6/29 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, and welcome to the buzz.

Last night the Senate passed a $27.15 billion approps bill, meaning that the state will have an on-time budget for the first time in 8 years. Republicans are touting the no-new-taxes fiscal restraint, Democrats are lamenting cuts to education and public welfare. The beat goes on.

Eugene DePasquale and Patrick Murphy have picked up some endorsements in enemy territory, so to speak. The York County lawmaker turned Auditor General candidate gained support in Pittsburgh, which he and potential rival Dan Onorato each grew up. The Bucks County former congressman won a list of supporters in Luzerne County including former Rep. Paul Kanjorski, down the road from opponent Kathleen Kane’s home.

Governer Corbett signed a tort reform compromise into law yesterday that reflects most of what business groups were asking. He also signed the ‘Castle Doctrine’ bill, which actually legalizes shooting firearms into the air in celebration of the bill’s passage.

Is it 48,000, or less than 10,000?  Left-leaning think tank Keystone Research Center continues its tussle with the Marcellus shale industry over the number of jobs created by drilling. It’s the first significant attempt by drilling policy critics to target the industry’s trump card argument: jobs.

And our Rick Santorum has an op-ed in Politico today, arguing that Republicans in Congress should refuse to raise the debt ceiling without passing the balanced budget amendment. Hey, no one ever accused him of thinking small.


PS. It should come as little surprise that most of today’s headlines fall under the “statewide” category

PoliticsPA Reports

Senate Approves $27.15 Billion Budget
Late Tuesday afternoon the State Senate passed the $27.15 billion budget with a 30-20 vote. The budget, after a party-line vote, now heads to the House. The new budget proposes no tax increases and softens some of Governor Corbett’s earlier cuts.

Gov. Corbett Signs Tort Reform Compromise
Today Governor Corbett delivered one of his campaign promises by signing the Fair Share Act, making Pennsylvania the next state to adopt comprehensive tort reform.

Kanjorski, Luzerne Pols Endorse Murphy for AG
At a fundraiser tonight in Wilkes-Barre, Murphy will be joined by Congressman Paul Kanjorski, Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tom Leighton, and State Representatives Michael Carroll, Phyllis Mundy and Eddie Day Pashinski.

PR Battle Continues Over Marcellus Shale Jobs
Marcellus shale gas drilling advocates have wielded the ultimate trump card in every debate: jobs. Now, as lawmakers prepare to debate a possible fee or tax, a left-leaning think tank is looking for chinks in the armor.

DePasquale Pulls In Pittsburgh Support
State Rep. Eugene DePasquale’s nascent bid for Auditor General is finding support in western PA.

Rick Santorum, Politico: No debt ceiling increase without Balanced Budget Amendment
Inquirer: Sen. Grassley Calls For Probe Of Philadelphia Housing Authority Spending
New York Times: Lawmakers Seek Inquiry of Natural Gas Industry
The Washington Post: Justices who will shape Supreme Court’s future are matching pairs
Roll Call: Top 5 Member- Vs. – Member Battles

AP: Natural Gas Levy Vote Pulled From Pa. House Agenda
AP: Gov. Corbett Signs Bill To Expand ‘Castle Doctrine’
AP: Gov. Corbett Links Pa. Budget To Other Policy Goals
AP: Rep. Joe Brennan Faces More Charges
AP: Shale Driller Slapped With $180K Fine In Pa.
AP: Senate Gets Bill To Make 911 Caller Info Secret
Early Returns: Fortune telling in PA House
Post – Gazette: Judge must decide DeWeese trial site
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Corbett signs lawsuit reforming ‘Fair Share Act’
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Senate approves state budget
Early Returns: Gov says he’d veto a drilling fee
Capitol Ideas: Mid afternoon Budget Update: House Dems To Backpedal On State University Funding
Capitol Ideas: Senate Panel Goes Fourth And Long On Eligibility Rules For High School Sports
Capitol Ideas: House To Begin Shale Impact Fee Debate This Afternoon
Capitol Ideas: Norquist Does “The Colbert Report.”
State House Sound Bites: Natural gas drilling impact fee debated in PA House
Pennsylvania Independent: Natural gas impact fee plans dead until fall
Pennsylvania Independent: Time has likely run out on school voucher bills
Pennsylvania Independent: Senate Appropriations Committee passes budget
State House Sound Bites: Mayor Thompson presents Act 47 plan
State House Sound Bites: State-related school funding may be delayed
Capitol Ideas: Dinner Hour Budget Update: Republicans Let Out The Gas
Capitol Ideas: Prime-Time Budget Update: The #PaBudget Clears The Senate
Altoona Mirror: Lawmakers Debate Drilling, Education
WJAC: Gov. Corbett Signs ‘Castle Doctrine’ Expansion Bill
WTAE: Pa. Allows More Use Of Deadly Force For Self-Defense
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Pa. Budget Poised to Beat Deadline
Times Online: Senator Casey Calls For Probe of Nuke Evacuation Plans
Times Online: Natural Gas Drilling Levy On Tap In Pa. House
Times Online: Bill Will Temporarily Suspend School Board Powers
Times Online: Pa. Senate OKs Bill To Limit Harrisburg Bankruptcy
Political News: New Senators, Including Casey, Push For Immediate Action on Prescription Drug Shortages
BusinessWeek: Pa. Bill To Limit Civil Liability Heads to Corbett
Penn Live: Gov. Tom Corbett’s Administration Has Made No Decisions Yet About State Management Salaries
Forbes: Pa. Budget Unfolds Amid Drilling, Higher Ed. Debate

