7/24 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, here’s the buzz. Philly Dems have called for tighter gun control after the Aurora, CO murders; the Leach-Gehret saga continues; and Rasmussen puts Casey ahead of Smith by 11 points – but what if Casey has another office in his sights?

Casey for Governor?: Like father, like son? Asked today whether he’d consider running against Governor Tom Corbett, Sen. Bob Casey Jr. said he wouldn’t rule it out.

Obama Campaign Books Radio Airtime: The Obama campaign has reserved airtime in rural areas surrounding Ohio and Pennsylvania in order to target Republicans dissatisfied with Mitt Romney.

Philly Dems Call for Gun Control After Colorado Murders: Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell joined a growing list of national advocates who called to strengthen gun control laws in the U.S. after Friday morning’s massacre in Aurora, CO where 12 people were left dead.

Updated: Rasmussen Poll: Casey 49, Smith 38: Senator Bob Casey leads GOP challenger Tom Smith according to the latest survey from Rasmussen. Updated with crosstabs and Gov. Tom Corbett’s (dismal) approval rating.

Updated With Audio: Opponent Says Leach “Demagogues at the Synagogue”: Updated with full audio of Leach’s remarks. GOP state Senate candidate Charles Gehret went after his opponent Sen. Daylin Leach, saying he called Republicans anti-Semitic. The Senator shot back, saying the accusation was “defamatory and unhinged.”

Legislative Election Updates
HD-177: Democratic Candidate William Dunbar has criticized the Republican-controlled legislature, as well as the Governor, for cutting the Cash Assistance program (which will go into effect Aug. 1). “We need elected officials who remember that they work for the  people. Eliminating something as essential as the Pennsylvania Cash Assistance program will put a tremendous new burden on vulnerable citizens in my district and across the state.” Dunbar said that the program was worthy, and that cutting it only shaved one half of 1 percent from the state’s $27.7B budget.  He is one of the Dems’ top challengers in 2012, running against Rep. John Taylor (R-Phila), who has held the seat since 1985.

SD-17: The back and forth between state Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montco) and his GOP challenger Charles Gehret intensified over the weekend. Our last updates include the text from the beginning of Leach’s speech last week at Keneseth Israel – where his opponent alleges he calls Republicans theocrats and anti-Semitic. In another move, Gehret has also formed a Jewish Coalition led by Michael Adler and Lynne Lechter.

National Journal: Obama makes one-on-one pitch in new ad
The Hill: Voters blame president most for slow economic recovery
The Caucus: Exploring the issues behind the 2012 campaign
Pro Publica: Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Voter ID laws
USA Today: Poll: Romney preferred over Obama to handle economy
Wall Street Journal: New Obama ad marks shift from attacks on Romney

PA Independent: Casey rebukes Obama on ‘you didn’t build that’ comment
PA Independent: State won’t jump on the GARVEE train, officials say
Capitolwire: Sen. Casey backs NCAA Penn State sanctions, says he plans to stay in Senate if re-elected
Capitolwire: Credit downgrade adds ‘marginal’ costs to state’s borrowing ability, budget official says
Capitolwire: Senate Democrats get unlikely breaks as they target four seats
Capitolwire: Roae raps the wrong folks for college tuition hikes he deplores
Capitolwire: Corbett never probed alleged AG leaks because charges were ‘BS’ aide says

Daily News: Feds team up with Philly cops to target violent crime
Inquirer: SEPTA says it didn’t think it had to report lobbyist spending
Inquirer: Philly School Reform Commission signs off on contract with blue-collar union
PhillyClout: Philly firefighters protest Mayor Nutter at union convention
PhillyClout: Water main break in Center City an example of city’s infrastructure needs?
Phillynow.com: Conservative poll shows Obama leading in PA
WHYY Newsworks: How we got here: The voter ID controversy’s extensive ties to Northwest Philadelphia
CBS Philly: South Philly Water Main Break Causes Massive Sinkhole, Gas Leak

Pottstown Mercury: Developer: Tear down old Phoenixville Borough Hall for senior housing
Pottstown Mercury: Surprise layoffs could impact North Coventry school campus
Delco Daily Times: New Penn State trustee from Chesco ‘outraged’ at school’s actions
Delco Daily Times: William Penn School District uses $2.5M to balance budget

