5/30 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, here’s the buzz. Lots of debate of property taxes and local school districts; Voter ID questions persist, and a battle is brewing in the Bucks Co. GOP.

House Bill May Cause Tax Shift for Schools: The proposed “Property Tax Independence Act” bill would eliminate property taxes as a source for public education funding in the state, as the bill’s sponsor Rep. Jim Cox (R-Berks) calls for increases in income taxes and sales taxes. How will school budgets fare?

New Provision Makes Getting an ID Easier…Or Does It? The Corbett administration promised Wednesday to ease the burden of obtaining a photo ID in order to vote. They claimed the new provision simplifies the method for Pennsylvania-born voters, who can request PennDOT verify their birth using state health records.

Leadership Contest in Bucks GOP: Longtime Chair Harry Fawkes is stepping aside, and into the void have rushed two candidates: also longtime vice chair (and de facto chairperson for several years) Pat Poprik, and former U.S. Senate candidate David Christian.

Politically Incorrect: Public Education Financing Flawed: In their latest column, Terry Madonna & Michael L. Young say that funding public education through the property tax is responsible for many of our school’s woes, and the misplaced property tax revenues could be better put to use supporting local government expenditures. Rep. Jim Cox’s (R-Berks) bill may help solve these problems.

Legislative Election Update:

HD-5: The Erie Times-News has the latest on the campaign of Republican Greg Lucas, who is running against Democrat Jason White for the seat of retiring Rep. John Evans (R-Erie) – a seat that will most likely be moved across the state by redistricting.

AP: Obama, Romney’s campaign playing it safe
AP: Romney ready to claim GOP nomination after Texas
AP: Obama campaign raps Romney on Trump rhetoric
Fox News: Judge admonishes Edwards jury amid questions about panel behavior
Fox News: As He Clinches Nomination, Romney Visited by Ghosts of Primaries Past
ABC News: Obama Awards Medals of Freedom

AP: Corbett attacked in ad, as supporters look for change
AP: Groups urge Pa. to keep aid for disabled adults
Inquirer: Creating a new way to fight voter suppression
Philly Now: Another Liquor Privatization Plan Mashed Together in Harrisburg
Philly Now: Republican Has Comical Cash Lead in Pennsylvania Attorney General Race
KDKA: Group unloads against Corbett
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. to enact sudden cardiac arrest law
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. finds 650 people fraudulently tapping into state benefits
Tribune Review: Senate Republicans push pension reform
Morning Call: New push to privatize win, liquor sales
Morning Call: Text-message question headed to Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Morning Call: Corbett to sign Rep. Vereb’s “Sudden Cardiac Arrest” bill in Norristown
Morning Call: Report: New Super-Pac targets Corbett
Morning Call: Tom Corbett’s very big day indeed
Morning Call: Pennsylvania leads the way in casino taxes
Morning Call: Corbett says state not liable in arena dispute
Post Gazette: Corbett supports corrections changes that could save of $263 million over five years
PA Independent: Out-of-state food stamp recipients stamped out by PA
PA Independent: GOP senators to introduce PA pension reform bill
PA Independent: Bill to clarify Act 47 arbitration moving through Pennsylvania senate

Heard in the Hall: Friction among city commissioners
Heard in the Hall: City Republicans skirmish over party leadership
Philly Now: Philadelphia Increasingly Unpopular in Pennsyltucky
KYW Newsradio: Philadelphia City Council Told Women Getting Short Shrift in Business

Pottstown Mercury: Montco commissioners tell Pottstown the era of the “big check” is over
The Intelligencer: Bucks GOP battle to take over for Fawkes

Tribune Review: Allegheny County gets bogged down in appeals
Tribune Review: Highway tolls draw consideration from state governments
Post-Gazette:  Pennsylvania welfare department identifies more than 600 with improper benefits
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh Housing Authority to investigate security firm
Post-Gazette:  Firefighters’ new medical duties could change role of paramedics
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh Housing Authority defends use of constables as officers
Early Returns: Ads target Corbett
Early Returns: The overhyped blue collar vote
KDKA: Pat Toomey For Vice President?
KDKA: PAC Group To Launch Anti-Corbett Television Ad

Valley News Disptach: New nutrition regulations force schools to raise prices
WTAE: Special election will fill Jane Orie’s former Senate seat

Lehigh Valley
Reading Eagle: Many school districts tapping reserve funds to close budget gaps

Pocono Record: Sewer system quagmire gets state attention

South Central
Harrisburg Patriot News: Lower Allen Township approves land development plans for Walmart
York Daily Record: Groups urge Pennsylvania to keep aid for disabled adults
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Study suggests Pa. tourism commission, tax changes
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: How will Obama do in Texas primary?
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Veterans support Romney

North by Northwest
Times News: Greg Lucas continues campaign

Philadelphia Daily News: Supreme Court tipping scales of partisanship
Inquirer: Voter-ID law is a pig in lipstick
Pottstown Mercury: For some Democrats, Bush is to blame – forever and ever
Washington Post Op-ed: Time to fight for a minimum wage increase
Washington Post Op-ed: Romney’s pants on fire
Washington Post Op-ed: The right running mate for Romney
Wall Street Journal Editorial: Any state with the right reason
Wall Street Journal Op-ed: The Bain ads are about spending
Washington Post Op-ed: A new conspiracy theory: is Romney a unicorn?
Washington Post Op-ed: Mitt Romney’s lessons from his political parents
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Jobs missing from Obama’s sales pitch
Times News: Will: Liberals try squeeze play on Roberts
Courier Express: Enough, already, about haircuts, religions, etc.; we have more relevant issues to discuss
Lewistown Sentinel:  Appreciate all that is good in America

2 Political Junkies: Two prominent members of the “old right” criticizing what’s become of the GOP
NEPArtisan: Joke(r) of the week, month, year? Don Trump
John Hanger: Centralia gas fire 50th anniversary reminder that up to 200 similar fires burn in U.S.
Keystone Politics: Tom Corbett’s making your life worse
Keystone Politics: PA Dems’ Marcellus compact is all that stands between the natural gas industry and hippies
Keystone Politics: Why is transportation funding not part of Pa. budget debate?
Keystone Politics: Senate Dems introducing paycheck fairness act
Keystone Politics: State’s largest economic engine unpopular with Pennsylvanians
Keystone Politics: It’s still way too hard to get a photo ID

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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