9/23 Ups & Downs

Polls, ads and…a smile? See who made this week’s list!

Up Arrow1Katie McGinty. The dawn of this week brought a new Morning Call/Muhlenberg College survey that had the Democratic nominee with a five-point lead over the GOP incumbent. Thanks to those results and others like them, McGinty is now considered the favorite in the PA-Sen race according to FiveThirtyEight’s new Senate forecast. Furthermore, Nate Silver himself wrote about the race and identified it as the seat that may turn the upper chamber blue. Of course there’s still six and a half weeks left and Pat Toomey will put up quite the fight, nonetheless McGinty is the front-runner as we enter the fall. Not many anticipated that.

Down ArrowEd Rendell. It’s hard to think of a Hillary Clinton surrogate who’s done a worse job this year than the former Governor. He’s praised Donald Trump, criticized the Clintons’ relationship to their Foundation and most infamously stated that there are “more ugly women in America than attractive women.” Then on Thursday, Rendell revealed that he agreed with Reince Priebus’ opinion that Hillary needs to “smile more”. The first priority for every surrogate is “Do no harm”, which makes it amazing that the Democrats have yet to give Rendell the hook.


Up Arrow1Barack Obama. Presidents tend to either fade away or finish strong. Poll numbers suggest the latter is the case for the Oval Office’s current occupant. On Monday, the latest Morning Call/Muhlenberg poll showed Obama with a 53% approval rating in PA. As a result, we’re likely to see more campaign appearances and ads from the President and the First Lady. The Keystone State may end up being the key to whether Pres. Obama can secure his legacy by passing the baton to his chosen successor.


Up Arrow1Brian Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick, younger brother of the retiring incumbent, is the GOP nominee in the commonwealth’s most competitive congressional race. So it must’ve been heartening when an internal poll showed him with a 12-point advantage over Democratic nominee Steve Santarsiero. Fitzpatrick then got a helping hand from the NRCC, who went negative and allowed the candidate to skirt his no negativity pledge. Finally, he secured the endorsement of two local lodges of the Fraternal Order of Police yesterday.


Down ArrowEric Papenfuse. We’ll be giving the Harrisburg Mayor a down arrow every week until he lifts his ridiculous ban of PennLive. Somehow, this has now extended to week fifteen.




The tweet of the week goes to Nancy Phillips of the Inquirer, who was present when Trump chose Geno’s over Pat’s.

15 Responses

  1. This Papenfuse thing is getting old. I think anyone who takes the job of mayor of Harrisburg has already been punished enough. My main problem with Mayor Papenfuse is that his book prices are too high.

  2. Observer 2 should not be confused with Observer. I have no real party or news media affiliation. More worried about corruption than particular platforms (which don’t get implemented anyway, thanks to said corruption.)

    Reality – I stand by my comment. Had the news about Rufus’s gifts hit the news 8 hours earlier the Kane trial might have had a different outcome. Ironically, though, it was Kane that sought to keep the feud out of the case.

    It will be interesting to see if the prosecution knew about the gifts. If it did, and it let Kane downplay the feud, she may well get a new trial. It can’t possibly be a coincidence that Rufus announced the gifts several minutes after the jury began deliberations.

  3. Observer

    Normally a person would get a short sentence and then probation, but Kane was more than criminal. She tried to frame Adrian King and possibly send him to jail….she is evil

    September 23, 2016

    Pennsylvania Commission for Women Statement on the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s Sexual Harassment Investigation

    Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Commiss​ion for Women issued the following statement on the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s investigation determining that PPA Executive Director Vince Fenerty sexually harassed a female employee:

    “The conduct by Vince Fenerty as revealed by an internal investigation by the Philadelphia Parking Authority this week is unacceptable and reprehensible. There should be absolutely no tolerance of sexual harassment of any kind in any Pennsylvania workplace.

    “Sexual harassment not only has a detrimental impact personally on the women who are subject to it, but also on our broader economy. It impedes a woman’s job performance and, therefore, impacts her ability to grow and advance professionally. This type of behavior devalues women and their contributions to the workforce.

    “The Pennsylvania Commission for Women encourages PPA’s board to take these actions very seriously and impose disciplinary action that appropriately matches the conduct.”

    MEDIA CONTACTS: Andrea Mead, 717-805-1779

    # # #

  5. I don’t know about 24-48. It looked bad the night of the verdict but a few hours later we learned just how corrupt her enemies were.

    Incompetent and vindicative, sure. Corrupt? Pale by comparison. She didn’t make a nickel off of what she did, and she wasn’t even trying to.

    The punishment for trying to screw your corrupt political opponents should be much less than the punishment for trying to screw the public. Arguably she was on the right track but her execution sucked.

    Watch for 30 days and probation, with bail during the appeal.

  6. Hey, no arrow at all for Kathy Kane is a victory. Wait til the sentencing in late Oct when she gets 24 to 48 months and she starts crying for the cameras.

  7. Of course Trump prefers the nativists at Geno’s over Pat’s. Jim’s is probably my favorite, though.

  8. Hey where’s my down arrow for the week?

    While I was handing out gun locks somebody in my office was handing out AK-47s.

    The news just reported that a former federal prosecutor is challenging me. Kind of a practice round for when I get in the ring with a real federal prosecutor!

    Then some blogger asked me why I can’t put an end to the deed record scam based out of the Land Title building.

    What a week. I guess all publicity is good publicity!

  9. Didn’t SantarZERO also take the “no negativity pledge”? Also, shouldn’t you all who write for PoliticsPA need to disclose that you are strong SantarZERO supporters? All in the interest of transparency.

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