Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Bartos is launching a new television ad, targeting likely primary rival Congressman Lou Barletta (R-Luzerne).
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the ad targets Barletta on what many party insiders will see as advantages, experience, name ID, and his ties to President Trump, and tries to turn them into problems.
“Career politicians make big promises but fail to deliver. That’s why Republicans need a fresh face — an outsider — to be our next senator,” the ad says.
The ad will run on Fox News today.
PoliticsPA has learned the buy is in three markets in Pennsylvania, and a total spend of a little under $15,000.
“Lou Barletta must be doing something right, because it’s clear that all potential opponents appear to be scared to death of him entering the Senate race. Lou Barletta is the only Republican who could beat Bob Casey, so it’s understandable that other candidates are worried about him,” Barletta’s spokesman Jon Anzur told the Inquirer.
Also running for Senate on the Republican side are state Reps. Rick Saccone (R-Allegheny) and Jim Christiana (R-Beaver), Borough Councilmen Andrew Shektor and fellow businessmen Bobby Lawrence and Paul Addis.
You can view the ad here.
6 Responses
Cynthia Ayers is also running for Senate…
Who the *uck is advising Bartos??
spending any $ nine months before election day is a real reach. spending in last weeks of august is a real stretch. spending 15k in three markets is real dumb.
save your $ Jeff you are going to need it.
I fully agree. This was a dumb, dumb, dumb move.
I like Jeff, but this isn’t effective; if he can’t ID a key-issue that is problematic regarding his major opponent…then he may wish to save his $.