Good morning politicos, and welcome to the Buzz! The GOP has its day in federal court today to see if they can get an injunction against the use of the 2001 maps for 2012’s state House and Senate elections.
Supreme Court Redistricting Ruling: Prospective candidates, it’s not over yet. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rendered its much-anticipated redistricting ruling Friday afternoon but declined to lay out a specific way forward for the 2012 elections.
Meanwhile, Dem leaders say Pa must ese 2001 lines. Can Republicans convince a federal judge to toss out districts from 2001 in favor of a redistricting plan that doesn’t yet exist? Jay Costa and Frank Dermody lay out their arguments against tossing the ‘01 lines.
PoliticsPA DeWeese Poll Results: The jury reconvenes today to deliberate in the case against former House Speaker Bill DeWeese. What do PoliticsPA readers think will happen? Click here to view the results of our online poll!
Marcellus Deal: Just in time for Governor Corbett’s budget speech, Harrisburg Republicans are on the cusp of a deal over an Marcellus shale impact fee: “The fee will rise from $190,000 per well over 15 years if gas prices continue to sink and stay below $2.25 per thousand cubic feet for 15 years, according to a second memo sent to lawmakers. But if those prices triple, the fee would bring in $355,000 over the same 15 years, according to the sliding scale adopted in the proposal.”
Meehan Gives Weekly GOP Address: Rep. Pat Meehan called for bipartisanship in the GOP’s weekly address Saturday. Namely, for Democrats to support bills passed by the Republican House.
Rohrer Wins Valley Forge Straw Poll: Sam Rohrer ran away with a straw poll after the Valley Forge Patriots US Senate forum this weekend. In an earlier event, he also dinged Gov. Corbett for his endorsement of Steve Welch.
Confirmed: Urban for Congress: Stephen A. Urban, a Republican-turned-Democrat, Luzerne County Commissioner-turned-Councilman, confirmed with PoliticsPA Thursday that he is circulating petitions to run for U.S. Congress in Pa-17 in the primary against Rep. Tim Holden.
Earmarks and NDIC: The Earmark Elimination Act of 2011, introduced by Sen. Pat Toomey and Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), was voted down 59-40 in the Senate. Among those opposed: Sen. Bob Casey. But both stood up for the NDIC in Johnstown.
Will Jason Altmire Retire? Asks Semi-Coherent NRCC Release: We’re not really sure what to make of this. Is the NRCC rooting for Mark Critz? “Will Jason Altmire follow Shuler’s lead and just retire now rather than face the embarrassment of being unelected in the primary?” The release asks.
2-3 Ups & Downs: We’ll admit right now, we weren’t batting 1,000 on Friday. We teased the Pa. Supreme Court for not having a ruling, and Joe Scarnati for not having a Marcellus deal. Oops!
Legislative Election Updates:
HD-74: Clearfield County Commissioner and 2008 candidate for U.S. Congress Mark McCracken (D) is officially in the race for retiring Rep. Bud George’s seat… if it’s still there.
HD-134: There’s yet another Republican candidate in the ongoing free-for-all for Doug Reichley’s former seat. Wanda Mercado-Arroyo, a member of GOP state committee who runs an exporting business, has thrown her hat in the ring.
HD-202: Anyone who thinks they can flank Rep. Mark Cohen on facebook doesn’t know Mark Cohen. He launched a tactical campaign to have supporters leave a campaign group for his primary opponent, Numa St. Louis, 31, an Olney educator.
