Charges, nominations and declarations. See who made this week’s list!
Kathleen Kane. Well after months of speculation, yesterday the news finally arrived. Attorney General Kathleen Kane was charged on five counts including perjury and criminal conspiracy. Politically, professionally and personally Kane has been in a downward spiral ever since a rather benign story caught her ire. Soon, the AG will be formally arraigned and eventually will have her day in court. Barring several surprises and the comeback of the century, however, this once bright star is violently imploding.
Patrick Murphy. Coincidentally, just as Kane is descending into her deepest valley, her 2012 primary opponent is scaling his tallest mountain. This week we learned that the former Congressman and Iraq War veteran will be nominated by President Obama to be Under Secretary of the Army. In a strange twist, it was Murphy’s support of Obama that likely cost him the AG nomination three years ago, as President Clinton personally campaigned for Kane. Now his triumph parallels her tragedy.
PA Dems. State Treasurer Rob McCord, Congressman Chaka Fattah, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, Reading Mayor Vaughn Spencer and now Attorney General Kathleen Kane. What do they have in common? They’re all Democrats and they’re all in some form of legal trouble. Not to mention Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget standoff, the upcoming McGinty-Sestak primary battle, Chairman Jim Burn’s resignation and the disastrous 2014 legislative results. The Pennsylvania Democratic Party is in desperate need of an intervention.
Katie McGinty. One Democrat who is doing well, however, is Katie McGinty. After officially jumping into the 2016 Senate race, the candidate brought in two important endorsements. On Wednesday, the United Steelworkers announced their support, the first major labor union to get involved in the contest. Then on Thursday, EMILY’s List formally backed her. With Hillary Clinton expected at the top of the 2016 ticket, it is highly likely that EMILY’s List fights hard to get McGinty on the ballot as well.
Delco GOP. Delaware County Republicans had to defend a State House seat on Tuesday night. They were not successful. Democrat Leanne Krueger-Braneky only received 47.68% of the vote, but thanks to the write-in campaign of a tea party activist, it was enough for victory. Now the GOP must try to win back HD-161 while facing a less advantageous presidential-level turnout. It will be a key battle in one of PA’s most crucial counties.
Tweet of the week goes to the Tribune-Review’s Salena Zito. My, how things have changed.
5 Responses
Bob Asher the Democrat SMASHER.
Bob Crachet,
Yeah, I can’t wait to hear how Bob Asher made Kane lie to the grand jury. I also want to hear how Bob Asher made Reese and Peifer search the grand jury files and computer system.
No one in Pennsylvania seems to want to point this out, but I blame Kathleen Kane’s law school, Temple University School of Law, in good part for her professional lapses. The place was a politically-correct hell hole in the years we attended. (We are both Temple Law 1993.) She learned that everything can be politicized, and it’s more about “values relativism” and factional bickering than it is about advancing the actual body of law.
Way up, FRANK FINA and CREW.
Convicted Felon Bob Asher Of Asher’s Candies I believe is Behind this Persecution . Just One Democrat Will Hang that Jury