Two weeks ago, Lackawanna County Attorney Matt Cartwright unseated Rep. Tim Holden, the dean of the Pa. congressional delegation. Details, reports and analyses after the fact shed some light on how an incumbent who’d dodged 20 years of challengers fell.
Holden immediately endorsed Cartwright on election night. The Republican candidate in the strongly Democratic district is Laureen Cummings, a nurse and co-founder of the Scranton Tea Party.
Ad Spending
The Columbia Journalism Review’s Swing State Project tracked every television ad that aired the entire primary, and the found something fascinating: the margin of the race was almost identical to the margin of TV advertising dollars (hat tip Morning Call).
Holden was the target of several national PACs – namely the Campaign for Primary Accountability and the League of Conservation Voters. Pro-Cartwright and anti-Holden ad spending was $659K, or 57.93 percent of the total. Pro-Holden and anti-Cartwright spending was $478K, 42.07 percent of the total.
The vote total on election day was Holden 42.9 percent, Cartwright 57.10 percent.
Ad Quality
Thanks to so many third parties going negative, Cartwright’s camp was able to stick to a positive, quirky message. Here’s a good example.
When you’re being outspent, wasting money isn’t an option. PoliticsPA hasn’t been shy about criticizing Holden’s TV ads, and we talked with a few Democratic media consultants who concur.
“This was a winnable race for Holden, but when it came time to communicate with real voters, Holden’s ads couldn’t get the job done. His positive ads failed to capture who Holden was,” said one. “His negative ads not only were ineffectual, they actually led to a backlash.”
Said another: “They were a lazy, rehashed product out of the 1980’s. They were either trying to save money or had a really dated media consultant. The messaging was weak.”
The newly drawn 17th district erased Holden’s incumbency advantage; 80 percent of voters in the district had never seen Holden’s name on a ballot before.
56 percent of Democrats in the new district live in Lackawanna or Luzerne County – Cartwright’s base. This awesome map from Hamilton Campaigns shows just how devastating that turned out to be.
A closer look at the returns shows that Cartwright performed about as well as other native sons (and daughters) on the ballot. In the Attorney General race, Kathleen Kane took 82.4 percent of her home in Lackawanna County and 72.4 percent of Luzerne County. Cartwright took 77.9 percent of his native Lackawanna and 71.4 percent of Luzerne. Bill Vinsko, a Wilkes-Barre attorney running for Congress in PA-11 won 71.2 of the Luzerne County vote.
The Casey (Non) Factor
Was a game change moment possible for Holden? Perhaps not. But imagine if the Congressman had aired a TV ad featuring him with NEPA’s most popular Democrat and Scranton’s favorite son, Senator Bob Casey, Jr.
That was the idea behind a planned Holden campaign rally with Casey in Scranton on April 14. Except that after the rally was announced to the public, within 48 hours of the event, Casey cancelled for personal reasons. It was not rescheduled; a spokesperson cited Casey’s busy schedule.
Sources close to Holden said in addition to the TV ads to be cut from rally footage, there were also staff requests for the Senator to record robocall of Holden. Those, too, were not fruitful.
A Casey spokesman said there was no record of the request, and pointed to a three-sentence statement Casey issued on Holden’s behalf in lieu of the rally appearance:
“I am supporting Tim Holden in his campaign for reelection because of his good work for Pennsylvania families. I’ve worked with Tim while I served as a state official and as a member of the Pennsylvania delegation and I believe he would serve the people of the 17th District with distinction. I will vote for Tim in the Democratic primary on April 24.”
The problem? Holden referenced Casey’s tepid support in a TV ad, but his opponent’s ad had a photo of Cartwright with the Senator. Endorsement neutralized.
“Our biggest concern was to see Casey and Holden shoulder to shoulder at that rally and then blasted out in a TV ad in the final week,” said Cartwright Campaign Manager Shane Seaver.
He needn’t have worried; Casey essentially stayed on the sideline.
Casey may have stayed out of it in an effort to maintain his relationships on all sides; he has close ties to Holden, but also to Cartwright’s prominent in-laws, the Munleys. Munleys and Cartwrights have contributed over $35,000 to Casey’s campaigns in the past decade.
In February, PoliticsPA called Holden a 2011 fundraising loser. He had just $480K on hand at the end of last year. In Q1 of 2012 he raised a more substantial $438K, but it was barely enough to outdo Cartwright’s $680K of fundraising and self-funding. That’s even before the outside spending.
The dean of the PA delegation and the second-ranking Democrat on the powerful House Agriculture Committee, Holden could have raised millions of dollars each year. He didn’t.
As one Democratic operative put it: “There’s one difference between the money that Allyson Schwartz raises each quarter and what Tim Holden could have been raising: willpower.”
7 Responses
I would add that Cartwright had a better ground game. In Luzerne County Cartwright had an office in Wilkes-Barre that was buzzing with people working the phones and the Holden “HQ” was an empty store front with some signs in the windows. Before the election I was called by 2 volunteers from Cartwright but only a robo call for Holden paid for by the AFL-CIO. On election day I got a remember to vote call from the Cartwright camp because they identified me as a supporter.
Holden’s arrogance and his cowardly no debate policy cost him the election. His refusal to debate was foolish, but then again, I know how stupid Holden really is, if he debated, he may have suffered a bigger loss.
By the way, it looks like holden has stopped voting in congress.
If Holden’s campaign was a coming attraction for his would-be tenure in the new 17th, then he deserved to lose. His sclerotic, lackluster results at the poll were a reflection of what he’s done in office.
No, Carl….Tim never left the Democratic Party – HE NEVER JOINED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
He was a DINO, and you’re right…as far as I am concerned, we have no room in our Party for an Undercover Republican.
Aren’t you paying attention to what’s happening in this country? to your (and my) shrinking paycheck? Ever ask yourself WHY it’s happening?
Tune in to the 99% movement and you will know why it’s happening…and you won’t want anything to do with a Blue Dog like Holden either. I proudly voted from Monroe County for Matt Cartwright. He will represent me and the values I believe in.
He will not be a sellout to the big corporate interests like your boy Timmy was for 20 years. Good riddance, Holden, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
What a load of crap. There are plenty of moderate democrats that represent moderate districts. The new 17th just isn’t one of them. Nice try though.
Like Ronald Reagan, Tim Holden didn’t leave the Democrat party, the party left him. And left is the operative word. There appears to be little room for a moderate to conservative in today’s Democrat party. Unless you are a pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-sportsmen, greenie, forget it. Tim Holden’s service was honorable and his reputation untarnished after 20 years in Congress. It’s a shame there’s no room for him any longer.
Question is, did Timmy really want to win? Tim’s never been known as hard worker. He’ll finish 20 years after his current term, so he’s qualified to take his full congressional pension immediately. Won’t have to wait until age 62.
Plus, he’ll have more time to slop beer with the boys at St. Clair Fish and Game, an activity Timmy is really, really good at.