Good morning, politicos. Here’s the buzz.
We have two new state House candidates, and the name of a third should be forthcoming. In the meantime, check out three new ads released Friday and last week’s Ups & Downs. And is Sen. Toomey the new Man in Black? Maybe not – but he has been everywhere, man.
Voter ID and Jon Stewart…The Saga Continues (Watch Video): Voter ID was controversial from the start, as has the House Majority Leader’s comments on it. Jon Stewart caught wind of the story this week, and decided to end his last broadcast until the RNC and DNC conventions on a high note – last night he took another jab at Turzai, the law and…Teg Nugent?
Sen. Toomey Has Been Everywhere, Man: Sen. Pat Toomey has put some serious mileage on his campaign bus in his first term. With a visit to The Holcombe Group in Sullivan County Tuesday, Toomey has now visited all 67 counties in Pennsylvania in less than two years in the Senate.
Keith Rothfus: Regular Guy (Watch Video): The same day the NRCC began running ads bashing Critz for his stance on Medicare and Obamacare, Keith Rothfus’ campaign has released a get-to-know-you ad showing the candidate and father of six as a regular, everyday guy.
NRCC Ad Blasts Critz for Obamacare Support (Watch Video): The National Republican Congressional Committee knows Rep. Mark Critz’s Pa-12 seat is vulnerable – and today, they threw their weight behind challenger Keith Rothfus by releasing an ad attacking Critz for his support of Obamacare.
Priorities: Ryan Budget Bad For Middle Class (Watch Video): Priorities USA Action launched a new ad today attacking Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan as being a burden for the middle class – but not for Mitt Romney.
Smith Blasts Obama, Casey “War on Coal” in Ohio: Republican Tom Smith has championed himself as a vocal opponent of President Obama’s energy strategy during his campaign against incumbent Rep. Bob Casey. And earlier today, he brought his message to neighboring Ohio – a move that left some wondering why he’s not campaigning here.
8/17 Ups & Downs: We’ve got one injunction, two bad votes and three marriages. Who had a good week, and who wishes they could take it back? Check it out.
Legislative Election Updates
HD-30: A Saturday meeting at the Hampton Township Community Center gave the Republican Party a new candidate to replace state Rep. Randy Vulakovich (R-Allegheny), who won a special election to fill ex-Sen. Jane Orie’s seat in SD-40. One was GOP State Committeeman Mike McMullen, who spoke to the committee first before withdrawing his name to support a man backed by Vulakovich and Allegheny County Chair Jim Roddey: Hal English. English is an attorney and Marine Corps veteran. “I was humbled and honored that I was nominated to be a candidate for the 30th House seat by my supporters. But, after careful thought, deliberation and prayer I chose to support Hal English for the nomination. I am a team player and we must maintain this seat in November. Hal is an honorable man and he has my full support on his election.”
HD-50: With DeWeese in jail and off the ballot, the Dems were free to name a replacement – and Saturday they unanimously picked Greene County Commissioner Pam Snyder to replace him. “The big issue in this race is making sure that the people of Greene County and the rest of the district have good jobs and quality of life,” she told The Post-Gazette after the committee vote. “That’s what I’ve worked on for nine years as commissioner — to make sure people of this district have the opportunity to stay here.” Snyder lost a primary race against DeWeese two years ago, but will now face GOP candidate Mark Fischer.
HD-193: Dem candidate Mike Strausbaugh has withdrawn his candidacy, citing family issues. “After much thought and with input from family, friends and supporters I regretfully announce my decision to withdraw from the race for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in the 193rd District,” he said in a statement. “I am grateful in ways I cannot express for the support of so many dedicated, wonderful campaign supporters and ask everyone for your understanding.” According to The Evening Sun a replacement from Adams County has been chosen by the York and Adams County committees, and was to have been approved Sunday by a vote of the party’s state executive committee. The name should be released today. That candidate will face Rep. Will Tallman (R-Adams).
Politico: Obama signs bill giving him more power over appointments
Politico: Santorum calls Obama campaign tone “divisive”
Politico: Ryan’s mom is new face in Medicare wars
National Journal: Will Members of Congress Get a Raise?
