Breaking: Bill Clinton Endorses Kane for AG

Former President Bill Clinton has thrown his support behind Kathleen Kane for Pa. Attorney General. It’s the highest-profile endorsement of any candidate in Pennsylvania so far this cycle.

“Kathleen is a great Democrat who understands that an Attorney General’s job is to stand up for consumers and people,” Clinton said in a Kane campaign press release. “I’m proud to endorse my friend Kathleen Kane and I hope she’ll become the first woman ever elected Attorney General by the people of Pennsylvania.”

“Pennsylvania has always been Clinton Country,” said Kane, “so I am energized by the President’s endorsement and the momentum it provides my campaign.  Moreover, it’s an honor to be endorsed by President Clinton, someone who demonstrated the right kind of leadership for Pennsylvania and America.”

Kane, a former prosecutor from Lackawanna County, was an active supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008. She directed her campaign efforts in northeast Pa.

Her opponent in the Democratic primary is Patrick Murphy, a former Congressman from Bucks County. The Republican candidate is Cumberland County District Attorney Dave Freed.

“We expected this,” said Murphy spokesman Nat Binns. “Kathleen Kane is a long time supporter of the Clintons.”

Murphy backed Barack Obama in the 2008 primary.

Kane also pulled in the endorsement of her home county Democratic committee on Sunday night.

Here is Clinton’s full statement:

“The first elected office I ever held was Attorney-General, so it’s a job I know something about. The Attorney General can have an enormous positive impact, so it’s important to elect someone who understands how to use the office and the legal system to protect and advance the lives of Pennsylvanians.  Kathleen Kane would make a great Attorney General. She’s smart and tough. She’s prosecuted more than 3000 cases, protected senior citizens, and put child molesters and violent criminals behind bars,” remarked President Clinton.  “Kathleen is a great Democrat who understands that an Attorney General’s job is to stand up for consumers and people. I’m proud to endorse my friend Kathleen Kane and I hope she’ll become the first woman ever elected Attorney General by the people of Pennsylvania.”

29 Responses

  1. Union Hooligan –
    Career politician is Murphy’s “new” job/career, but he was kind of on that path.

    Murphy was not in the military for 10 years, as you claim.

    Murphy was an inactive reservist for 4 years (1996-2000).
    During that time, he also served as the legislative aide to Thomas Tangretti, in the PA House.

    Then he went on active duty in 2000, teaching at West Point for a year or two.

    He was deployed in Bosnia (2002) and Iraq (2003-2004) and was released from active duty in 2004.

    However his “active” duty was as JAG, not combat soldier. To his credit, he did qualify basic parachuting and air assault, but he didn’t actually engage in combat.

    So, the “10 years” of military service (which lasted only 8 years) is really like 3 or 4, tops. While that’s more than most people, let’s not pad his resume to call it 10 years or act like he was fighting on the battlefield. The cook at the PX engaged as much combat as Murphy.

  2. Bob,

    To call Patrick Murphy a career politician is absurd. He was a Congressman for four years. Before that, he was a soldier and a military prosecutor for 10 years!

    And he was not endorsed by the Democratic party. But, he was endorsed by hundreds of leaders of character throughout the state.

  3. Given that BrabenderCoxBrianNuttTomCorbett endorsed Republican Dave Freed is conflicted and compromised because Dave Freed is inextricably, irremediably, ineluctably entwined with LeRoy Zimmerman, under investigation by same Attorney General’s office that he is seeking, and given the questions about Tom Corbett’s Sandusky investigation (9 years from rape of a ten year old to arrest- how does that happen?), and given that Patrick Murphy, endorsed by the Democratic Establishment, a career politician using AG’s office for stepping stone, and that Patrick Murphy has never tried a case and DA Kane has, (including prosecutions for child molesters and rapists) it seems that DA Kane is good choice as an INDEPENDENT of the Harrisburg Establishment Insiders of both parties.

    Bill Clinton’s endorsement raises Kathleen Kane’s profile and that DA Kane contributed to Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama shows common sense.

    For Liberty Blog’s posts on Kathleen Kane, go to

  4. Kane may have Clinton’s endorsement; however, Patrick Murphy has the money and power of George Soros and his Progressive’s minions behind him.
    Kudos to Bill Clinton for making the first sensible decision in his lifetime.

  5. Kane gave $15,000 to Hilary Clinton’s campaign… who is surprised Bill endorsed her?

  6. When you weigh the fact that Murphy hasn’t passed the PA bar exam, nor ever tried a case in PA and compare that to Kane, who has prosecuted hundreds of cases, has more money in the bank, AND an endorsement from President Clinton, I’d say the smart money is on Kane. She can beat the Republican in the general. Murphy’s liberal policies may fly in Philly, but this is a statewide race, and Kane has statewide appeal. Clinton’s endorsement is a huge deal.

  7. The average primary voter doesn’t pay attention to endorsements in Presidential races. Why would they pay attention to an endorsement in an AG race? This will have little impact in the outcome on election day. As a Republican, I would rather face Kane in the general election. She’s got a weak organization and her party has lined up behind Murphy. Nominate Kane and the AG’s office stays in GOP control for yet another 4 year term. Money can’t buy you everything.

  8. This endorsement does nothing to change my opinion about the race.

    A future with Patrick Murphy as the Attorney General is a brighter future than one without him. He is a good, honest man – and he is a courageous fighter as well.

    Murphy will keep Corbett in check; Kane gave money to Corbett’s AG campaign.

    Murphy all the way!

  9. Patrick Murphy is the real deal. He served our country in Iraq, prosecuted terrorists and got Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repealed.

    Kathleen Kane is an assistant DA who happens to have married a rich guy.

    Murphy has my vote.

  10. It is the quality of endorsement that matters. This is a big f@@@ing deal! Also, the voter turnout in SEPA will be pathetic, which will thankfully doom Murphy!

  11. Not a surprise, she supported Hilary and then McCain.

    All of a sudden she cares about endorsements… Murphy has hundreds, she has a few.

  12. This is a pretty big “get” for Kane. Does she have video or audio of Clinton making that endorsement?

    That would go over big for robocalls or TV/radio ads.

  13. Here would be an interesting statistic to know. How many endorsements has been Clinton made over the years — we can be arbitrary and cap it at just since 2008 — and how many have worked?

    I say this being entirely skeptical of the importance on any outside endorsement.

  14. Clinton is just paying back Kathleen Kane for supporting Hillary in the primary and then supporting McCain in the general election. Are dems really going to vote for a candidate who supported McCain over Obama?

  15. This provides momentum for the Kane campaign. Clinton obviously understands a prosecutor will win the election in November.

  16. Adam-

    Clinton hammered Obama in PA and would tomorrow. This is a great endorsement for a great candidate!!

  17. I thought for sure that Don Bailey would get this endorsement. “I endorse my friend Don Bailey, because his bizarre and inappropriate behavior in elected office will make people forget all about me lying under oath and on TV to the American people. Don’s just crazy, and that’s fine by me.”

  18. Wow. It’s over. President Clinton is the most popular politician in Pennsylvania and will carry great weight throughout the state. With Kane’s money advantage and clear experience, this is a huge endorsement.

  19. Thus continuing Bill Clinton’s streak of endorsing anyone running against someone who endorsed Barack Obama over his wife four years ago (or endorsing folks who did support his wife). That’s all this is.

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