Fox Philadelphia: Shale Tax Will Not Bail Out Philadelphia
WHYY Newsworks: Nutter Vetoes Mandatory Sick Leave In Philly
Inquirer: Philadelphia City Worker Links Firing To Renee Tartaglione
PhillyNow: Knox Changes Back To Dem…Is This The End?
ABC: Rep. Bob Brady Reacts To Thieves Jeopardizing Local Football Team’s Season
Philly.com: Labor Dispute Is Family Court Project’s Latest Snag, Rep. Brady Reacts

Philly Suburbs
Pottstown Mercury: Westboro Baptist claims it protested at Dunn’s crash site
Pottstown Mercury: Corbett links Pa. budget to property tax issues
Pottstown Mercury: Pennsylvania budget unfolds amid drilling, higher ed debate
Pottstown Mercury: State representative charged with DUI faces more charges
Philly Burbs: Plan to rename roadway in honor of fallen officer moves forward
BrynMawr-Gladwyne Patch: DA Office Wins Victory In County Ethics Ordinance

CBS KDKA: Q & A with Jack Shea
Sewickley PA Patch: Mayor Ravenstahl To Announce Thursday Hines Ward and Kym Johnson Day
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh Controller Issues User-Friendly Financial Report
Early Returns: Kaufmann’s Clock revisited

Altoona Mirror: School District Budget Cuts Not So Deep
Daily American: Somerset Borough Joins Bakersville Water Plan
WJAC: Fees Getting Cut At Raystown
WJAC: Gas Industry Water Use, Recreation Impact Highlights Reservoir Draw Down Meeting
Tribune-Democrat: Board Puts Off Vote On Tax Increase
Tribune-Review: Connellsville School Board to Act On 2011-12 Spending Plan Tonight
Observer-Reporter: House Approved Moratorium On Court-Ordered Reassessments, That Was Sponsored By Rep. Saccone
Observer-Reporter: Rep. Ramaley and Rep. Veon Reimbursed Money
Early Returns: Rep. Shuster Does Not Want Johnstown After Redistricting Jockeying

Lehigh Valley
WFMZ: Congressman Tours Local Company That Makes Nuclear Equipment

Times Leader: Lokuta to file appeal with U.S. Supreme Court
Times Leader: Smallacombe selected as Lackawanna County Commissioner
Times Leader: Corbett may veto proposed gas tax
Times Leader: Corbett links Pa. budget to other policy goals
Times Online: Pa. Rep. Brennan Charged With DUI, Faces More Charges
AP via Times Leader: Pa. Budget vote planned in Senate
AP via Citizens Voice: Corbett signs bill on right to use deadly force
AP via Citizens Voice: Pa. Senate Oks bill to limit Harrisburg bankruptcy
AP via Citizens Voice: Shale driller slapped with $180K fine in Pa.
AP via Citizens Voice: Pa. Senate begins debate on $27.15B budget
Standard Speaker: NEPA Schools still lose $51.5M in revamped budget
Pocono Record: Pa. Senate gets bill to make 911 caller info secret
North Central Pa: Marino Disagrees With move on Oil Reserve

North by Northwest
Times Online: New Castle: Help Veterans, Rep. Sainato To Have American Legion Representative In His New Castle Office Next Month
Erie Times-News: Name the Governor’s Puppies
Erie Times-News: Erie County Councilman charged again for driving under suspended license
Erie Times-News: Census: More students living in college dorms
Centre-Daily Times: State College School Board OK’s budget-Nicole
Early Returns: Mike Kelly Goes Viral
Daily Review: Rep. Marino and Rep. Thompson Send Joint Letter To Obama In Support Of Gov. Corbett’s Help For Five Counties

Baer Growls: Time To Get Rid of Lawmakers Gym and Replace It With a Rehab Clinic?
PhillyNow: Gov. Corbett Signs ‘Common-Sense’ Castle Doctrine Bill
Dave Davies, WHYY Newsworks Blog: Say Good Night, Tom
Mark Guydish, Times Leader: Spend or save, we still have to pay those pesky taxes
Citizens Voice Editorial: Expand use of in-court cameras
WHYY Newsworks Column: Suggestions for Ackerman On How To Spend Her Bonus
Rick Santorum, Politico: The courage to balance the budget
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Sick health
Pittsburgh Post Gazette Editorial: Forked tongue: the House sends a mixed message on Libya’s war
Pittsburgh Post Gazette Editorial: Happier hours: The legislature lightens up on the liquor code
Pittsburgh Post Gazette Editorial: Climate bully: Obama needs to heed Gore on the environment
Altoona Mirror, Editorial: Happy-hour process maddening
PhillyBurbs: Dark ages deal
York Dispatch, Op-Ed: Support pancreatic cancer research act

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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