9/7 Ups & Downs

The conventions are over and the sprint to election day has begun! See who rose and who fell this week as President Obama accepted his re-nomination.

Political junkies. It’s official: Labor Day is past and it’s campaign season!

Party flaks. Ballot challenges are never fun. This is a down arrow given in the deepest sympathy for those party staffers, interns and volunteers who, for weeks, have poured line-by-line through petition signatures for Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson. He submitted 49,000 signatures (the minimum is about 20,600), and since his supporters and the PAGOP have raced through each one to try to keep him on/kick him off the ballot. The final outcome is yet to be determined.

Allyson Schwartz. Her speech at the DNC was good, but it was the press coverage that earns the Montco Congresswoman this up arrow. Almost every news outlet, including ours, mentioned her upward potential in its speech coverage. A star at the DCCC, she could be on track for House leadership. Or she could be a candidate for Senate in 2016. Or she could be a candidate for Governor in 2014. Or maybe she can just skip all of that and run for President in 2016?

TV stations. It looks like the presidential race is passing PA by, for now. Mitt Romney launched ads in 8 swing states today, but didn’t include PA. And the AP reported this week that two big GOP super PACs don’t have PA isn’t on their docket. But never fear: the local campaigns are stepping up to fill the gap (somewhat). This week saw the launch of ads from: Manan Trivedi in PA-6, Kathy Boockvar in PA-8, the NRCC in PA-12, the SEIU in PA-12, Keith Rothfus in PA-12, Rob Teplitz in SD-15, Matt Smith in SD-37, and an anti-Corbett group statewide.

Pat Meehan. A good relationship with labor is the ticket to political longevity for Republicans in southeast PA, and Rep. Pat Meehan may have punched it Thursday. He picked up the backing of the Philadelphia Council of Building and Construction Trades, which represents 70,000 workers in the region.

PAGOP. The PA Republican Party landed a fun zinger on their Dem counterparts this week when, after numerous speeches about the dangers of Voter ID, a photo surfaced of the photo ID requirement for DNC delegates. Is is the same thing? No. Is it funny? Yes! But then the PAGOP took a bridge too far. Fresh from their own convention in Tampa, FL (which included dozens of GOP elected officials such as Gov. Corbett), they criticized AG hopeful Kathleen Kane for attending the DNC. Swing and miss.

Tweet of the Week:

Salena Zito of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, whose Instagram of the aforementioned photo ID rule made Republicans’ day, as well as the front page of Keystone Report.

Funny instagr.am/p/PMgwKHyUTm/

— SalenaZito (@SalenaZitoTrib) September 5, 2012

Honorable mention goes to Mike Wereschagin, also of the Trib:

@tomfitzgerald Sure, now you *hic* tell me.

— Mike Wereschagin (@WereschaginTrib) September 4, 2012

2 Responses

  1. Meehan will win easily in November and will stay in the House as long as he wants just like Gerlach has done.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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