John Rafferty easily saw off the challenge of a former spokesman for Attorney General Kathleen Kane to earn the Republican Party’s nomination to replace her.
The State Senator defeated Joe Peters in the Apr. 26th primary by 27 points on the back of several well-timed key endorsements
A week before the primary, Rafferty picked up endorsements from the PA House GOP leadership, including Speaker Mike Turzai and Majority Leader Dave Reed.
The day before the primary, he scored his biggest endorsement, that of former Secretary of Homeland Security and PA Gov. Tom Ridge.
As Rafferty’s latest financial report shows, the Republican Party in Pennsylvania will be fully united behind him in his race against Josh Shapiro.
Top-Line Numbers
In the final two weeks of the primary race, Rafferty brought in almost $45K to add to his cash stockpile of $240K. More than two-thirds of his pre-primary take came from just three PACs.
Between April 12th and May 16th, Rafferty pulled in over $70K in contributions and spent $163,012. As of May 16th, Rafferty has $148,404 in cash on hand.
12 people donated $7,700 to Rafferty’s campaign between Apr. 12th and 26th, and 34 contributed another $10,840 in the three weeks after the primary.
A dozen PACs also contributed in the final two weeks of the primary, kicking in $36,720, while 10 made contributions totalling $15,050 after his victory.
The Delaware County Republican Finance Committee, PA State Corrections Officers Association PAC and PA State Troopers Association PAC each donated $10K to Rafferty before the primary. Sen. Pat Toomey’s PAC backed Rafferty with $5K after he won the GOP’s nomination.
Four days before the primary, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania covered $89,711 worth of printing for Rafferty’s campaign.
A week before receiving the printing help, Rafferty made a $72,500 contribution to the PA GOP, his largest expense of the reporting period.
Rafferty spent $138,425 in the final two weeks of the primary race and $24,587 in the three weeks following the election. Rafferty paid out over $77K on consulting from 6 firms: LN Consulting ($35,046); KC Consulting ($12,348); BrabenderCox ($12,064); MJM Strategies ($9,913); DTR Consulting ($6,000); and Ash Khare Consulting ($1,957).
9 Responses
I’m sure the women of PA would also like to know that Rafferty is anti-abortion. He would probably re-hire Frank Fina too.
JOHN RAFFERTY was one of TWO state Politicians , out of 5 that fought for the people of our 9 Township school district when a corrupt school board and an “F” rated Superintendent hid a $22 million dollar surplus while attempting to raise SCHOOL PROPERTY TAXES by 23.6% back in 2004, the third increase in three years. Through his efforts we were able to hold the immediate increase to 9% despite being denied records by the school board.
He recognized the complete ineffectiveness of the PA RIGHT TO KNOW law involving School budgets and pushed through and passed legislation to strengthen and put some teeth in the law. Due to his efforts School districts, prior to the Department Of Education accepting their yearl budget on July 1, must fill out form PDE2028 Form and make it accessable to tne public for 20 business days. Most districts now publish this form on their website.
In addition RAFFERTY in 2004 informed us of efforts to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE LOCAL SCHOOL PROPERTY TAXES, and to replace those fund via slight increases in State sales and income tax so the burden would be shared equally among 12 million residents in the state as opposed to 3.5 million homeowners.
It has been a tough fight, despite having widespread backing by major financial institutions. The legislation must be reintroduced every 2 years and RAFFERTY has been on board each of the last 7 session as both a supporter and Sponsor.
The current Auditor General is not a fan.
Josh Shapiro, a former politician as one of 42, State politicians representing Philadelphia, fought tooth and nail to have the legislation defeated…leading 40 other Democrats in that effort. Philadelphiaschool District despite now seeing property taxes more than TRIPLE should know it still owes a large portion of the $42 BILLION DEBT owed to the pension pool. Taxes will continue to rise.
RAFFERTY understands how important School Property Tax Elimination Efforts are. A Democratic Auditor General, Jack Wagner also supported the effort and publically supported it.
Shapiro led the effort causing the bill to fail.
Rafferty fundraising numbers are sadly pathetic. Shapiro will raise $2million for the general election and blow the doors off Rafferty. unless the state Repiblican Larry get serious, this rAce is over !!
Josh was a member of the PA House from 2005 to 2012. Josh has been responsible for managing and overseeing the 3rd largest county in all of PA since 2012. Anymore questions Blake. Just get ready for Shapiro to absolutely crush Rafferty in November.
Rafferty is also best friends with the NRA. Hell no, he will not be our AG.
And does it matter to no one that Shapiron has neither seen the inside of a court room nor managed anything? That background worked so well for us with Kane..
Jim Crawford = Shill
Can’t wait to see him get crushed by Shapiro in November.
Senator Rafferty is a Middle of the road Politician. He isn’t too far right-wing and isn’t too far left-wing. I think he will do a good Job as AG of Pennsylvania. We need more People like him. The Democratic Candidate Josh Shapiro is so far left-wing that he has hired Black Lives Matters Members to help him in the Black Communities in Philadelphia.