President Obama is in PA today, talking about energy and economic policy at PSU. PoliticsPA is on the ground here and will bring you the up-to-the-minute news from State College.
Punxsutawney, PA had it’s annual 15 minutes yesterday when Phil saw his shadow, suggesting a quick end to the winter. The U.S. Senate held a vote on health care repeal yesterday evening that failed on party lines, Pennsylvania’s esteemed Senators included. Ed Rendell penned his first sports column in the Daily News, about the (literal) dream of an Eagles-Steelers Superbowl.
And if you missed it yesterday, PoliticsPA is compiling a list of PA’s best county chairs. Be sure to visit the site for instructions on how to nominate a chairperson you know.
PoliticsPA Reports
Casey, Toomey Diverge on Healthcare Repeal Vote
Sens. Bob Casey (D) and Pat Toomey (R) took opposing stances Wednesday on the issue of health care repeal. Forty-six GOP senators voted unsuccessfully for repeal. however, the vote fulfilled a major campaign promise of many 2010 Republicans victors, including Toomey.
GOP Activist Charged with Forging Names in 7th District
The state Attorney General’s office arrested a Delaware County Republican operative today of forging signatures on a petition to get U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan (R-7) on the ballot in an uncontested primary. Paul Summers, 59 of Upper Darby, was charged earlier today with seven counts of forgery and seven counts of making false signatures and statements.
State Designates Sunday as “Ronald Reagan Day”
State legislators have designated Feb. 6, 2011, as “Ronald Reagan Day” in Pennsylvania in memory of the former U.S. president who would have turned 100 years old Sunday.
Study: Philly City Council Members serve for the longest tenure, on average, than their counterparts nationwide
According to a new report by the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Philadelphia Research Initiative, the Philadelphia City Council features fewer first-term members and a large number of long-term members than councils in other comparable cities.
AP: Punxsutawney Phil sees no shadow, spring is on the way. And the local paper, the Tri-County Courier Express, picked up the AP story!
AP: President Obama’s stop at Penn State highlights green-energy project
Patriot-News: President Obama to be briefed by Dauphin County Commissioner George Hartwick III
Early Returns: Casey: $1.3 Million on hand
Pennsylvania Ave.: Toomey wants to add pay debt first bill to aviation bill
State House Sound Bites: Scarnati joins twitter
Patriot-News: Sens. Toomey and Casey get committee assignments; Sen. Toomey co-sponsoring the health care repeal bill
Early Returns: Toomey hits back on debt
Commonwealth Confidential: Call him the Green Governor
State House Sound Bites: Senate hopes to begin confirmation hearings this month
Capitol Ideas: Former Gov. Rendell joins investment firm to work on infrastructure deals
Newsworks: Rally in Philadelphia supports Egyptian protesters
Centre Daily Times: Penn State to hold public forum on Egypt
Capitol Ideas: Gov. Corbett names adj. General
Capitol Ideas: Dauphin Co. Clerk Chad Saylor joins LG’s office
Newsworks: Temple students head to Harrisburg to fight for funding
PhillyClout: Two Mayoral Hopefuls Team Up on Taxes
Newsworks: Another candidate for city council in Philly 8th district
Early Returns: Another challenger for Kraus in Pittsburgh
Post Gazette: City council has lowest cost among cities studied
Tribune-Review: Allegheny County may need to devote more resources to reassessments
Tribune-Review: Farm bureau official eyed for agriculture post
Tribune-Review: Revenue growth won’t fill shortfall
Tribune-Review: Traffic cameras boost safety, study suggests
Politico: Santorum to speak at ‘Monday Meeting’ in NYC this month
Citizens’ Voice: Group to withdraw support for county council candidate
Citizens’ Voice: Ground broken for gas-gathering pipeline
Ed Rendell, Daily News Sports Writer: An Eagles-Steelers Superbowl would be nuts
York Daily Record Editorial: Rep. Platts’ term limits bill is futile but principled
Altoona Mirror Editorial: Come to order: Reading list for Congress’ freshmen
Altoona Mirror Editorial: Climate change is real, must be addressed
Patriot-News Editorial: Gov. Corbett needs a Labor secretary, then he needs a plan to fix the unemployment fund mess
Patriot-News Editorial: The case for wind farms
George Will, Washington Post: Santorum’s appeal to the GOP base
Newsworks: Time for new blood in Philadelphia City council
Citizens’ Voice: House GOP abuses power