Bernstine Proposes Constitutional Carry Legislation For PA

Rep. Aaron Bernstine

Could constitutional carry become a law in Pennsylvania?

If Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) has his way, yes.

The western PA representative has introduced legislation that would create a two-tiered system for the concealed carrying of firearms for lawful purposes in the Commonwealth.

According to Bernstine’s sponsorship memo, the first level “would no longer require law-abiding citizens to obtain a permit to carry a firearm concealed in Pennsylvania.” The second level provides citizens the ability to obtain an optional License to Carry a Firearm (LTCF) permit that is valid throughout Pennsylvania and would provide for carrying firearms in other states.

“If a citizen passes a criminal background check to purchase a new firearm it is patently unjust and constitutionally questionable to add layers of bureaucratic regulations on those who are least likely to commit a crime just because the citizen prefers to carry his weapon concealed,” the memo reads. “Then when one examines the enforcement of the laws, against criminals, for ‘carrying firearms without a license’ the reasoning behind mandating a license ‘only’ for law abiding citizens quickly falls apart.”

“As Harrisburg Democrats continue to attempt their erosion of our constitutional rights, we must remain on the offense. I will use every legislative maneuver possible in order to force a vote on Constitutional Carry to protect law-abiding citizens,” proclaimed Rep. Bernstine.

Constitutional Carry was introduced four years ago and legislation was passed in both chambers of the General Assembly. The measure was vetoed by former Gov. Tom Wolf, saying he stood with domestic abuse survivors and advocates, responsible gun owners, and victims of gun violence. He called upon the General Assembly to instead pass new laws restricting access to firearms, such as extreme risk protection orders or requiring reporting of lost and stolen guns.

That bill was also opposed by two statewide law enforcement groups — the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association and the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association.

“Constitutional Carry is the simple concept that if you can lawfully possess a firearm, you should be able to carry that firearm without having to jump through bureaucratic hoops and without having to repurchase your Second Amendment right from the government,” said Pennsylvania Gun Rights Executive Director Craig Storrs, Jr.

CeaseFire PA, an organization dedicated to ending the epidemic of gun violence in Pennsylvania, has given Bernstine a “F” on its legislative scorecard for his voting record on key gun safety bills.

9 Responses

  1. There are no significant hurdles in obtaining a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Pennsylvania, at least in my county.I am a gun owner and retired military so I am not anti gun. However I am pro responsibility. It is still easy to obtain a firearm without a background check. So this fails as any type of screening tools. I would also support training requirements for concealed carry. Even training for purchase. Supporting safe use and storage of firearms.

    1. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. I’m a LEGAL gun owner, I own guns of all shapes and sizes legally, I own multiple suppressors and sbr which I had to go through fbi background check and be approved directly by the the atf for. But because of a simple gram of Marijuana I got pulled over with 12 years ago I’m unable to carry any of those firearms when I leave my house. There’s a constitutional right to bear arms and nowhere does it say that right is only for at your house. If people are “getting a gun without background checks” as you claim they aren’t going to listen to concealed carry laws regardless so your entire argument is pointless and dead on that alone.

    2. Current CCW laws in PA prohibit someone whose ever had a DUI or a drug possession charge from EVER obtaining a CCW reguardless of how long its been since the offense.

      So some teenager geting caught with some weed, will never be allowed to carry a gun, even though he can legally still purchase the gun…

      Thats a pretty significant hurdle.

      The right to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. CCW is an infringement.

  2. That criminal illegally bear and use firearms does not justify the multiplication of firearms being carried in the general public. Whereas the occasions when an arms-bearing citizen has the opportunity to prevent a crime or stop crime already in progress are extremely rare, it is a fact that the massive availability of weapons in private hands facilitates acts of violence in American society, both in private homes and in public places. Mr. Bernstine’s perception that a right is being threatened is an abstraction. He has not stopped to ask what kinds of responsibilities a right entails. Carrying a concealed weapon does not strengthen public or private safety.

    1. To be honest, in the 27 or so states that have passed laws permitting Constitutional Carry, of those 27 states, crime has not gone up. In all states, crime has either stayed the same and in other states, crime has gone down as a result. Feel free to Google those statistics and you will see I am correct. Your personal opinion is blurred. I see nothing wrong with putting guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens because no law will EVER stop criminals from carrying handguns. It is our Constitutional right to bear arms. Crimes have been stopped by law-abiding citizens who were carrying their personal handguns. You can search on YouTube if you do not believe me. I do not want my personal safety to solely rely on the police because the old saying goes, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away”. I feel we need to allow Constitutional Carry and focus on mental health and criminals in possession of firearms. Criminals see a flock of sheep when they know you are most likely not armed. The more law-abiding citizens carrying concealed weapons, the more it will put the thought into the criminals head “Does the person I am about to rob, attack, rape, murder, etc. have a gun they are carrying” will likely deter more crimes being committed. Look at the cities and states that have the most extreme gun ownership and concealed carry laws and you’ll notice that those same cities/states also have the highest amount of crime. Sounds basically you are saying, who cares about the second amendment, I’m fine with only the cops and criminals owning guns? If one of your family members lives were saved by a law-abiding citizen carrying concealed, would you still stick to your belief that Constitutional Carry has no place in PA? It’s time PA gets on board with more than half the other states in this country and pass the Constitutional Carry bill into law.

      1. Exactly, Tom. Simply relying on the misinformed media is dangerous. Doing easy research will show that this is all misinformation being spread by those who would prefer we be unable to defend ourselves or our neighbors.

    2. The right to bear arms isn’t just for your home end of story. It’s my constitutional right to carry my firearm wherever I want and nowhere in that constitutional right does it was i need to ask for permission. So anything else is an infringement on that right and this man has enough brain cells to see that unlike you clearly

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