Republican Senate candidate Lou Barletta goes after Senator Bob Casey, calling him a “failed career politician” and compares him to a lottery winner.
The 30-second features Barletta discussing Casey salary while in office then asks “can you name one thing Casey’s done?”
“Bob Casey’s been in office so long he’s collected three million bucks, that’s like winning the lottery,” Barletta says.
“Bob Casey has been a career politician for 22 years, but can anyone really say what Casey has done for Pennsylvania? For eight years, Casey rubber-stamped Barack Obama’s liberal agenda, and now he is obstructing President Trump. It took Casey more than six years to pass his first law and 12 years to pass four. Making $3 million off the taxpayers while accomplishing nothing has been like winning the lottery for Bob Casey,” Barletta’s spokesman David Jackson said in a release announcing the ad.
Casey’s campaign took issue with many of the assertions in the ad.
“Congressman Lou Barletta’s ad is as hypocritical as it is dishonest. Congressman Barletta has run for office a dozen times over the last 23 years and taken nearly $2 million in government salary since getting elected two decades ago,” Casey’s spokesperson Max Steele said.
Casey’s campaign pointed to the claim he has only passed four bills while in the Senate.
“Senator Casey has passed more than 40 pieces of legislation, including landmark laws to combat sexual assault on college campuses and help Americans with disabilities. Most recently, he worked with Senator Toomey to pass into law legislation to honor our fallen first responders by helping their children pay for college. Pennsylvanians will see the Congressman’s attacks for what they are: the desperate spin of a desperate candidate,” Steele said.
The campaign pointed to a Tribune Review article recapping an editorial board meeting with Casey that reported he “pointed to bill after bill that he has shepherded through the Senate — 26 as lead sponsor and another 14 as lead Democrat.”
You can view the ad below.
24 Responses
The best part is, by Barletta’s own reckoning, he only has four bills to his name too. Keystone Kops campaign, shooting themselves in the foot. I feel embarrassed for them.
Just look at Hazleton, it turns your stomach to the disaster
Barletta caused in Hazleton. LOU MUST GO AND THE SOONER THE BETTER.
Bobby is like PennyWise the Clown; he wakes every 5-1/2 years then goes back into his catatonic State.
Headline on November 7, 2018, “CASEY DEFEATS BARLETTA 59-41”
Even Tom Smith got 45% my friend.
Lou Barletta-
What help does Trump need? Picking out drapes for his prison cell?
Casey has been good to us in Pennsylvania. I reject the slander, but Barletta will fight as dirty as her can in the era of Trump.
Casey has been quiet. That’s about it. Same as Tom Wolf. They haven’t done anything terrible (I mean Wolf and Shady Katie McGinty tried to raise taxes on daycare, but that didn’t go through obviously), but they haven’t done anything good either.
Barletta is a mafioso WHOP. Lou is just running a spin off crime family in NEPA away from his big daddy Trump.
Lou is such a beta he can’t even be part of the 5 families.
We need to re-elect Bob Casey so TRUMP can be stopped dead in his tracks. VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC in November. Trump is corrupt and everyone working for him is part of a crime syndicate.
Straight Democratic? LOL You may as well just hand them your wallet too when you get to the polls.
Ain’t that the truth.
I mean the guy campaigned for Trump. Actually, still does. Pretty sure the “left wing indivisibles” don’t like that. Could be wrong, haven’t talked to a “left wing indivisible” in awhile.
Wanna talk? xo
Can’t. Too busy in my mom’s basement not eating that trash booberry cereal.
I used the term “left wing indivibles” to explain the type of person that Bob Casey is pandering to in 2018 in comparison to the person he campaigned as when he was first elected to office, not in talking about the type of person that would follow Barletta, who yes, has obviously campaigned for Trump.
Not really sure how you could mix up my words there. You must be a pretty big idiot. While I’m out here guessing, I’m going to say that you, LIKELY are not a political guru. You are more likely in your mom’s basement, eating booberry cereal and wearing the pajamas with the feet (the type that Justin Simmons wears).
I’ll have you know, I eat Captain Crunch. Good day to you sir!
If you think Casey is pandering to “left wing indivibles” (what does that even mean, Indivibles?) wait to you meet the team of actual progressives coming to a Congress near you. Indivisible is about as left wing as Charlie Dent.
Republicans have been calling centrist dems “socialists” for so long they’ve bought their own message. You MUST know a real leftist. EvilBobCaseyIV, you’re smarter than this, I know you are.
So let me get this straight first you say that you don’t know what an Indivisible is an then you say they’re as left wing as Charlie Dent? So you know what they are? Makes you seem like a tool for sure.
Basic income and universal healthcare are pretttttyyyyyy leftist, dare I say socialist. So I think I will stick with my guns.
Bob Casey is pandering to these people and you know it. His voting record is vastly different over the past 16 months as it was for the yaknow like 4.5 years before that lol.
Goodbye Guillermo.
What has Lou done!? Nothing in his last eight years in Congress. Nothing since he footed Hazleton with legal fees for his failed immigration law suit! Vote for Jim Christiana on May 15th! #imrunningwithjim”
Jim, when posting on this website in support of yourself try not to be so direct. Do you plan on running for State Rep again as of May 16th or is it back to the used car lot for you?
Bob Casey is the real TRASHMAN in this year’s cycle. If it weren’t for his family, this guy would be the manager at a Burger King in Scranton somewhere. He was elected because he showed signs of being bipartisan, but in the last few years we’ve seen who Little Bobby really is. Pro-life? LOL I don’t think so. He has become the darling of the left wing indivisibles simply for political clout going into 2018.
By “worked with Senator Toomey” I’m sure Mr. Steele means that he jumped on legislation that our GOOD SENATOR put together, because god knows Casey don’t know a piece of legislation from a hole in the wall.
This guy should get on his Unibrow and slither on out of PA Politics for good.
EBCIV I know its hard for you to accept but you’re going to have to come to peace with the jackhammer thats coming.
While Dems are trying to stack their ranks with good, competent, caring people, the GOP is busy purging anyone with a conscience within 1000 miles of power, and the ones who are left are too worn out fighting a losing battle.
It looks the handful of good, kind, caring people in the GOP are realizing they bought the party’s line about compassionate conservatism based in economics too hard and now they are realizing everyone else was just bullshitting about all that. Whoopsies.
Good people like who? Chrissy Houlahan who literally friggen fed pig slop to chinese children working in her sweatshops? The same woman who decided to give a “socially responsible” label to a company that was trafficking workers in from over seas?
Great people Guillermo.