Bombshell Reports Reveals Murphy Pushed For an Abortion

Tim MurphyCongressman Tim Murphy’s (R-Allegheny) issues revolving around his recently revealed affair have increased after a bombshell report was released.  

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette obtained documents detailing text messages between Murphy and Shannon Edwards showing that Murphy had asked Edwards to get an abortion during a pregnancy scare.  Edwards did not end up being pregnant.  

“And you have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options,” Edwards wrote in a text message.  

“I get what you say about my March for life messages. I’ve never written them. Staff does them. I read them and winced. I told staff don’t write any more. I will,” Murphy reportedly responded.  

Murphy has been endorsed and supported by pro-life organizations throughout his career in Congress.  

Murphy is a co-sponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would ban abortions after 20 weeks, except in the cases of incest, rape, and when the pregnancy presents a threat to the life or physical health of the mother.  The bill is scheduled to be voted on Tuesday.  

The Post-Gazette also obtained a six-page document from Murphy’s Chief of Staff Susan Mosychuk detailing Murphy’s “hostile, erratic, unstable, angry, aggressive and abusive behavior” in the office.  

“You were storming around as we walked in, and as we sat down for prep — having just arrived literally moments ago — you started in on the [legislative director] and verbally abused him, harassed him, chastised him and criticized all his work products. You called many of the work products that he literally gave up his weekend to produce as ‘useless.’ You pushed other documents off the table onto the floor because they weren’t what you wanted. Then you got angry and demanded we find the documents that you had just thrown on the ground,” the memo read.  

The Navy is also looking into whether Murphy’s affair violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

16 Responses

  1. i think for he needs to resign immeditaley and have Evan Feinberg is to run for congress in a special election in 2018 and larry miggi is to run for congress in 2018 as well because for tim murphy needs to resign and go.

  2. enough blood in the water to consider his situation in jeopardy? wouldn’t have been in the old days. . .

    certain folks are predicting he doesn’t run again. . .not so sure . . if anybody can survive he can.

  3. Sounds like another Stack. Why do we have to pay for these scumbags?????????? Why??? Good lord – please just give us some honest, human beings in government. Sick and tired of these lying creeps. Murphy should quit NOW and be sent to Kabul to be a real estate agent. Quit today wussy boy liar – you no good excuse for a man. Little liar boy timmy.

  4. Every Dem across District 18 must demand he resign now (minus the ones who vote against their own interests).

  5. Even a Republican who is a mean, lying, cheating
    Hypocrite named Satan will get re elected if he is against the affordable care act.somehow, Murphy makes Melissa Hart look responsible.

  6. Finally, this worthless, phony piece of excrement will be gone. a typical Rethug family value +++head

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