen. Pat Toomey to hold casework day in Lebanon
Today’s the Day Harrisburg: Nevin Mindlin’s Candidacy for Mayor of Harrisburg

North by Northwest
Go Erie Campaign ‘13: Erie City Council’s DiMattio to make campaign announcement Feb. 21
Centre Daily Times: $1 million grant for Pa. gas drilling health study

Pottstown Mercury: State Rep. Dan Frankel: Transform Pa. health care industry
Pottstown Mercury: Pa. lawmakers: Time to end human trafficking
Pottstown Mercury: Terence Farrell: Meeting Pa. transportation needs now and in the future
Carlisle Sentinel: Our View: Cheers & Jeers
Carlisle Sentinel: Our View: Some good from Penn State’s fine
Harrisburg Patriot News: Editorial: Hagel deserves a vote for Pentagon boss
Harrisburg Patriot News: Editorial: The right call on Voter ID
AP: Our collective obsession with the trivial
Lebanon Daily News: U.S. should mimic Portugal’s wise, working drug policy
Reading Eagle: It is important to keep in mind who the real victims are
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Corbett cash infusion for transportation is not enough for some

The Pennsylvania Progressive: Sequestration Looming Again
The Pennsylvania Progressive: Kane Voids Lottery Privatization

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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