The race in Pennsylvania’s seventh district is heating up as election day nears. The latest is George Badey’s new ad attacking the Rep. Patrick Meehan (R-Delaware). It criticizes Meehan’s record and character, attempting to bring up discrepancies between his purported values and voting record.
It shows notable GOP figures Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan holding masks that look like the Republican Congressman.
“Who is the real Pat Meehan? Candidate Pat Meehan claimed to be a moderate. But Congressman Pat is 100 percent anti-choice,” says an announcer.
The ad’s major focus is Meehan’s vote for the Ryan budget, and the widespread implications it has for statements the congressman had made. The ad is drawing the conclusion that Meehans contradicted his pledges not to vote for the privatization of Social Security or to vote for the Ryan budget at all.
“Candidate Pat pledged never to cut Medicare. But Congressman Pat voted twice to privatize Medicare.”
Meehan was the target of similar criticism in 2011. Unlike many GOP incumbents who can take cover in semantics, Meehan specifically disavowed Ryan’s budget during a 2010 campaign debate.
The ad will air on cable throughout the district until election day, said a Badey campaign spokesman.
The Meehan campaign dismissed the attack. John Elizandro, Meehan’s Political Director, referred to it as one of the “silly attacks and falsehoods” that the Badey campaign is using “to hide his support for $716 billion in Medicare cuts for today’s seniors” – a reference to Badey’s support for the Affordable Care Act.
“Congressman Meehan has a proven record of bipartisan accomplishment that earned him the endorsement of the Philadelphia Inquirer, which praised his ‘demonstrated ability to work across party lines on projects that mean jobs,’” Elizandro said.
Badey has been strong on the point of casting Meehan as a man who broke his promises to the people of his state on his stance on Medicare, attacking his positions and making the promise to “ensure that it will be there for them when they retire.”
Badey is an attorney from Radnor. Meehan is a former District Attorney.
The 7th district has not turned out to be competitive, evidenced by the fact that Meehan cancelled plans to spend half a million dollars on television over the next two weeks.
13 Responses
Meehan tried to start a conversation by supporting Ryan’s voucher program? That’s crazy. Independent studies have found it’s more expensive for private companies to provide health care to seniors than it is for the federal government, because they have higher marketing and administrative expenses. The Republican plan makes no sense at all, other to profit private insurance companies and shift more of the burden of health care onto seniors.
I think it was 1982 when George did the Mummers parade in black-face. Got rip-roaring drunk, and caused two fist fights. I’m surprised the media hasn’t blown the lid off of that story yet. He was a law school dirtbag back then. Now, he’s a rich dirtbag lawyer.
This entire ad is based on a lie that has been disproven for a while now. Pat’s support of the plan comes from the fact that we need to start a conversation somewhere. He has shown that he is willing to cross party lines, but so far the dems haven’t offered any kind of plan.
Rick Grimes, I see you guys have managed to get internet to the prison. I am glad you’re making progress in your survival efforts. Although it seems your basic thinking skills have been taken by the zombies since you literally said “I like the ad because it says things.” Badey is the liar and doesn’t even understand what privatization means. The Ryan Plan doesn’t privatize Medicare. It’s his only argument and its wrong. Pretty embarrassing.
Click here to see Badey’s newest ad!
Poor George. Gonna get served at the polls Nov 6th. Badey’s a sad Clowny Clown Clown
I like that the ad shows Meehan stating that he would not privatize medicare. It makes it hard for him to run from the fact that he has not been a man of his word.
Once again, George Badey is offering no solutions to the problems we face as a nation. Medicare won’t last much longer if we keep it “as we know it”, the way Badey wants to do. This ad, much like the rest of Badey’s campaign, is misleading and unproductive.He’s the last thing we need in Washington right now.
Maybe Badey would be able to rewrite history more effectively, if he weren’t a drunken, slovenly clown. His entire effortless, two-bit campaign is based on scaring seniors by trafficking in lies.
Another desperate attempt from the Badey campaign to spread lies about Pat Meehan. Too bad Badey doesn’t even have a chance. He might as well just burned the mountain of cash he put into his own campaign.
everything in this ad is true-and no amount of denial can change that.Meehan has gotten alot of cash from outside the district and has not represented the best interests of either the elderly or women or the middle class in his voting record. Go the and see for yourself.
Badey has always tried to paint all Republicans as extremists. Pat Meehan has a low rating from one of the Tea Party groups. If Badey wants to see an extremist he should look in the mirror; he does not have a moderate bone in his body.
I like how the article essentially ends with “yeah none of this matters because Badey’s gonna get destroyed.”