We’ve got one injunction, two bad votes and three marriages. Who had a good week, and who wishes they could take it back? Check it out:
Gov. Tom Corbett. The Guv got a much-needed bump this week by the Voter ID decision that reaffirming a law promoted and pushed through by his administration. Although the law is going to be appealed, Corbett needed this win – especially given his slipping poll numbers, which have been on a steady decline for some time. No matter what positive things he does for the state (like lobbying technology companies in Silicon Valley to invest here, for example) he just can’t seem to catch a break. Voter ID gave him one.
Rep. Tom Marino or Rep. Lou Barletta. But that’s the problem…we’re not really sure who deserves it. We hesitated giving either a “Down” last week regarding Tobyhanna, preferring to wait until the facts became more clear. Barletta said he voted for the bill and then realized the “accounting error.” Marino waited to comment, but staff said he voted for it knowingly, hoping the funding would be fixed. But then Marino himself said we need to buckle down and deal with cuts. So, which is it? Did they know about the funding? Was there an error? Or did they vote with full knowledge of the cuts, then change their minds once they took heat for it?
Montgomery County. Wednesday night The Daily Show’s guest, NBC news anchor Brian Williams, said Montco is just one of a dozen counties in the country that are going to determine the outcome of the presidential race “because it represents so much.” Pretty impressive. A second mention came last night on the same show – although it was a bit less serious and involved Ted Nugent. Regardless, Montco is on the national radar. Did you hear that Josh Shapiro and Montco GOP? It’s game on.
Wars. To put it bluntly, we’re just plain sick of them. This has been a summer of ridiculous rhetoric-fueled wars. You can argue all you want that the “War on Women” is real and will hurt the female populace, but the truth is that the minute you call it a war, all serious discourse goes out the window. So whether it’s on women, education, coal or on Christmas (or, alternatively, on religion), we’re over it.
Reps. Jim Christiana (R-Beaver) and Carl Metzgar (R-Somerset). We just couldn’t resist a wedding post. Both state Reps are recently married, and we wish them the best. But this also brings us to our last Down:
Ladies of Harrisburg (see above). Sorry ladies. Even in the politically fueled city of Harrisburg, a good politico is hard to find. And these men have just been taken off the market. But maybe this cycle will bring some fresh faces to the capital (and the Capitol)?
Our Tweet of the Week goes out to Onward State writer Douglas Dooling, for his clever response to our story about Paul Ryan’s “tie” to Pennsylvania in friend and fellow Rep. Jim Gerlach:
@politicspa He only has one Pennsylvania tie? Someone get@reppaulryan to Men’s Warehouse. nyuk nyuk nyuk— Douglas Dooling (@DailyDiplomat) August 13, 2012
6 Responses
Do you really think getting married is going to take Rep. Christiana off the market? That guy is well-known as the biggest hound in Harrisburg.
I think I’d have to conclude Marino is a bit dopey.
Come home, Keegan. Come home.
Corbett? Really? 28%! He could win a million bucks and pass all he wants, but 28%?
Seriously the big and tall store is at Torre’s in Philadelphia. Mens Warehouse…
And now Keegan is off the market too… what’s a government gal to do?