Former Vice-President Joe Biden will campaign for Conor Lamb next week in the final lead up to the special election for the 18th Congressional district.
According to the Post-Gazette Biden will visit the district on March 6th for two separate events. The first is a rally with union members at a carpenters training center, followed by a rally in Robert Morris University’s Yorktown Hall at 6 p.m. The doors will open at 5 p.m. for the event.
“Conor Lamb will be a champion for the working people of southwestern Pennsylvania. He’s not afraid to say the word ‘union.’ I know he will stand up for the people of his district, whether it means protecting Social Security and Medicare, or fighting to create good, quality jobs you can support a family on,” Biden said in a statement.
The visit marks one of the first visits by national Democrats touted by the Lamb campaign.
“Vice President Biden knows us, he knows what’s important to us here in southwestern Pennsylvania, and he knows we can attack the problems we face without attacking each other. I’m grateful for his support and we’re excited to welcome him to the 18th district in the final week of this special election,” Lamb said.
The special election between Lamb and Republican state Rep. Rick Saccone will be held on March 13th.
8 Responses
You do know there are 3 candidates in the special election, right? Is there a reason you choose to lie by omitting Drew Grey Miller?
I will be supporting the incumbent Tim Murphy for reelection by writing in his name
I will support the aborted love child
Great…nancy pelosi’s male mouthpiece…just another lefty. There goes the election, you lambsters. We couldn’t have planned this any better. You self destruct on your own.
What are you talking about? Joe Biden is one of the most popular politicians of any party in the country, even more so in Pennsylvania, and especially in places like the 18th.
Biden is popular in the Northeast/Scranton and Southeastern/Philadelphia media markets of Pennsylvania. He does not have the same kind of star power in Western Pa. Of course he is probably one of the few national Democrats that will not hurt Lamb there. Congressman Tim Ryan would also be helpful to Lamb. President Obama, Secretary Clinton and former Speaker Pelosi will go over like a lead balloons.
Follow the wisdom of King Salomon in Proverbs 11:29,
“He that troubleth His Own House shall Inherit the Wind,
and the Fool shall be servant to the Wise-of-Heart.” KJV
“Trump, we will assuredly understand, is a small man with a fetish for the symbols of democracy and a bottomless hostility for the actual practice of it.” Jelani Cobb
On the day of Trump’s inauguration, the White House removed the “military family support page” from (January 20, 2017)
Honorable men rapidly destroy their credibility once they are exposed to Trump; National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, and White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly, all put their reputations, honed over decades, on the line to cover for Trump’s outrageous behavior.
“Lying Don” exposes his perniciousness on the road to perdition. We’ve seen malfeasance and incompetence with regard to Puerto Rico and the loss of life and destruction. “Lying Don” displays recklessness and buffoonery with his posturing and threats to North Korea.
There is no basement too low in “Lying Don’s” sewer conservatism as he attacks Gold Star Families and displays his lack of probity. Reckless, undignified, and outrageous behavior is designed to divert as he dismantles the US Government, but where are the Republicans?
Other than a few in the Senate, most are missing in action. The Republicans, especially in The House, have been obsequious to such extent that they appear covered in sheep dip.