9/28 PoliticsPA Playbook

pa-state-flag6The RAGA goes after Shapiro, Toomey releases a pair of new TV ads and we ask our readers whether they prefer Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!

Reader Poll: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?: We check in with our readers concerning the presidential race.

EXCLUSIVE: RAGA Hits Shapiro Over Guns (VIDEO): The Republican Attorneys General Association gets into the mix.

PA-8: Fitzpatrick Tackles Heroin Epidemic in New Ad (VIDEO): The GOP nominee touches on his experience in the FBI.

PA-Sen: Toomey Releases Pair of New TV Ads (VIDEOS): The incumbent GOP Senator unveils two negative spots targeted at his Democratic opponent.

PA-8: NRCC Goes After Santarsiero in New TV Spot (VIDEO): The National Republican Congressional Committee hit the Democratic nominee over taxes.

Reader Poll: Debates Don’t Affect the Voters: Our readers aren’t impressive by debates.

Pence to Stump in York on Thursday: The GOP VP nominee is coming back to the commonwealth.

Capitolwire: Rozzi vows rewrite of statute of limitations bill to include nixed retroactivity provision
State House Sound Bites: House continues to look at child sex abuse bill
State House Sound Bites: Lawmakers turn to demographics to boost economy
State House Sound Bites: Local political groups gather for debates
PLS Reporter: Advocates for the legalization of marijuana seek to create an expansion
PLS Reporter: Vape tax emerges but differs from committees opinions
PLS Reporter: PA Governor Leanne Krueger- Braneky visits Delaware

Inquirer: Fenerty suspended at Parking Authority after 2nd sexual-harassment allegation
Inquirer: Local committee raised $85.4 million for Democratic Convention
Inquirer: Pa. House to take up sex-abuse law to expand victims’ rights
Inquirer: Second woman says she was sexually harassed by Philly parking boss
Inquirer: You can now pay for a single SEPTA subway trip with your credit card
WHYY Newsworks: $85 million raised for DNC more than enough to cover costs of Philly event
WHYY Newsworks: Owed nearly half a billion, Philly considers new way of collecting delinquent property taxes
WHYY Newsworks: As new Pa. law allows sealing some criminal offenses, Philly sets free clinics to assist in process

Bucks County Courier-Times: Matthew Weintraub sworn in as DA
Bucks County Courier-Times: Proposed bill would remove boundaries for election watchers
Bucks County Courier-Times: Morrisville manufacturer owes redevelopment authority $63,000
Montgomery Media: Upper Dublin board reviews fitness studio, age-restricted development
Montgomery Media: Dublin Borough approves hazard mitigation, fraud policy resolutions

Tribune Review: Plum reinstates superintendent placed on leave after teacher sex scandal
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh-area unemployment rate rises to 5.9 percent for Aug.
Post-Gazette: Wolf: Limit opioid prescriptions for minors
Pittsburgh Business Times: What consumer reports say about local hospital acquired infection rates
KDKA: Pa. lawmaker wants high school students to pass civics test to graduate

Beaver County Times: Blackhawk board hears three finance presentations
Beaver County Times: Pittsburgh real estate firm buys former GlaxoSmithKline headquarters in Moon
Altoona Mirror: Blair’s drug court to receive accreditation

Times Leader: Substance-related hospital stays for newborns soar in Pennsylvania
Times Leader: Cannabis rally set for Kirby Park on Saturday
Times-Tribune: Scranton School Board backs tax abatement for the 192-unit Laceworks Village project
Times-Tribune: Scranton police to receive federal grant for body cameras
Citizens Voice: Nazi flag at Bloomsburg Fair sparks controversy
News Item: Firm calls county malpractice verdict largest in county in at least 16 years

South Central
Patriot-News: Faster between King of Prussia and Philly? PennDOT says it has a plan
Patriot-News: Reimagining Harrisburg’s ‘crown jewel’: Process to improve Reservoir Park begins
Lebanon Daily: Lebanon resident brings trash talk to city council
Lancaster Online: Defense chief: 9/11 bill could be devastating to US military
Lancaster Online: Colleges cut tuition to boost enrollment transparency
York Daily Record: Lincoln Highway election road trip Day 1
Carlisle Sentinel: Pa. governors share stage in Hershey
Carlisle Sentinel: Pa. committees weigh civics test as graduation requirement

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Pennsylvania voters’ debate reactions
Morning Call: Lehigh County Authority grapples with debt, revenue requirements in preparing 2017 budget
Reading Eagle: Wolf calls joint session to discuss drug crisis
WFMZ: Allentown encourages voter registration
WFMZ: Day after debate, CNN seeks Berks voters’ views

North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Judge offers mixed bag of opinions in Spanier-Freeh suit
Centre Daily Times: Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in swing state
Erie Times-News: Meeting on body cameras for Erie police still being considered

Inquirer: Watching TV debate helps, but it isn’t the best way to choose a president
Patriot-News: Pa. taxpayers foot $1.5M bill for president searches at state universities: report
Patriot-News: Pa. needs a law to compensate the wrongfully convicted
Post-Gazette: Legal eagles: The Pa. Innocence Project is a welcome neighbor
Post-Gazette: Fighting hunger: A new state plan must address root causes, too

Commonwealth Foundation: Fighting for Survival
Commonwealth Foundation: Pennsylvania’s Economy is Struggling
Lu-Lac Letter: Recap of the first presidential debate

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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