6/25 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, here’s the buzz. Diana Irey Vaughan shone at GOP state committee; Keith Rothfus calls on Rep. Mark Critz to endorse Romney for Prez; Casey tells donors to open their wallets so he can compete with Smith, and see who made the Ups & Downs.

Corbett Pledges PA Red State; Irey Vaughan Wows at RSC: In what was an otherwise uneventful weekend, Washington County Commissioner and State Treasurer candidate Diana Irey Vaughan stirred the crowd this weekend in a rousing, Army-themed speech. Gov. Corbett and Senate candidate Tom Smith also spoke.

Rothfus to Critz: Why Not Just Endorse Romney?: In light of Rep. Mark Critz’s (D-Cambria) decision to skip the DNC this year (in order to both campaign and distance himself from the President) his GOP challenger Keith Rothfus has called on Critz to take the next step: endorse Mitt Romney for President.

Casey to Donors: Polls Have “Warning Signals”: Most observers don’t consider PA’s Senate race among the most competitive in the country. But someone does take it seriously: Bob Casey. In a letter to prospective donors obtained by PoliticsPA, he warned of Tom Smith’s personal wealth, and that recent polling shows the underside of his support.

6/22 Ups & Downs: It’s been a busy week from Harrisburg to DC. Lawmakers come close to a budget, the TV wars heat up in PA and suddenly everyone in world is a Wawa connoisseur. Here are this week’s Ups & Downs.

National Journal: Blue Dog Democrats Helping Their Own
Real Clear Politics: Yes, Pennsylvania Really Is Up For Grabs

AP: Corbett stands to win some school-reform victories
Capitol Ideas: Parsing the cracker credit jobs claims
Capitol Ideas: Corbett’s statement on the Sandusky verdict
State House Sound Bites: State Atty Gen praises “just” Sandusky verdict
PA Independent: Big government, big business, big labor back $1.65B tax credit for big oil
PA Independent: PA Week in Review: Budget spending number determined, big tax credit for Shell
PA Independent: Retiree health care costs are a hidden $17 billion pension bomb
PA Independent: ACA Medicaid expansion would cost $2B through 2019
State Impact: OSHA issues hazard alert to natural gas drillers
State Impact: Tioga County methane migration: onetime geyser being brought under control
State Impact: As Shell works to stop methane, neighboring farmer worries about his cows
State Impact: Philadelphia to force large property owners to post energy use
Capitolwire: Corbett tells Republican State Committee that a vote for Romney is a vote for jobs
Capitolwire: House Democrats question private management of Pennsylvania Lottery
Capitolwire: Senate prepares to re-evaluate bill requiring ID for access to public benefits
Capitolwire: Lawsuit challenging new district maps will look for equal representation, fewer partisan splits
Capitolwire: Gov. Corbett signs bill to use predatory mortgage settlement funds for state housing programs
Capitolwire: OFF THE FLOOR: EITC Classic, Single Sales Factor in budget deal. EITC 2.0 also, if votes are found
Capitolwire: Bill to provide funding stream for cadet classes appears to be headed to governor’s desk
Capitolwire: OFF THE FLOOR: Corbett shows strong commitment to conservative education reform
Capitolwire: House panel moves bills to restore 30-percent cut to state-related universities in 2012-13 budget
Capitolwire: Progress slows for the mandatory online filing of campaign finances

Inquirer: Can Christie deliver Pa.?
Inquirer: Council’s $3.6 billion budget plan spreads pain around
AP: Pa. municipalities conference set for Tuesday
Inquirer: Any Pa. budget deal remains under wraps
AP: $1.6 settlement in Pa. gas drilling lawsuit
Fox Philadelphia: Politicians brace for landmark ruling in health care battle

phillyburbs.com: Corbett stands to win some school-reform victories
PA Independent: Pa. teachers could be rated based on test scores; groups blast move as unfair
Montgomery Media: Colonial School Board approves budget for next year

Post-Gazette: How did the budget dealing benefit Corbett?
Post-Gazette: Vote set to keep illegal workers off the job in Pennsylvania
Post-Gazette: Bill requires candidates to file finance reports online
Post-Gazette: LGBT community expected to work for Obama re-election
Early Returns: Birthday cupcakes, GOP rally cries
Early Returns: Altmire vote streak over
Early Returns: Rothfus: Obama critic Critz should endorse Romney
Early Returns: Friday: WashPost on Romney outsourcing

Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: 219 supporters urge passage of highway bill
JD Prose, Beaver County Times: It’s easy to see all this low-hanging fruit

