PoliticsPA wants your opinion for our Harrisburg Superlatives, the yearbook-style list of “bests” in Harrisburg. The suggestions are already coming in.
Who do you think is the best orator? Who is the best dressed? Who has the most district pride? You can submit your suggestions to those categories and more by posting them on Sy’s facebook wall, tweeting them @PoliticsPA, joining the discussion on this story, or simply by replying to this email.
PoliticsPA alum Alex Roarty reports for the National Journal that Ed Stack, the wealth CEO of Dicks Sporting Goods is calling GOP leaders about a possible challenge to Senator Bob Casey.
The NRCC is still swinging at former Rep. Pat Murphy over health care, apparently in anticipation of a potential rematch in 2012.
Milton Street survived a ballot challenge can will continue his challenge to Mayor Nutter.
And Governor Corbett’s budget continues to take heat, this time because it draws from a tobacco revenue fund dedicated to health programs.
PoliticsPA Reports
Announcing PoliticsPA’s Harrisburg Superlatives
Submit your ideas for Harrisburg lawmaker superlatives. Who’s the best orator? Most likely to succeed? Best dressed? Most likely to be on camera? Biggest bookworm? You name it.
Roarty: Dicks Sporting Goods CEO Considers Challenging Sen. Casey
Alex Roarty of the National Journal (and formerly of PoliticsPA) has an exclusive report this morning that Dicks Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack is talking to GOP higher ups about a possible challenge to Senator Bob Casey.
NRCC Sees Possible PA-8 Rematch, Slams Former Rep. Pat Murphy
It seems that being out of office isn’t enough to protect former Rep. Murphy from the political barbs of the NRCC, which just sent out a release hammering him on the one year anniversary of his vote for the health care reform law.
Sestak Ad Wins – Again
Sestak’s “The Switch” ad, an opprobrium of Arlen Specter switching parties, won the award for “Best Use of Negative” at the Pollies last weekend.
Morning Call: Corbett budget redirects health care funds from tobacco
Early Returns: HHS Secretary Sebelius in Pittsburgh today for 1-yr anniversary of HC reform bill
Early Returns: Pittsburgh Hosts just-announced 2012 contender Pawlenty
Rothenberg Political Report: Are GOP Freshman Ready to Rumble in 2012?
Pennsylvania Ave.: Callahan Manager Back On the Campaign Trail
Fox Philadelphia: Chester Braces For Federal Funding Cuts
Capitol Ideas: Corbett on Pennsylvania’s Budget, Flat Screen Envy
Patriot-News: Commentary: Gov. Tom Corbett Embraces The Cronyism He Once Attacked
AP: Gov. Corbett Eyes Overhaul of Pa.’s Tobacco Settlement Money
Patriot-News: Separate Trials Ordered for DeWeese, Stetler, on Corruption Charges
Tribune-Review: Lawmakers, Advocates Debate Photo ID in Elections
Capitol Ideas: Ferlo Makes Pension Hearing Interesting
PhillyClout: Interview with Mayor Nutter
PhillyClout: Milton Street Stays On The Ballot
Heard in the Hall: Thinning Of The Heard To Replace Verna; Blackwell Unopposed
ICYMI… Daily News: Tartaglione Defies Criticism
Times-News: Schwartz Backs Out of Erie City Council Run
Times-News: Wagner Seeks Erie City Council Seat
Tribune-Review: Union will talk wage freeze for state university faculty, coaches
WFMZ: Bethelem prepares to tlim budget
Post-Gazette: EPA feels push back on tough regulation
Post-Gazette: New guides for car seats
Tribune-Review: Lawmakers, advocates debate photo ID in elections
Tribune-Review: Poorer schools might suffer from Corbett’s cuts
Tribune-Review: Pennsylvania measures would expand DNA sample collection
Times Leader: Lake-Lehman board monitoring PA budget
Times Leader: Dems say GOP cuts harmful
Times Leader: Education system criticized
Times-Tribune: Dunmore tackles $14 million debt mountain, promises not to add to the pile
Daily News Editorial: State: Open for business, or for sale to the highest bidder
Patriot News Editorial: Is that a promise? Corbett lets WAMS go one more time but says process will end
Sun Gazette Editorial: Obama energy policy not helping gas prices
Tribune-Review Editorial: Prune per diems
Bill White, Morning Call: Slatington needs new leadership
Citizens Voice Editorial: Public matters should be public