Halcovage accused of aggressive behavior in the 9th Congressional district primary, and the Ups & Downs from the week that was. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!
PA-9 Republican Halcovage Accused of Aggressive Actions: According to a report Republican Congressional candidate George Halcovage is accused of aggressive outbursts by two female supporters of a primary opponent.
5/4 Ups & Downs: Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson reach a settlement with Philadelphia, Marino sues a constituent, Miccarelli is under investigation again, and redistricting reform gets high level support but still faces obstacles. See who made this week’s Ups & Downs!
Gubernatorial Election Update
Patriot News: For Republican primary voters, Laura Ellsworth is the best choice | Editorial
Inquirer: Laura Ellsworth: Best choice for governor in GOP primary | Endorsement
Inquirer: For Pa. lieutenant governor: Democrat John Fetterman; Republican Jeff Bartos | Endorsement
Legislative Election Update
Morning Call: Competing Democratic super PACs declare war in 7th congressional race; $100,000 alone being spent to target John Morganelli
HD-48/178 Special Elections: Former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Clark Mitchell in the HD-48 and Helen Tai in the HD-178 special elections on May 15th. “Helen Tai and Clark Mitchell share a commitment to bringing fresh perspectives and new ideas to the State House. We need to work to ensure both of these candidates win on May 15 so that their constituents and districts on opposite sides of the state have representatives looking out for their interests, not special interests, in Harrisburg,” Biden said.
State House Sound Bites: Permit disagreements in severance tax argument still seem irreconcilable
StateImpact: As transit agencies inch toward electric buses, environmental groups want more progress
City & State: Former Philly ADA: Larry Krasner should be ‘put down’
City & State: Winners and Losers for the week ending May 4
Billy Penn: A protester locked himself to the stage at Bernie Sanders rally for Fetterman at Philly City Hall
WHYY: Fetterman supporters ‘feel the Bern’ during Philly endorsement rally
WHYY: Voters eye Pennsylvania’s wide-open, crowded US House races
Inquirer: New City Solicitor Marcel Pratt is living a Philly dream
Inquirer: From trashman to governor? GOP hopeful Scott Wagner wants to be Pa. ‘cleanup guy’
Inquirer: Multimillionaire Democrat Scott Wallace would be one of Congress’ richest men
Inquirer: Texting and driving ‘rampant’ in Pa., but few get tickets. Here’s why
Inquirer: Stacked against him: A crowded field for Pa.’s No. 2 job
Inquirer: Protester detained by police at City Hall as Bernie Sanders stumps for Dems in Philly
Philly Mag: Sanders, Krasner Will Host a Discussion on Criminal Justice Reform
Delco Times: Woman lauded for 50 years on job at Delaware County Assistance Office
Delco Times: Pa. Republican guv hopefuls make final live-televised pitches
Delco Times: Inequities continue in education funding despite more money
Bucks County Courier Times: DEP head talks water contamination, fracking, and funding during sit down with newspaper
Pittsburgh City Paper: He’s Number 1!: Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey is the most hated U.S. Senator on Twitter
Pittsburgh Business Times: Dissecting the gubernatorial primary
WESA: Permit Disagreements In Severance Tax Argument Still Seem Irreconcilable
Tribune Review: Energized Dems in Pennsylvania size up conservative 14th District
Tribune Review: Candidates in Pennsylvania’s 14th District weigh in on Social Security, immigration
Tribune Review: Trump action on Iran nuclear deal could hit drivers at the pump, analyst says
Post-Gazette: GOP candidates for governor debate for a final time
Post-Gazette: Meet the candidates: Scott Wagner wants to be Harrisburg’s ‘cleanup guy’
Post-Gazette: Meet the candidates: Laura Ellsworth, a Pittsburgh lawyer who says she will get the job done
Post-Gazette: Penn State trustees extend president’s contract
Tribune-Democrat: No Gunner: Familiar name absent from GOP committee elections
Observer-Reporter: Officials tout natural gas industry in state, rip severance plan
Observer-Reporter: Four townships apply for grant money from Sunoco Pipeline penalty
Indiana Gazette: Meet the hopefuls in the 62nd District
Beaver County Times: Residents of Potter Township reflect on living with Shell cracker plant
Sunbury Daily Item: Candidates for Pennsylvania 9th vow to get things done, change voters’ perspectives
Times-Tribune: Gov designates opportunity zones in Scranton, Jessup, Blakely
Times-Tribune: Five Democrats vie for nomination to 112th House seat
Times Leader: Gov. Wolf leads charge for reforms to criminal justice system
South Central
Patriot News: Pa.’s gubernatorial candidates have spent $15.6 million so far this year trying to get elected
Patriot News: GOP candidates for governor engage in ‘an important debate at an important moment’
Patriot News: Toohil, Miccarelli case profiled by New York Times
York Daily Record: Here’s what Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf did in his first term
York Daily Record: Pa. governor’s race: Republican primary hopefuls speak up in final televised debate
LNP: GOP gubernatorial candidate Paul Mango meets with LNP Editorial Board
LNP: What regulations are candidates against?
Carlisle Sentinel: Biographical details of GOP hopefuls for governor
WGAL: Commitment 2018: All 3 GOP gubernatorial candidates meet for debate
Lehigh Valley
WFMZ: Gov. Wolf announces new funding for manufacturing program
Reading Eagle: Laura Ellsworth suggests diversity of tax options
Reading Eagle: 2 state lawmakers who represent part of Berks facing challenges
Morning Call: Voter tip sheet: Pennsylvania GOP governor candidate bios
Morning Call: Poll: Democrats have edge in replacing Charlie Dent in Congress
Morning Call: Bernie Sanders ‘political revolution’ comes to Allentown
North by Northwest
Ellwood City Ledger: Town hall organizers say cost of House Bill 2030 too high for Ellwood CIty
WJET: Erie School District officials talk goals, obstacles
Erie Times-News: Erie in focus as 3 seek GOP nod in governor’s race
Erie Times-News: Erie School District’s monitor works on plan
Centre Daily Times: Penn State trustees approve contract extension for President Eric Barron
Delco Times: Editorial: Nothing special about it: ‘Goofy Kicking Donald Duck’ just got goofier
Patriot News: Help me ‘Restore the Dream’ in Pennsylvania | Paul Mango
Patriot News: You need a governor who’s on your side. I’m your man | Scott Wagner
Patriot News: The real lesson of the WHCD? It’s only a roast if both sides show up | Charlie Gerow
Patriot News: Michelle Wolf did her job at the WHCD. There shouldn’t be any shock over that | Kirstin Snow
Daily Local: Editorial: Special election to fill Pat Meehan seat in Congress stirs confusion
Philly Tribune: Tribune endorsements for Pennsylvania primary
LNP: It’s essential that Pennsylvania update its voting machines, but Lancaster County deserves a bit of slack
Inquirer: My unofficial, unorthodox Pennsylvania primary voters’ guide
Inquirer: If Pa. wants to show Amazon the money, it must show the public the deal first | Editorial
Inquirer: Sen. Vincent Hughes: Redlining is keeping people of color out of homes | Opinion
Tribune Review: New voting machines will be costly, but necessary
One Response
I think the Marino litigation with the constituent has all the makings of an ACLU freedom of speech case that they always get involved in. Political criticism of a public official is protected free speech and it’s a hard climb for a public person to sue over criticism. I would be very surprised if the ACLU does not weigh in with the constituents of Marino here.