Blue Dog Dem Group Airs Pro-Platts Ad (Watch Video)

Center Forward, a PAC that typically boosts Blue Dog Democrats, this week began a television campaign lauding Republican Rep. Todd Platts (R-York) for his support of moderate policies to balance the budget. Based on PoliticsPA’s observations, the buy looks to be around $100,000 in the Harrisburg broadcast market.

Platts earned the support of Center Forward in part by voting against Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget which would “essentially end Medicare”.

According to the 30 second spot, Platts “supports balancing the budget by cutting wasteful spending, while protecting Medicare for those who earned it after a lifetime of hard work.”

The narrator asks viewers to, “tell Todd Platts to keep balancing the budget the right way.”

A lawmaker with a reputation as a hard-worker and a moderate, Platts is retiring at the end of this term after 12 years in office. In all likelihood he will be replaced by Republican nominee Scott Perry, a veteran and state Rep.

The ad is part of a $1.25 million campaign that will run in eight districts nationwide and supports congressman on both side of the aisle who have contributed to the bipartisan effort to reduce the nation’s deficit. These congressman include Dem Reps. Rep. John Barrow (D-GA), Ben Chandler (D-KY), Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and Mike McIntyre (D-NC), as well as Republican Reps. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) and David McKinley (R-WV).

Center Forward ran its first PA ad campaign this cycle – about $1 million – in an unsuccessful effort to help Rep. Tim Holden clear a primary from Matt Cartwright.

One Response

  1. Did Center Forward not realize that Todd Platts was retiring before they decided to flush $100,000 down the drain?

    Or did they think that they’d get a good in wherever his next life as a lobbyist takes him?

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