Good morning politicos, and welcome to the buzz.
Almost there. The Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission took its votes on Friday, and is preparing to send the Governor recommendations for a variety of environmental protections, as well as impact fees and forced pooling.
The GOP called Rep. Allyson Schwartz their “star witness” in a recent hearing aimed at dismantling part of the health care reform legislation. Schwartz took the mic in opposition to the Independent Payment Advisory Board (those “unelected bureaucrats” who Republicans allege will usurp control of health care).
The PA delegation continues to scruple with the debt limit debate, and the Inquirer’s Tom Fitzgerald profiles Sen. Pat Toomey’s leading role on the issue.
PoliticsPA Reports
GOP Calls Rep. Schwartz “Star Witness” On ‘Obamacare’
On Wednesday, the Republican National Committee issued a press release attacking the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) provision of ‘ObamaCare’ and calling Rep. Allyson Schwartz the GOP’s “star witness.”
Coach Doyle Leads The Democrats To A Win In Charity Baseball Matchup
Coach Doyle, better known as Rep. Mike Doyle (PA-14), helped the Democrats defeat the Republicans 8-2 in a charity baseball game last night.
Check out our Ups & Downs from Friday!
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: State’s House delegation split on free trade
The Big Tent: Bachmann Has Momentum With Philadelphia Tea Party
Early Returns: 3rd Circuit Upholds Murtha Suit Dismissal
Early Returns: Critz, T-Murphy Play Yuan Shuffle
Inquirer: Sen. Toomey Is A Leader On Debt Question
PBPC: $200 Million Lost to Legislative Inaction on Drilling Tax
POLITICO: Sarah Palin’s Tricked-Out Bus Decorations: $14K, PA Lawmakers Contribute
Patriot News: Marc Scaringi embodies the reluctant politician
POLITICO: Rick Santorum Raised Almost $600k, Spent $350k
Roll Call: Worried and Waiting on the Hill
Washington Post: Top Lawmakers Target ‘Grand Bargain’ For Debt Plan
Washington Post: Congressional Baseball Game a Show of Sportsmanship Between Dems, GOP
Inquirer: At 30th Street Station, Amtrak Has Plan For Gateway To Philadelphia
WHYY Newsworks: Status Report: Planning For State Health Exchanges
Pennsylvania Avenue, Morning Call: Dent raises 158,000, mostly from PACs
Capitol Ideas: The Shale Commission Speaks
WITF: Santorum Discloses Less than Quarter Million Raised for Presidential Bid
State Impact – NPR: How Friday’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission Vote Will Impact Pa.’s laws
State Impact – NPR: Garden State Blackmail?
State Impact – NPR: Corbett’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission Votes
Patriot News: Cumberland County DA considered 2012 run for AG
Patriot News: Ending Sunday hunting ban is no easy task
Patriot News: Marcellus Shale Commission turns in its recommendations
PA Independent: Pooling Included in Shale commission recommendations
PA Independent: Impact fee debate will shift back to legislature after commission’s report
PA Independent: Universities raise tuition following deep budget cuts
PA Independent: Turzai unveils plan to privatize state liquor stores
The Notebook: List of Pa. Schools Being Investigated For Alleged PSSA Impropriety
Fox Philadelphia: Shale Money Is Not Coming To The Philadelphia Area
WHYY Newsworks: Report: Impact of Friday’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission Vote
Baer Growls: According to Polls, Gov. Corbett Is Not The Worst GOP Governor
PhillyClout: State Sen. Williams Recovering From Undisclosed Illness
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. State Rep. Cherelle Parker’s DUI Trial Is Rescheduled For August 22
Commonwealth Confidential: Ex-Game Commissioner Pleads Guilty To Importing Wolf-Hybrid Pups
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Pennsylvania bill would repeal religious garb ban
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Panel pushes impact fees, forced pooling
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Marcellus commission ends day, passes 100 recommendations
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Marcellus advisory committee supports impact fees
PhillyNow: Philly Tax Collections Are Up
WHYY Newsworks: Larger than life, Frank Rizzo Still A Presence 20 Years After His Death
Heard In The Hall: Republicans in Philadelphia Mending Fences
Fox Philadelphia: Leaked Documents Indicate Power Struggle In Philadelphia School District
WHYY Newsworks: Housing Authority Chooses Former Rendell Aide As Agency’s Top Lawyer
PhillyClout: Mayor Nutter To Keep Fighting Snow In July
Inquirer: For Gleeks With Clout, Look Inside Mayor’s Box
WHYY Newsworks: Philadelphia Parking Fare Increase Begins Today
PR Newswire: Congressman Fattah Undertakes Ambitious National Travel for Speeches, Tours on Scientific Research, Education Reform