AP: Santorum refuses to bow despite another loss
Daily Mail: Rick Santorun doesn’t believe that federal funding should go to Planned Parenthood
Times-Tribune: Barletta gets delay in bigger trucks
Carbondale News: Rep. Marino votes for pay freeze, raises law enforcement concerns
Morning Call: Rep. Dent target of Occupy protest in Utah
Times Leader: Casey to urge alternative-fuel car use
Politico: Republicans join challenge of recess appointments
Politico: Santorum: Bella doing great
Politico: Santorum says presidency is not a CEO job
Pennsylvania Ave: Rick Santorum tebowing
Roll Call: An open process for open measure
Early Returns: Supremes: too many splits
USA Today: Santorum blasts Romney as uni-dimensional
Pro Publica: Senator demands answers from Freddie Mac’s regulator
Pro Publica: With spotlight on Super Pac dollars, nonprofits escape scrutiny
The Caucus: Anger night caucus over a religious declaration
The Caucus: Gingrich looks ahead to “Super Tuesday”
The Caucus: How Nevada Republicans voted
The Caucus: Santorum fails to qualify for Indiana ballot
Morning Call: Doomsday warning from Santorum
Capitol Ideas: Supreme Court mum on fate of primary in redistricting decision
State House Sound Bites: Costa and Pileggi speak on redistricting opinion
State Impact: Casey bill provides tax breaks for natural gas-fueled cars
Capitolwire: House GOP memo details Marcellus deal; both chambers poised to pass it quickly
Capitolwire: Labor coalition report suggests $2.3 billion in revenue and savings
Capitolwire: Supreme Court says split, non-compact districts unconstitutional
Inquirer: Corbett “buckled” to pressure, former aide says
Patriot News: Gov. Corbett’s spending plan might cut funds for higher education
Times Herald: Republican hopefuls to challenge Casey lay out agendas
Centre Daily: GOP Senate candidates create few sparks
AP: GOP lawmakers seek vote on Pa. gas drilling bill
Morning Call: Tom Corbett budget preview: cuts ahead
Morning Call: Payroll tax cut duration set by Senate panel
AP: Lean budget expected from Corbett on Tuesday
Patriot-News: New chairman of PA’s Board of Probation and Parole has reputation of reformer
Patriot-News: Lawmaker questions PSU insurance in Sandusky case
Patriot-News: Lower Swatara Township manager Ron Paul says he was ready to pass baton
Patriot-News: Cabot admits its Dimock water arsenic claim was a mistake
AP: Pennsylvania Supreme Court explains reasoning for rejecting state’s redistricting plan
Patriot-News: Rep. DeWeese’s jury heads home for the weekend without reaching verdict
Patriot-News: Gov. Corbett signs bicycle safe passing measure into law
City Paper: Sheriff Jewell Williams faces an office in disarray and angry citizens Area votes in Congress
Inquirer: At least 24 archdioceses schools appeal closings
Inquirer: Phila. Water Dept. wants 28.5% rate hike
Inquirer: Activists mobilize ahead of Corbett budget address
Inquirer: Philadelphia’s school district will close buildings early to save money
Inquirer: Chaput addresses alleged embezzlement from the archdiocese
Inquirer: On electoral reforms, the silence is deafening
Philadelphia Weekly: Q&A with “first occupy candidate” Nathan Kleinman, who is running for the U.S. House
ABC Philadelphia: O’Donnell PAC, campaign funds down to $36K
ABC Philadelphia: Philadelphia Union hosts job fair
WHYY Newsworks: Rendell, investors eyeing Philadelphia newspapers
Philadelphia Weekly PA manufacturing jobs going up?
Philadelphia Weekly Election 2012: Explaining Rick Santorum’s odd new ‘doomsday’ tone
Intelligencer: Montco signs labor contract with employees’ union
Upper Dublin Patch: “Occupy Candidate” Kleinman challenges Allyson Schwartz
Pottstown Mercury: Catholic school closings: Update on Sacred Heart & St. Eleanor’s
Pottstown Mercury: Pottstown schools: Rupert principal promotes health habits Governor still supports Rowan-Rutgers merger Proposed merger leaves Rutgers professor worried about the future
Delco Daily Times: Delaware County school districts facing familiar money woes, anxiously await Corbett budget
Delco Daily Times: Haverford Township billboard zoning board hearing ends
Delco Daily Times: Delaware County solar panels to be connected to PECO’s grid
Montgomery Media: Cheltenham Township parks department to present program
Bucks Local News: Bucks Commissioners table new justice center change order, approve community development grant
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Mayor makes city board appointments
Tribune Review: Shale impact fee near final deal
Tribune Review: Murphy’s $1.04 million on hand tops House race
Post-Gazette: Corbett to outline budget proposal
Post-Gazette: Be merciful to ex-offender
Post-Gazette: Dems say Corbett ‘heartless’ to working families
Post-Gazette: State Supreme Court releases opinion rejecting reapportionment
Early Returns: Redistricting may delay Pennsylvania primary
KDKA: Occupiers moving out of Mellon Green?
Observer-Reporter: Occupy Pittsburgh has three days to leave camp
Observer-Reporter: Congress wants plan to stop Asian carp
Observer-Reporter: Two Pa. Primaries would face cost, practical hurdles
Observer-Reporter: GOP Senate candidates create sparks in Pa.
Indiana Gazette: DeWeese tiral jury breaks for the weekend
Daily American: Clark eyes political future
Altoona Mirror: Earned income tax can cost cities
Altoona Mirror: Outdoor group urges Corbett to uphold moratorium on state forest gas leases
Lehigh Valley:
Morning Call: GOP lawmakers seek vote on Pa. drilling bill
Morning Call: Politics as usual
Morning Call: Upper Macungie woman’s map made the redistricting difference
Morning Call: Upper Nazareth upset over earned income taxes staying in Allentown to fund hockey arena
Morning Call: Mayors tout jobs growth in Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Pennsylvania Supreme Court explains why it tore up state political map
Morning Call: What can Pat Browne do for you?
