Good morning, politicos. Here’s the buzz.
First thing’s first, we’ve got a new ad airing in PA-12 today for Mark Critz that says Rothfus isn’t exactly a “regular guy.” Check it out here first.
Later we will also bring you Kathy Boockvar’s first campaign ad and coverage of Paul Ryan’s stop in the southwest. Stay tuned.
House Majority PAC: The Truth About Rothfus (Watch Video): House Majority PAC has announced a $200,000, two-week ad buy that will air in the Pittsburgh media market starting today. The TV ad, “Problem” aims to “tell the truth” about GOP candidate Keith Rothfus, challenger to incumbent Rep. Mark Critz (D-Cambria) in PA-12..
CREDO PAC: “Take Down Mike Fitzpatrick” (Watch Video): A new web video in the attack campaign to “Take Down Mike Fitzpatrick” was released by the super PAC CREDO Friday and goes after the Congressman for being a “Tea Party extremist” – among other accusations.
DNC: What is Romney Hiding About His Taxes? (Watch Video): The Democratic National Committee launched a new video Sunday attacking Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for noncommittal responses to questions over his personal finances.
Super PAC Ad Rips Obama on Economy (Watch Video): Earlier this morning, Restore Our Future, a super PAC supporting Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, announced the launch of a multi-state advocacy campaign contrasting the economic record of Romney with President Obama.
Marino Skips Skinny Dipping for Fast Food: Tom Marino challenger Phil Scollo has gone after the Rep. for his participation in a trip to Israel last summer, but the lawmaker maintains that he skipped skinny dipping in favor of a trip to McDonalds.
Paul Ryan to Stump in PA: Tomorrow VP candidate Paul Ryan is stopping in Carnegie and West Chester, PA to attend victory rallies, marking some of the first public appearances he has made without Mitt Romney.
Legislative Election Updates
SD-13: Dem candidate Tom O’Brien released a statement yesterday criticizing the Shell Oil cracker facility, saying Shell Oil isn’t sure the plant will be viable. “So can Gov. Tom Corbett be sure that his offer of a $1.6 billion-or-more tax credit and a 15-year tax-amnesty window will prove to be worthwhile and produce hundreds of good jobs for Pennsylvanians?” he asked. He said the answer is no. O’Brien also said his opponent Sen. Lloyd Smucker (R-Lancaster) and other state legislators refuse to acknowledge the reality of the situation. O’Brien suggested investment in infrastructure and the education of the workforce (as well as children) will produce a better return than on giving Shell tax breaks.
HD-151: Yesterday Dem candidate Will Sylianteng received the endorsement of Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania. The group is a statewide nonprofit organization advocating for sound environmental policies” and the election of pro-environment candidates. They are an independent state affiliate of the national League of Conservation Voters. They cited Sylianteng’s efforts to priorities health and safety as the reason behind their endorsement. According to the campaign, his opponent State Rep. Todd Stephens (R-Montco) earned a 46 percent score on the 2011-2012 Marcellus Shale Scorecard produced by the group.
HD-193: Anthony (Tony) McNevin has registered his name for the ballot after candidate Mike Strausbaugh withdrew his name from the race. McNevin was chosen unanimously by delegates from Adams and York County and the Executive Committee of the PA Dems. McNevin is a Pittston native with a bachelor’s degree from IUP. He also earned a graduate degree at Catholic University of America. A campaign press release says his career spans 30 years of service as “an executive of national and international associations in the health professions field.” His main concerns are health care and health insurance, easing the burden created by property taxes and improving the quality of education. He will now face Rep. Will Tallman (R-Adams).
New York Times: Romney and Ryan on Trail Amid Abortion Criticism
The Caucus: Ryan Dips Into Foreign Policy
USA Today: Poll: voters say they are no better off today than 4 years ago
USA Today: People frustrated by demands of Voter ID
Pro Publica: From Citizens United to Super PACs: A Campaign Finance Reading Guide
Politico: On the trail, Romney relies on Ryan
Politico: Santorum campaign still in debt
The Hill: Obama defends his attacks on Romney as not ‘out of bounds’
New York Post: Election Starting to Feel More Like 2010?