AP: Corbett commends victims for facing Sandusky
AP: Education tax credit to expand
AP: Pa. OKs limited secret grand juries for counties
AP: Education reform wins are possible
AP: Ex-lawmaker in scandal pleads ignorance of aide
Times-Tribune: Mayor, council at odds over real money, real plans
Times-Tribune: State budget cuts cause daycare openings, but not for a good reason
Times-Tribune: State: no bailout for Scranton
Times-Tribune: County sales tax bill draws interest in state Senate
Times-Tribune: Mellow loses his pension
Times-Tribune: “Critical time” for education in Pennsylvania, secretary says
Times-Tribune: CEOs rate Pa poorly as place to do business
Daily Item Opinion: Sound off 6/23
Daily Item Opinion: Sound off 6/22
Standard Speaker: Sales tax proposal has GOP’s interest
Times News: Recycling program may be headed for the dumpster
Pocono Record: Education proposal pushed in Legislature

South Central
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: SDL gets bargain bid
AP: Rendell will testify for ex-Rep. Stetler
Harrisburg Patriot News: Carlisle Area School Board approves budget raising taxes 0.9%
Harrisburg Patriot News: Central Dauphin School District plans more cuts to avert shortfall
Harrisburg Patriot News: Harrisburg economic development loans being collected
Harrisburg Patriot News: GOP can win Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett says
York Daily Record:  Stetler denies sending staffer to work on York mayoral campaign

Lehigh Valley
The Morning Call: Supporters, opponents brace for health care ruling
The Morning Call: Forks adopts parks expansion plan
The Morning Call: Northampton County will pay $27.3 million to end swaption deal
The Morning Call: PA House committee finally releases important bills
The Morning Call: Taxes going up in Parkland
WFMZ: Report: 3rd largest natural gas reserves on East Coast are in Bucks, Montgomery counties
WFMZ: Education tax credit to expand in new Pa. $27.7B budget
WFMZ: Plan in works may help Allentown arena project move forward
WFMZ: Gov. Corbett, top Republicans announce $27.7B budget agreement
WFMZ: Top advocate gives up on liquor bill, for now
Express Times: Lehigh Valley and northwest New Jersey congressmen charge hundreds for a dinner invitation
South WhiteHall Patch: Township Hires Firm to Update Zoning Map

North by Northwest
Lewistown Sentinel: Hand over papers ‘Fast and Furious’
Centre Daily Times: Governor needs a lesson on priorities
Courier Express: Fewer permits issued for Marcellus gas wells
Sharon Herald: GOC board OKs 2 transport budgets
Times-News: Vinca: Proposed social service cuts show our misplaced priorities

Tribune Review: Sunday Pops
Tribune Review: High-level hypocrisy
Tribune Review Op-ed: Stick to fracking science, not the politics
Tribune Review Op-ed: Pied piperism incarnate
Tribune Review Op-ed: Spontaneous stop works for Mitt
Tribune Review Op-ed: Pa.’s rogue gallery
Post-Gazette Editorial: Hell Hole: It’s time to view solitary confinement as torture
Post-Gazette Editorial: No Shell game: Corbett’s tax break plan is a good deal for the state
Altoona Mirror Editorial: Senate vote zaps coal plants
Reading Eagle: Education campaign is fine, but enforcement is vital
Reading Eagle: Federal Reserve figures point to real issue of 2012 vote
Politico: Hard reality could ease GOP on path toward compromise
Politico: Strategic reform can help offset budget impasse

John Hanger: Climate Change Stunner: Shale Gas Makes USA World Leader In Cutting Carbon Emissions Since 2006
Keystone Politics: Why the #PABudget Must Restore HEMAP Funding
Keystone Politics: Mike Fitzpatrick Gets a *Zero* From Planned Parenthood
CasablancaPA: One thing you do not want to do as prosecutor is….
Young Philly Politics: Hitting People When They Are Down: The Loan Sharks Are On Their Way Back To Pennsylvania
Keystone State Education Coalition: PA Voucher Alert
NEPArtisan: Immigrants (Legal & Illegal) Are Making America Better
Water Cooler: It’s more than just Andrea Mitchell and Wawa
Keystone Progress: Mitt Romney: Outsourcer-In-Chief
Pennsylvania Progressive: Piecing Together the PA Budget Framework
Pennsylvania Progressive: Campaign 2012: Romney, Bain Outsourced Jobs

3 Responses

  1. “Smith is a con man. He only wants this position to run things HIS way. He’s unqualified, uneducated, and a control freak.”. Really? Where do you get this stuff. Tom Smith grew up on a farm and built multiple coal buisnesses from scratch. I would like to see something that Casey has done on his own to create jobs in the private sector before he was in office. Casey got in riding on his dad’s name and he is polar opposite from his father. Please respond with true statements instead of simply trashing someone because you are a Casey supporter.

  2. Smith is a con man. He only wants this position to run things HIS way. He’s unqualified, uneducated, and a control freak. He’s good at talking the talk. Shake your hand, smile, bad-mouth others and make you feel like he really cares about you. And he does as long as you can do something for him. If he gets elected, you will see what a fraud he really is.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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