National Journal: 10 Spin-Free Facts About Medicare
National Journal Hotline: NRCC Reserves Nearly $10 Million in Ad Time in 12 Districts
The Hill: Romney camp: Obama cuts forcing some seniors out of Medicare
The Hill: New election laws show partisan wrangling for votes – by both parties
New York Times: Scripture, Song and Six Grandchildren: Romneys Open Church Doors to Press
New York Times: Both Campaigns Seize Role of Medicare Defender
The Caucus: In New Ads, Republicans Attack Over Medicare
The Caucus: Giuliani and Santorum Assail Biden for Virginia Speech
Five Thirty Eight: Obama Leads Big — Among Those Least Likely to Vote
USA Today: Obama raises the Romney ‘dog issue’
Pro Publica: How nonprofits spend millions on elections and calls it public welfare
PA Independent: Report finds room for improvement at state ethics board
PA Independent: Week in review: August brings some ups and downs
State House Sound Bites: Lawmakers unknowingly part of Facebook group urging Governor Corbett’s impeachment
State Impact PA: Drill Bits: Carbon Dioxide Levels Drop; Experts Credit Natural Gas
State Impact PA: After Spring Swoon, Gas Prices Are Rising Again
Capitolwire: PA’s job numbers sag again, unemployment rate jumps in July
Philly Clout: Advisors have been selected to aid in possible PGW sale
Philly Clout: State Rep. Mark Cohen on per diems: May be hardest worker
Philly Inquirer: Thomas Fitzgerald: A sound-bite feast
Philly Inquirer: Paul Ryan to campaign in West Chester Tuesday
Philly Inquirer: A Tighter Race in Local Presidential Fundraising
Philly Inquirer: Now the real work on voter ID
Philly Tribune: Romney and Obama Fight Medicare Edge
Philly Tribune: Property Tax Info Given to Residents
Fox Philadelphia: Pa. Voter ID plaintiff gets card amid appeal
WHYY Newsworks: Dems, GOP both pounce on Pa. jobless numbers for political fodder
WHYY Newsworks: Voters weigh in on new polling ID laws, impact Ryan will have on Romney campaign
WHYY Newsworks: 2 Pa. lawmakers wind up in ‘Impeach Corbett’ Facebook group
Pottstown Mercury: Paul Ryan to hold ‘Victory Rally’ in West Chester Bucks’ school budget crunch
Delco Daily Times: Hook’s future looking up with arrival of Sunoco Logistics, Marcellus Shale offshoot
Delco Daily Times: Financial recovery officer sent to Chester Upland School District
AP: Obama renews call for aid to halt teacher layoffs
Post Gazette: Drama lacking when political parties gather
Post Gazette: Greene County leader will run in place of DeWeese
Post Gazette: Paul Ryan to visit Allegheny County Tuesday
Early Returns: Rothfus debuts “regular guy” ad
Early Returns: Dems tweak voter ID message
Early Returns: Ad war on Critz begins
Tribune Review: Disgraced state House leaders cash out
Tribune Review: Natural gas drilling boom extends to ‘wet areas’
Tribune Review: Ryan to rally here Tuesday
Tribune Review:Democrats nominate Greene County commissioner for DeWeese’s seat
Tribune Review: GOP chooses Hampton attorney to run for 30th District seat
Beaver County Times: Shell serious about Potter Twp. cracker plant
Observer-Reporter: Snyder gets nod in 50th District
Valley News Dispatch: New Kensington Elks to take residents to get voter ID
WJAC: Voter ID Law Could Make Voting Difficult for Local Elderly
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Seniors most affected by voter ID law
Morning Call: Pennsylvania red-light camera safe but costly
WFMZ: Party leader: Brennan case is a ‘terrible tragedy’
WFMZ: Judge order Pa. lawmaker to stay away from home, wife
Express Times: In some Valley wards, more than 50 percent of voters lack PennDOT ID, AFL-CIO says
South Whitehall Patch: August poll shows Obama 44 to Romney 38 in Pa.
South Whitehall Patch: 134th Democratic candidate John Reynard responds to critics
The Times Leader: Vote-law plaintiff finally gets her ID
The Times-Tribune: Scranton’s recovery plan has many moving parts that all have to come together
Citizens Voice: Surrogate enter presidential campaign fray
Standard Speaker: Schuylkill commissioners attend annual conference
Pocono Record: GOP aims to get third-party hopefuls off Pa. ballot
South Central
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Poll: Obama leads Romney by 6 pts. in Pa.
Patriot News: Fate of Pennsylvania’s voter ID law rests in the hands of 6 state Supreme Court justices
Patriots News: Middletown struggles to find itself amid financial crisis
Patriot News: A look at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices who will decide voter ID law
Lebanon Daily News: For Folmer, optimism prevails
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Greg Sahd discusses candidacy; teacher Robert Schneider seeks nomination to succeed John Bear.
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Absentee ballot a loophole of new voter ID law
Erie Times-News: The latest F&M poll on the presidency
Courier Express: Legislative issues addressed during tour
New York Times Editorial: Truth and Lies About Medicare
Tribune Review: Ethanol outrage: Corny mandate
Tribune Review: How Dems court minorities
Post Gazette: New air, old code: The county needs the updated emissions guidelines
NY Times Magazine: What Does Obama Really Believe In?
Reading Eagle Editorial: Give third-class cities same option as Philly, Pittsburgh
Williamsport Sun Gazette Editorial: Path to open records keeps getting steeper
Slate Op-Ed: Eliot Spitzer: Ryan’s Medicare Plan Is Horrible, but His Medicaid Plan Is Worse
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Editorial: Upholding a law before we understand its effects
Harrisburg Patriot News: Some banks thrive during uncertain time
York Dispatch: Editorial: Lead balloon, anyone?
Lebanon Daily News: ID’s the problem
Keystone State Education Coalition: The public purpose of public education
Lehigh Valley Independent: What’s wrong with representing the political interests of young people
Lehigh Valley Independent: Paul Ryan doesn’t have a deficit reduction plan
NEPartisan: Voter ID and PennDOT not so easy to find-Pa
2 Political Junkies: Jack Kelly Sunday
PA Water Cooler: Paul Ryan in Pittsburgh on Tuesday
PA Lu-Lac Political Letter: The Madonna Poll
Above Average Jane: Mary Jo Daley to replace Gerber on ballot
Keystone Progress: PA ACLU: Fight on state voter ID law doesn’t stop here
Keystone Politics: PA’s moving backward on voting easiness
Keystone Politics: Alcosan should adopt Philly’s anti-sprawl stormwater pricing strategy
KYW Newsradio: 2016: Obama’s America Movie is Disturbingly Necessary
KYW Newsradio: Mitt Romney’s 13% Tax Admission is Not Enough