Capitolwire: PA Democrats’ campaign war chest grows in light of Voter ID ruling
Capitolwire: Off the Floor: Voter ID could boomerang on GOP, helping Democratic turnout
State Impact PA: Drill Bits: Hauling Water in Butler County, Fewer Drilling Permits, and Less Carbon Emissions
State Impact PA: “The Secret to Solar Power”
State Impact PA: Government Accountability Office: New EPA Rules Won’t Be Too Challenging for Utilities
PA Independent: Lawmakers tread water on property tax reform
State House Sound Bites: The politics of unemployment numbers
State House Sound Bites: Links: Meet the Supremes, candidate tapped for DeWeese’s old seat, voter ID ruling a boon for Dems
State House Sound Bites: State trains election officials, prepares to provide new voter ID cards
Capitol Ideas: Monday Morning Coffee: PA Dems profit from Voter ID
Philly Clout: Elections Chief asks for help identifying Voter ID needy
Philly Clout: Stumping for Obama with hypothetical education cuts Daily Grinder: Former Eagle Touts GOP in Northeast Philly 5 Historic Moments in Which Musicians Have Taken on Politicians (With Mixed Results)
KYW Newsradio: Political Focus Shifts to Philadelphia Before Ryan Visit
KYW Newsradio: Philadelphia Election Officials Lay Out Plans to Make Sure Voters Have Proper ID Come November
Philly Tribune: Nutter, Clyburn Campaign For Obama
Philly Tribune: Planned Parenthood Launches Bus Tour
Philly Tribune: Rep. James Clyburn: Romney, Ryan Not ‘Credible’
Philly Tribune: Senior’s Advocacy Group Rallies Voters
Fox Philadelphia: Philly Teachers, Nutter Assail GOP Education Plan
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. lawmakers again tackle property tax quandary
WHYY Newsworks: Universities make changes to help students vote in Pa.
AP: Battleground Pennsylvania; 10 days, 9 swing states later, Ryan to campaign here
AP: Corbett aide rebukes Justice Dept. over voter ID
Delco Daily Times: Paul Ryan to attend ‘victory rally’ in West Goshen Tuesday
Delco Daily Times: CUSD finalizes settlement with Pa. Department of Education
Bucks Local News: Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick proposes legislation to benefit ‘Children of Fallen Heroes’
Bucks Local News: First Lady Michelle Obama receives warm welcome in Montgomery County
Daily Local News: Republicans looking forward to Ryan’s West Chester visit
Tribune Review: Port Authority union OK’d deal by margin of more than 10 to 1
Post Gazette: Rosslyn Farms company readies to show its mettle as host of GOP rally
Post Gazette: State answers federal request for information on voter ID law
Early Returns: State suggests politics motivate voter ID probe
Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania Ave.: GOP Senate candidate Smith disavows Akins rape comments
Morning Call: Equality, Obama top topics at gay pride festival
WFMZ: Delegates: Political conventions more than a photo-op
Express-Times: Jill Stein, Green Party presidential candidate, on the ballot in 32 states and counting
The Times-Tribune: State House candidate still hospitalized after crash
Standard Speaker: House panel debates campus construction moratorium
AP: Corbett aide rebukes Justice Dept. over voter ID
AP: Pa. Supreme Court limits cuts to tax collector pay
South Central
Patriot News: Campaign says Romney, Ryan disagree with Missouri candidate’s rape comment
York Daily Record: Republicans, conservatives criticize ‘legitimate rape’ and conception comments
York Dispatch: $1.4M grant to aid economic development in region
North by Northwest
AP: Critics say Pa. DEP gas data has serious flaws
Centre Daily Times: Council to take public comment in voter ID law
New York Times: Op-ed: Thomas Edsall: ‘Do You Trust Politicians?’
Allentown Express-Times Editorial: Some Pa. criminal offenders deserve second chance
Centre Daily Times Op-ed: Repeal voter ID law or help citizens comply
Williamsport Sun-Gazette Editorial: Time past due for judge appointment
Philly Daily News: John Baer: Religion taking a back seat, but not so race
Patriot News: Do-nothing Congress: Lawmakers fail to cross the aisle, pass legislation
Patriot News: President Obama is gutting successful welfare reform
Keystone State Education Coalition: Return on investment
Commonwealth Foundation: Raising taxes on “the rich,” and everybody else, too
Commonwealth Foundation: Hundreds of Pa. schools taking opportunity scholarships
Lehigh Valley Independent: Your wingnut Congressman won’t fund his own transpo earmarks, so Obama will
2 Political Junkies: Republican Senate candidates Todd Akin: “legitimate rape” victims don’t get pregnant
The Pennsylvania Progressive: News & Notes August 20, 2012
The Pennsylvania Progressive: Lehigh Valley pride
The Pennsylvania Progressive: Campaign 2012: The lies continue, Medicare edition
The Pennsylvania Progressive: Heat is on Brennan to resign
Above Average Jane: Transportation funds to be redistributed
Keystone Politics: Ohio municipal consolidation: The Game!
Keystone Politics: Morning Call: 33% of Lehigh Valley seniors don’t have photo ID
Keystone Politics: Why not put intermediate units in charge of schools?
Keystone Politics: We’re number 3!…for toxic air pollution…
Keystone Politics: Why “defense” cuts are so hard
Keystone Politics: Suburban Philly GOPers in denial about how toxic RyanCare is
John Hanger: Warning fact: July marks 4th straight month PA has lost jobs even as jobs increase nationally
One Response
The only thing anyone really knows about Critz is that he supports the rape of women! He has yet to deny this site full of evidence.