Post-Gazette: Attorney: Trial for former Allegheny County councilman McCullough postponed
Post-Gazette: Cruise industry fights new pollution limits

WJAC: EPA discusses injection wells

Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania Ave: At Romney field office opening, Pennsylvania GOP pounce on Obama’s ‘you didn’t build that’ speech

AP: Corbett says no tax money should be spent on fine
AP: Adwatch: Obama emphasizes elections’ high stakes
AP: Casey support NCAA sanctions against Penn State
Times-Tribune: Casey hopes court delays voter photo ID law
Citizens Voice: Spotlight on human trafficking in Pennsylvania
Wayne Independent: Baker Bill designed to help children on fallen soldiers

South Central
AP: Penn State football slammed with NCAA sanctions
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Complete list and description of PSU sanctions from NCAA
Carlisle Sentinel: Study will monitor Marcellus gas emissions
Carlisle Sentinel: Corbett says no gas money will be spent on fine
Carlisle Sentinel: State seeks buried dynamite at Pa. viaduct
Chambersburg Public Opinion: County emergency services ask residents about special residents
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Landfill gas will help drop the cost of electricity in Chambersburg
Lebanon Daily News: Distribution of $11.5 M to Pa entities part of national bid-rigging settlement
Lebanon Daily News: Group seeks funds for dental clinic
Lebanon Daily News: Metal price slump deflates dealers
Harrisburg Patriot News: Cumberland County Commissioners back spending for expanding coroner’s office
Harrisburg Patriot News: State Superior Court reconsiders ruling backing Dauphin County road rage ruling victim
York Daily Record:  Local agencies could receive restitution in bid-rigging case
York Daily Record: Tolls increase on Pa. turnpike

North by Northwest
Erie Times: Building gets new look
Erie Times: Erie county to receive air-quality forecasts
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Southern Tioga school closure decision to made this year

Harrisburg Patriot News: Wind energy is key for Pennsylvania
Lebanon Daily News:Crashing down
Lebanon Daily News: Fearing flames
News Item: Thinking about voter ID
Times-Tribune Editorial: State should fix charter funding
Courier Express: Obama shows appalling ignorance of how the private secter works

The Liberty Blog:  Lower Merion’s Libraries – A Study in Democratic Spending- Can Lower Merion Democrats Be Trusted with Money? The Evidence Says “No”
The Liberty Blog: USPS, A Government Monopoly on Mail Delivery, Can’t Meet Its Legal Payment Obligations: Or USPS is Bankrupt
NEPArtisan: Kevin Murphy Should Resign
2 Political Junkies: The Religious Right Begins Blaming
Pennsylvania Progressive: DOJ Investigating State Voter ID Law
Keystone Politics: What Would a New Voting Rights Act Look Like?
Keystone Politics: PA ACLU on the New #VoterID Cards
Keystone Politics: GAO: GOP’s Fake Debt Crisis Cost US $1.3 Billion
Keystone Politics: What’s the 2013 Agenda for State Democrats?
Keystone Politics: All-Time Peak Employment in Pittsburgh
Citizens Call: Education Forum on Voter ID Requirements Set for Thursday Night at Montgomery County Community College
Citizens Call: Voting Rights Activists to Rally in Harrisburg Tomorrow and Across the State Wed. to Oppose Voter ID Law
LuLac Political Letter: The LuLac Edition #2135, July 23rd, 2012

One Response

  1. Look at his record, Progressive Democrat, nothing like his father. He has voted for 98% of the out of control spending, loss of freedoms…and he thinks he can gloss over this by spanking Obama on a you didn’t create that business. We have spend 5T in the last 44 months and nothing to show for it, except more unemployment, more green waste of money we don’t have (solyndra), my grandchildren in debt to the tune of 60,000 for NOTHING. This is what Obama and Casey created. Vote Casey OUT, never to return. How do you vote for OBAMACARE and say you are pro-life. You can’t vote FOR abortion and condemn abortion. He lies and only cares about his political future, banking on the family name.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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