AFP Ad: Hope and Change Has Failed (Watch Video)

Americans for Prosperity has released a new ad using testimonials from people who voted for Obama in 2008 who will not be voting for him again.

The ad, titled, “Has President Obama Earned Your Vote?” is the second phase of AFP’s major nationwide ad buy, and will be airing in Pennsylvania.

The minute-long ad spot uses personal testimonials from 2008 Obama supporters. These previous supporters say they regret voting for Obama in 2008, and explain that “Hope and Change” did not translate to positive results for this country.

A new Americans for Prosperity ad features three former Obama supporters who say they regret casting their vote for the President.

The ad opens with one supporter who said, “In 2008, I voted for President Obama with no reluctance.”

“He presented himself as something different,” says another.

They mention Obamacare, which “he got through…but at what cost?”

Amongst the grievances these previous supporters have with Obama are major layoffs, increases in deficit spending and home foreclosures.

“I’ve seen his definition of hope and change, it’s not the hope and change I want. It’s not the hope and change I thought I was going to get. I don’t feel that I’ve helped my grandchildren by voting for President Obama, and I regret that,” says Richard, one of the previous Obama supporters.

“I think he’s a great person. I don’t feel he is the right leader for our country, though,” says Maria, another previous Obama supporter.

All three have different reasons, but all say that the President has not earned reelection.

“I still believe in hope and change, I just don’t think Obama’s the way to go for that,” says Robin.

6 Responses

  1. Let’s not forget that campaign promises are mostly, falderal, and should not be taken seriously. To do so is both naive and inefficient. Most of the political statemnts that I hear on the boob tube are misleading and out of context.
    Obama, has done very well cleaning up the huge mess left behind by the previous administration. However, the energy required to clean up that mess, needs to be equal or greater than the energy that was expanded to create it.
    Digging a hole is easy. Filling it back up takes a lot more effort.
    I say let Obama have at least another 4 years to finish the task he started.
    In the mean time, don’t take those political ads seriously. Think of them in the same frame of mind as watching a WWE event.

  2. Hope and change has failed. Jon Corzine will not be prosecuted for stealing more than a billion dollars from his clients funds. More than two million Americans have gone to jail in the last three years for stealing less. Jon Corzine is a top Obama bundler. That is same old. same old. If Obama’s Justice Department can give a free pass to Corzine, then there is no hope that this Administration will deliver change.

  3. David, if there are actually any people out there who voted McCain/Palin in 2008 and are now planning to vote Obama/Biden in 2012, I would LOVE to meet them — if for no other reason to find out what they’re smoking.

  4. Well believe it or not, the guy in the video WAS an Obama supporter, unlike the guy’s son, of which I am. I plead with him not to vote for this idiot in 2008. Glad to see he finally opened his eyes and ears from the pipe dream of a clear amateur in chief we got.

  5. Oh, Please! Who believes that these are actual voters? Really? Something bought by the Koch Brothers (who own the AFP trademark), you think is honest?? Lolol… Someone please clue the writer of this item as to how political commercials are made. And please show me ANYONE who believes what the Billionaire Koch Krothers are peddling! Too funny!

  6. I bet the Obama campaign can come up with thousands of people that didn’t vote for Obama the first time, but are now worried about Romney/Ryan radical regressive rules/regulations restricting rights.

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