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Altmire, Critz top money list for W.PA
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Judge places blame on Orie
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Economic sense of maintaining unused roadways,schools, bridges questioned
KDKA: Former Congressman laid to rest in Washington Co
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: 2012 project seeks women candidates: Aims to reach gender parity in government
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Judge rules Orie appeal ‘frivolous’
Early Returns: Rothfus: $102K on hand
Early Returns: 3rd circuit upholds Murtha suit dismissal
Altoona Mirror: Officer denies cover-up involvement
Tribune-Review: Ordinance could help Connellsville, create jobs
Tribune-Review: Opponents of governor’s school cuts vent at rally
Beaver County Times: Beaver: Council hires road workers
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Growth in temp jobs signals progress
Morning Call: Protesters target Allentown abortion clinic
Morning Call: Obama volunteers gearing up
Lehigh Valley Live: Easton Area School District change to special education class will save costs, help students
Citizen’s Voice: Pushing for court diversity, Hamilton plots judicial run
Wayne Independent: Company defends plan for Pa. natural gas pipeline
Wayne Independent: WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? Hitting the ceiling
Standard Speaker: Water rate hike revenues less than budgeted
Standard Speaker: Caucus polls a misuse of public money
WNEP: Penn State Raises Tuition
Go Lackawanna: Council passes agreements, overrides UDAG veto
Go Lackawanna: Smallacombe begins interim term
Go Lackawanna: Corruption trial on county’s mind
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: IRS honors Erie Free Taxes as one of nation’s top programs
Erie Times-News: Erie School District scales back alternative education
Tri County Courier Express: Clearfield Borough to consider computer upgrade
Tri County Courier Express: New Brookville water plant ready for testing
Centre Daily Times: Charter schools fought to be an option — part one of series
Centre Daily Times: Penn State increases tuition in $4.1 billion budget
Center Daily Times: Darts & Laurels: Sip, sip, hooray! Is Pa. moving out of booze biz?
Chris Borick, Inquirer: On redistricting, root for a GOP overreach
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial: That’s the spirit! Proposal would get state out of the liquor business
Dick Polman, Inquirer: More false GOP hopes for Jewish support
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Editorial: The political obstructionism we hate reflects the society we’ve become
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Editorial: David Brooks/ The debt crisis is mostly about death
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Brian O’Neill: Raising taxes on the rich makes dollars and sense
Patriot News Editorial: Pay split between union, nonunion state workers is unfair
Patriot News Editorial: State’s table games gamble has paid off
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Jack Kelly: A template for D.C.?
Morning Call: Crystal ball insight will give us gas
Lehigh Valley Independent: What’s the Point of a Toothless Regional Planning Commission?
Lehigh Valley Independent: Lutchansky on Flaws in Turzai’s Alcohol Reform Bill
Lehigh Valley Independent: Are Gas Companies Misrepresenting PA’s Laws to Landowners?
Philadelphia Inquirer: Karen Heller: As a public leader, Corbett isn’t cutting it
The Intelligencer: Editorial: Hold firm on spending
Philadelphia Business Journal: Corbett sets stage for Pa. growth
Tri County Courier Express: Santorum’s pledge: Isn’t that what ‘marriage’ is already supposed to mean?
Citizen’s Voice Editorial: Save Growing Greener program
Citizen’s voice Editorial: Utility rate requests are a public matter
Standard Speaker Editorial: Take money out of campaigns for appellate judges
Standard Speaker Editorial: PennWATCH cuts through secrecy
The Daily Review Editorial: Capitol Matters: Pa. liquor stores a complicated affair
Bob Urban, Times News: Signs of the times
Young Philly Politics, Editorial: NN meets to fight the next step in privatizing education: vouchers
Commonwealth Foundation, Editorial: CF Toasts Turzai Liquor Freedom Bill
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Editorial: Help! Get Big Government off our backs
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Editorial: Changed America
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Editorial: Cutting higher education intelligently
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Editorial: Supremes close door to justice
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Editorial: Of debts & legacies