Morning Call: Somebody up there likes Sen. Pat Browne and his wife
Reading Eagle: Facebook helps municipalities get the word out
Reading Eagle: Township reorganizations for 2012
Reading Eagle: Spencer campaign took in money to end of year
Reading Eagle: Argail seeks re-election to state senate
Express Times: Lehigh Valley legislators contend region safer a year after Allentown blast
South Central:
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Proposed exit 12 on I-81 could cost $26M
Patriot-News: 2012 is the “Year of the Bible” in Pennsylvania
Patriot-News: 3 Republican legislators face primary challengers
Patriot-News: PA Department of Health expects to confirm if more sickened by raw milk from the Family Cow farm
Patriot-News: Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson signs stray-animal agreement, ending struggle with Humane Society
Patriot-News: Harrisburg receiver David Unkovic to deliver city fiscal recovery plan Monday afternoon
Patriot-News: Cumberland Valley school district parents, students express frustration over consideration to close Monroe Elementary
York Daily Record: City school district to consider “non-renewal” of New Hope charter
York Daily Record: FEMA grant to give four York County fire departments Maryland- compatible radios
Lancaster Era: Eyes on the future: SDL official sees planning as key in turbulent times
Lancaster Era: Gas explosion may be catalyst for safer tomorrow
Lebanon Daily News: Local sites to receive “Greener” grants
Times-Tribune: Development of Former Chamber of Commerce Building To Begin In Scranton
North by Northwest:
Erie Times-News: Erie County to join the long and winding road of the 5th Congressional District
Erie Times-News: Erie County Council considers $1 million credit line for Pleasant Ridge Manor
Erie Times-News: GE’s $72 million investment in Grove City: What does it say about the future?
Erie Times-News: Slot-machine revenue increases at Erie casino in January
Erie Times-News: Dumas expected to challenge in 5th Congressional District race
Erie Times-News: A closer look at US Rep. Glenn Thompson’s new 5th District
Sharon Herald: Board to seek tax hike OK from state
Courier Express: No news on injection well
Centre Daily Times: Schools await Corbett’s proposal
Centre Daily Times: Planning commission discusses residential, commercial collaboration opportunities in 2 shopping centers
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Tax credits move 8 local companies forward
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Old Blossburg hospital in process of being sold
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Water, sewer authority accepts building bids
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Commissioners OK funding proposals for environmental study
Williamsport Sun Gazette: School budget managers await state fiscal news PSU study of drilling and well water released
York Dispatch: Editorial: What a mess
Tribune Review: Op-Ed: Politics at the dinner table
Daily Courier: Op-Ed: Fayette County Courthouse staffing meets public needs
Beaver County Times: Opinion: Why vote Republican
Salena Zito, Tribune Review: Romney repeating history?
Brad Bumsted, Tribune Review: Corbett’s Senate calculus
Times-Tribune Editorial: Why Are Lackawanna County Non-Union Employees Reapplying For Jobs?
Times-Tribune Column: Cordaro, Munchak Wasted Golden Oppurtunity
Times-Leader: Welfare Issue Makes A Comeback
Courier Express: Can schools hold the line on higher taxes? We doubt it
Centre Daily Times: Corbett should impose drilling tax In politics, money screams and shouts Opinions: Ex-welfare official answers his critics
Record Tracker: PA lawmaker wants addresses/locations of 911 calls kept out of time logs
NEPArtisan: Steve Urban: “I Will Run For Anything, Please Pay Attention To Me!”
Campaign ‘12: Santorum to visit sweater vest factory
Commonwealth Foundation: Largest growth in Pennsylvania private sector jobs since 1999
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: ET awards turkey to Senator Browne and lobbyist wife
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Supreme Court publishes legislative redistricting opinions
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Stoffa: Barron budget causes $2.25 million deficit in 2011
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: While council dithers, swaption climbs to $25.9 million
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: State Senate refuses to produce Browne’s NIZ emails
NEPArtisan: PA-10 Update
NEPArtisan: Kane is able…to fund campaign with family money
Water Cooler PA: Hey Chris Christie, get on the treadmill – you may be President
Pennsylvania Progressive: News & Notes
Keystone Politics: Do Blondell Reynolds Brown’s detractors have a plan to prevent teacher layoffs?
Keystone Politics: US State Department punishes Hershey labor recruiters
Keystone Politics: How the Philly land bank bill addresses blighted private properties
Citizens’ Call: Montco boards appoints advisory committee to play key role on upgrading decision for emergency dispatch system
North Pittsburgh Politics: Congressman Mark Critz isn’t as liberal as you think