Wagner released a new digital ad attacking Wolf’s alleged neglect of the City of Brotherly Love, and it looks like we have a budget deal in Harrisburg.
Good morning, politicos, here’s the Playbook:
Bipartisan Budget Beats Buzzer
It looks like Pennsylvania has a budget deal — and days before the deadline.
Wagner Shows “Helpful” Side in New Video
Gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner’s campaign launched a new ad Monday showcasing his desire to help Philadelphia — an area he said has been neglected under Gov. Tom Wo
Capitolwire: We have a budget deal.
Capitolwire: Domestic violence bills clear House Judiciary Committee.
Capitolwire: IFO offers positive revenue estimate as lawmakers look to have budget ready by week’s end.
Capitolwire: Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf alternative dispute resolution legislation passes Senate.
Capitolwire: Governor: Gov. Wolf’s Employment First Policy to help people with disabilities find work becomes law.
Capitolwire: Rep. Rob Matzie: Bill would create commission to review impact of potential plant closures
Capitolwire: Sen. Ryan Aument: Senate approves package of bills protecting Pennsylvania farmers.
StateImpact PA: Report: Jobs in efficiency, renewables grow while clean transportation lags
StateImpact PA: Changing species, flooding, wildfires among climate priorities on state land
StateImpact PA: Pull the Mariner East permit, environmental group urges Delaware River Basin Commission
State House Sound Bites: Lawmakers say they can finish state budget in short order
State House Sound Bites: Poor People’s Campaign holds sixth and final rally in Harrisburg
State House Sound Bites: State budget positioned for ahead-of-schedule passage
AP: Border separations ripple through midterm campaigns
Inquirer: Medical marijuana patients, legally banned from driving, may get a pass in Pa.
Inquirer: Protesters rally outside Pence fundraiser at Rittenhouse
Inquirer: SEPTA shows off new look for City Hall transit center
Inquirer: AG Shapiro: Pa. investors get back money from interest-rate rigging
Philly Mag: Toomey: Let’s Look Into Opening More Family Detention Centers
WHYY: With major church sex-abuse report looming, lawmaker renews push for more rights for Pa. victims
Daily Local: Protesters rally against Trump’s child separation policy
Daily Local: Commissioners urged to support fair districts
Daily Local: State troopers at Avondale begin wearing body cameras
Bucks County Courier Times: Do Pennsylvania children, families need child welfare watchdog?
Delco Daily Times: Rep. Krueger-Braneky ticked after sex harassment bills stall, ‘studies’ approved
Post-Gazette: China hits pause on Appalachian energy investment citing trade war concerns
Post-Gazette: Study: 40 percent of Pa. households struggle to make ends meet
Post-Gazette: Post-Gazette employees, newsroom editors emphasize they are separate from editorial pages
Post-Gazette: Migrant family separation reaction: From Pa. Dems, outrage. From the GOP, caution.
Post-Gazette: State money used to lure conventions to Pittsburgh is drying up
Post-Gazette: Food stamp workforce: At discount stores, questions about SNAP work requirements
Tribune Review: Courthouse rally to protest Trump immigration policy
Tribune Review: Planned Parenthood PAC to spend $1.5M campaigning for Gov. Tom Wolf, others
Tribune Review: Advocacy group calls out DA Zappala over criminalizing condoms stance
Tribune Review: Low-income parts of Allegheny County qualify for new federal tax breaks
KDKA: GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wagner Goes On Attack Against Wolf’s Democratic Running Mate John Fetterman
City Paper: Where Southwestern Pa.’s delegation stand on Trump’s family-separation immigration policy
WESA: Pennsylvania State Troopers Begin Wearing Body Cameras
Tribune-Democrat: Labor chief stops in Somerset
Altoona Mirror: Logan hears ISC renewal pitch
Beaver County Times: Shell expects pipeline permits to be issued soon
Beaver County Times: U.S. Sen. Bob Casey says child separation policy ‘straight from the pit of hell’
Beaver County Times: Memo: Hopewell officials knew rehab center was possibility
Daily Item: Barletta Campaigns in Valley
Times Leader: Dallas teachers to strike on Tuesday as board passes budget, but no contract
Standard-Speaker: Hazleton set to pay back loan
Standard-Speaker: Online buyers of hunting licenses could have problems
Daily Item: Forced separation of migrant families spurs outrage
Daily Item: Contracts awarded to build new 911 center
Times-Tribune: Casey, Toomey seek judge nominees
Times-Tribune: Barletta backs Trump immigration policy
South Central
Patriot News: Harrisburg schools to remain in state recovery for distressed districts another year
Patriot News: Hair braiders licensing requirement can potentially get twisted
Patriot News: Legislation on firearms wins battle in war on gun violence
Patriot News: 2018-19 proposed Pa. state budget makes $70 million investment in school safety
Patriot News: Pa. House passes bill creating higher hurdles for public taking of protected lands
LNP: Smucker: ‘Broken’ immigration system allows children to be separated from parents
YDR: Gov. Wolf does not want Pa. National Guard at southern border, opposes family separation
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Pennsylvania House panel set to vote on gun bills
Morning Call: Bethlehem council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
Morning Call: Local businesses, builders association sue Northampton County over new contractor law
Express-Times: ‘A separation crisis’: Allentown diocese bishop calls out U.S. immigration policy
Express-Times: Look up the average SAT score for every public high school in Pa.
Reading Eagle: Female lawyers on the rise in Berks
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Erie-area lawmakers react to Trump immigration policy
Erie Times-News: Erie County sues drugmakers over opioid epidemic
Sun-Gazette: Home rule city government draft sees fine tuning
WPSU: Trump Visits Hill Republicans, But Passage Of GOP Immigration Bills Uncertain
WPSU: Pa. Congressional Map Unaffected By U.S. Supreme Court Decision On Partisan Gerrymandering
Centre Daily Times: Harner Farm has been rezoned for development
Patriot News: Op-ed: We can’t waste time. Lawmakers must pass the House’s redistricting bill
Post-Gazette: Vote on STOP act: Give U.S. Postal Service tools to track fentanyl
Inquirer: How about harm reduction for the poor?
Times-Tribune: Leave rattlers alone in Noxen
Morning Call: Opinion: Government willing to overlook costs to look good
Delco Daily Times: Opinion: Is GOP snatching defeat from jaws of victory in immigration debacle?
Reading Eagle: Time to work on sustaining Medicare, Social Security
Sun-Gazette: State budget angst magically invisible in an election year
2 Responses
Trump’s obsession to totally consume all attention in the news cycle is wrecking havoc for Wagner and Barletta. If it isn’t Stormy Daniels it’s the border issues or it’s Michael Cohen or its one of the top Trump figures saying something eye catching—the point is–good to luck Scott Wagner trying to get a word in edge wise! There is absolutely no sign of Trump changing his ways and this does not bode well for Summer 2018 and Fall 2018 campaigning.
Racist tweet by Prius driving cuck Steve Miskin didn’t make the list??