In a press call prior to President Joe Biden’s visit to Wilkes-Barre this afternoon, Republican candidate for Congress Jim Bognet called out his opponent, incumbent Democrat Matt Cartwright, as a “lap dog” for the President.
“Matt Cartwright votes with Joe Biden 100 percent of the time,” said Bognet. “Joe Biden owns Matt Cartwright’s vote.”
The small business owner and conservative policy adviser lost in the 2020 election to Cartwright, 52-48, but the 8th Congressional District sided with former President Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020 and Bognet feels the time is right for the region to make a change.
“My district in northeastern Pennsylvania is the center of the political universe this week. We have Biden in town (Tuesday) to talk nonsense for him to claim that he’s helping the American people. And then on Saturday we have President (Donald) Trump in town to do a rally for me, Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano. I think everybody realizes that this is one of the most important seats in the nation. When we beat Joe Biden’s lap dog, Matt Cartwright, who votes with him 100 percent of the time here in Biden’s so-called “hometown,” it’s going to send an unmistakeable message that the American people have turned their back on Joe Biden. Everybody in northeast Pennsylvania tells me, we need a change.”
“Your congressman should stand up to Joe Biden, not hang out with him. Matt Cartwright never works across the aisle … he won’t debate … and now he has the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) launching desperate attacks. It’s a pattern of ethical abuses.”
Bognet also revealed that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will be coming to NEPA on Thursday to campaign with him. McCarthy has endorsed Bognet and is considered one of the party’s “Young Guns” by the National Republican Congressional Committee. Candidates who achieve full Young Guns status have successfully collaborated with the NRCC and completed the requirements that establish a path to victory on Election Day.
“It shows how our party is unified and that the GOP ticket offers solutions. I’m excited to have former President Trump in town (on Saturday), spreading the America First message across America.”
5 Responses
Bognet’s lips appear to have an orangish tint to them. Hmmmmm
Cartwright is with Biden on allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, to cap the cost of insulin, to bring back chip manufacturing to America, to help veterans to get medical care, etc. The question is why isn’t Bognut? Why is he with the R’s who voted in lockstep against all of these things?
Bognet seems to not have a real job other than run for office and repeat Trumper sayings. Is this what politics has devolved to listening to the ramblings of an elitist who needs no work?
Cartwright is Biden’s lapdog.
Bognet is Trump’s buttlicker (when he isn’t nuzzling Trump’s scrotum on command).
Keep up the great work, Jim. Does Mastriano let you fondle his Confederate uniform?
I like scrotums and rim jobs