Former Vice President Joe Biden returns to Northeast Pennsylvania to attend a private fundraiser and deliver an economic policy address aimed at “rebuilding the middle class.”
Ahead of his speech Wednesday morning at the Scranton Cultural Center, the Biden campaign sent out a release that says President Donald Trump has “turned his back on the American Middle Class” and plans to draw a contrast between his record in office to Trump administration policies.
“Donald Trump doesn’t know what it means to be a part of the middle class. I do,” Biden said in the release. “The middle class isn’t a number — it’s a value set: owning a home, getting an education beyond high school, being able to save and get ahead. Donald Trump has had everything given to him and spent his entire life and presidency enriching himself.”
The release goes on to criticize Trump for the tax reform bill passed in 2017, calls for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour and get workers “the overtime they have earned.”
Biden also delivered direct shots at Vice President Mike Pence over the USMCA trade pact on Monday ahead of his official visit, although Pence fired back in his speech in Luzerne County saying that “Pennsylvanians won’t be fooled” by Biden’s claim about the proposed trade deal.
The Pennsylvania Republican Party and the Republican National Committee both issued statements ahead of Biden’s address criticizing his position on the USMCA and labeled the Scranton native as far-left.
“On the campaign trail, Joe Biden alleges to ‘know Pennsylvania’ yet refuses to accept a fairer trade deal which benefits the Pennsylvania workers he claims to represent,” RNC spokesperson Christiana Purves said. “Biden should quit the partisan double talk and acknowledge the great achievements that President Trump continues to deliver to Pennsylvania.”
“We know that Biden, along with the rest of the far-left, socialists candidates, will find Pennsylvania is ready to keep moving forward rather than return to the stagnant economy of the previous administration,” said Charlie O’Neill PAGOP Deputy Executive Director.
On Tuesday evening, Biden will attend a private fundraiser in Exeter. According to the Citizens Voice, the invitations for the fundraiser call for donations of between $250 for a guest and $20,000 for a co-chairman of the event.
Trump will also be in the keystone state on Wednesday to provide the keynote address at the annual Shale Insight Conference in Pittsburgh.