Another Delaware County Doctor Confirms Sestak’s Unwillingness to Meet
Allentown – Another Delaware County doctor has come forward to talk about his efforts to meet with Congressman Joe Sestak last summer.
After receiving the support of the PA Medical Society PAC this week, U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey introduced a new ad entitled “Doctor,” featuring a Dr. Mario DeMario, a past president of the Delaware County Medical Society and a family practitioner in Newton Square, PA for 17 years. Dr. DeMario talks about how she and several other concerned physicians in Delaware County contacted Congressman Sestak’s office last summer about setting up an appointment with him to discuss their concerns about the government-run health care bill and the burdens it would place on patients’ care. These doctors were never able to get an appointment with Congressman Sestak.
Now, another Delaware County doctor, Dr. Richard Schott, has come forward to confirm Dr. DeMario’s account of their attempt to meet with Congressman Sestak.
“I was part of the group of doctors, along with Dr. DeMario, trying to get an appointment with Congressman Sestak to talk about our concerns with the health care bill last summer. To my knowledge, despite many efforts, the Delaware County Medical Society was never given an appointment.” – Dr. Richard Schott, MD, Past President, Delaware County Medical Society, District 2 Trustee, PA Medical Society