8/12 PoliticsPA Playbook

PA-state-flag6A potential smoking gun in the Kane case, McGinty leads the newest Quinnipiac Poll and PA is trending Democratic. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!

BREAKING: Political Operative Says Kane Leaked Info, Lied About It: Josh Morrow was the person who gave the grand jury information to the Philadelphia Daily News at Kane’s instruction.

Sabato’s Crystal Ball Moves PA From “Lean Dem” to “Likely Dem”: This move is in reaction to a number of recent polls.

PA-Sen: Quinnipiac Poll: McGinty 47% Toomey 44%: McGinty has led five of the last six surveys in the Senate contest.

King: Kane Was “Trying to Frame Me”: A recap of the second day of Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s trial.

PA-8: DCCC Seeks to Separate Brian and Mike Fitzpatrick: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is trying to eliminate Fitzpatrick’s familial advantage.

PA-Sen: Major GOP Operative Urges Toomey to Denounce Trump (AUDIO): Mike Murphy believes Senator Toomey should separate himself from Donald Trump.

PA-Sen: Pat Toomey On The O’Reilly Factor: Sen. Toomey went on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss Philadelphia and his opposition to sanctuary cities.

Capitolwire: Still no resolution in PASSHE faculty contract talks as potential strike call looms
Capitolwire: New Quinnipiac Poll says Toomey-McGinty contest ‘too close to call
Capitolwire: State turns attention toward paid family leave
PLS Reporter: Judiciary Committee examines use of body cameras by police

Inquirer: Sandusky returning to court, and dragging others with him
Inquirer: Adviser: Kane and I plotted grand jury leak — and cover-up
Inquirer: El-Shabazz to join Philly DA’s Office, lead investigations
WHYY Newsworks: Testimony in Kane trial reveals revenge plot, cover-ups    
WHYY Newsworks: The seven other presidential candidates on New Jersey’s ballot

Daily Local News: Judge: Saying sorry is not enough; Ex-CASD official gets prison time for thefts
Daily Local News: Political consultant links A.G. Kathleen Kane to alleged leak of secret material
Bucks Local News: Newtown Township Supervisors officially accept Mike Gallagher’s resignation; schedule interviews to fill vacancy
Delco Daily Times: Pa. adds lottery sales, expanding hours at some liquor stores

WESA: Consultant: I Was Searched Before Lunch With AG
WESA: House Committee Hears Police Body Camera Testimony Prior To Crafting Legislation
WESA: As Trump’s Polls Fall In PA, Toomey Must Look To Split Tickets
Tribune Review: McGinty leads Toomey in Senate race in latest Quinnipiac poll
Post-Gazette: Marijuana has no medical value, feds say
Post-Gazette: FBI wiretap recorded call from Kane co-conspirator calling her ‘unhinged’

Tribune-Democrat: Some good news on opioid epidemic: Treatment options are expanding
Observer-Reporter: Trump to hold rallies in Erie, Altoona on Friday
Altoona Mirror: Protests planned for Trump event
Altoona Mirror: Council approves Nehemiah’s Foundry
Altoona Mirror: Consultant: I conspired with attorney general to frame aide

Times-Tribune: Wednesday: Adrian King testifies in Kane case
Times-Tribune: Expanded state liquor store hours coming Sunday
Times-Tribune: Lackawanna County looking to collect hotel tax for Airbnb rentals
Standard Speaker: Toohil calls for re-vote on kindergarten change
Standard Speaker: Mahanoy City Borough Council dismisses police corporal

South Central
Patriot-News: ‘Best served cold’: Inside Kathleen Kane’s alleged leak scheme
Patriot-News: ‘Kathleen is unhinged’: Consultant says he conspired to leak docs, cover it up
Patriot-News: U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, running in a presidential year, may need to try flying in a different orbit
Patriot-News: Harrisburg continues fight to close Third Street Cafe
Patriot-News: Vintage photos of Pa. governor’s 1964 failed presidential run
York Daily Record: Why didn’t Gov. Wolf brag about Pa. during the delegate count?
Sentinel: Overdose deaths on pace to nearly double in 2016 in Cumberland County
Sentinel: Carlisle hires assistant borough manager for second stint

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Pennsylvania presidential candidate visits
Morning Call: Pat Toomey presses immigrant issue, keeps distance from Donald Trump
Reading Eagle: Nation needs new eyes on its skies
Reading Eagle: U.S. Rep. Ryan Costello visits Fleetwood
Reading Eagle: Area manufacturers increasingly dealing with skill-set shortages, commissioners told

North by Northwest
GoErie: Erie County Council OKs salary increase for deputy coroner post
GoErie: Game Commission appoints for new director for Northwest Region
Centre Daily News: Grocery store to open in new 12-story State College development

Post-Gazette: PIT flight plan: The airport’s savvy CEO is showing results
Tribune-Democrat: The sinking fantasy that Trump would defend Constitution
Daily News: Is final nail in Trump’s political coffin made of Olympic gold?
Inquirer: In Cuba, seedlings of capitalism
Patriot-News: With Clinton ‘assassination’ remarks, Trump crosses the final line
York Daily Record: State must investigate Harrisburg diocese
Reading Eagle: Police footage should be presumed open to the public

Commonwealth Foundation: Making the Most of Education Dollars
2 Political Junkies: The Tribune-Review Editorial Board Sides With Trump’s “2nd Amendment People” – For A Very Weird Reason
Keystone Education Coalition: Education Matters
Keystone Crossroads: Need surgery, will travel

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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