Ad Contrasts Main Street Mayor Callahan with Wall Street Congressman Dent
BETHLEHEM, PA. – Today Bethlehem Mayor and Congressional Challenger John Callahan released his first television ad in the race for Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District. The ad, “Main Street vs. Wall Street,” highlights Mayor Callahan’s record of working to bring over 5,000 jobs to the Lehigh Valley while reducing over $60 million in government debt with Congressman Dent’s vote for the $850 billion Wall Street bailout and vote to allow taxpayer funded bonuses for Wall Street CEOs.
“While I was working to help small businesses create over 5,000 jobs here on Main Street, Congressman Dent was voting to give an $850 billion bailout to Wall Street,” said Mayor John Callahan. “In this election, voters have a choice between Congressman Dent’s record of $3 trillion in new debt, Tea Party candidate Jake Towne’s conservative Palin-esque positions, or my record of reducing $60 million in government debt.”
You can watch “Main Street vs. Wall Street” by clicking here.
You can read a full point by point back up of all of the information in the ad by clicking here or reading below.
The typical Washington politicians help Wall Street; I’m focused on Main Street.
I’m John Callahan. As Mayor I’ve created jobs on this Main Street.
“Visit touts jobs rebirth,” Cassi, Express-Times, 4/16/10.
“Upper Saucon builder to move into downtown Bethlehem,” Radzievich, Morning Call, 3/12/10.
“Creator of businesses to expand in Bethlehem,” Radzievich, Morning Call, 3/13/10.
“From rust to must: Development now surging thanks to creative approach” Greber, Middletown Journal, 2/26/06.
Now I have a plan to create even more jobs by reducing debt and helping small businesses. John Callahan has a 5 point plan to create jobs and put the country’s financial house in order:
Eliminate tax loopholes for corporations that outsource our jobs overseas or use off-shore accounts to avoid paying their fair share.
Provide tax credits for small businesses that hire new employees.
Make college more affordable and job training more available.
Cut wasteful spending and reduce the national debt in order to reassure financial markets.
Cut the red tape and bureaucracy that holds small businesses back.
Full Plan:
Charlie Dent Supported Bank Bailouts The American taxpayer should not be held financially responsible for the mistakes of Wall Street. Yet thanks to Charlie Dent, that’s exactly what’s happened.[1]
Dent Voted for Wall Street Bailout
H.R. 1424, Vote #681, 10/3/2008; D: 172-63; R: 91-108
Bailout Contained “billions in earmarks”
In addition to the hundreds of billions the bill provided to Wall Street it also contained “billions in earmarks” including:
$192 million in rebates on excise taxes for the Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands rum industry
$2 million tax benefit for makers of wooden arrows for children
$100 million tax break to benefit auto racetrack owners[2]
Big CEO Bonuses Charlie Dent voted in favor of the bailouts, but when it came time to make sure that the executives getting bailed out didn’t take the taxpayers money for themselves, Charlie voted no.
Dent Voted Against Limiting Excessive Executive Compensation by Firms that Received TARP funds
H.R. 1664, Vote # 182, 4/1/2009; D: 237-8; R: 10-163
Dent Voted Against Allowing the AG to go after Excessive Executive Compensation by Firms that Received TARP funds
H.R. 1575, Vote # 178, 4/1/2009; D: 214-31; R: 9-165
Dent Voted Against Executive Pay Reform and Shareholder Oversight
H.R. 3269, Vote # 686, 7/31/2009; D: 235-16; R: 2-169
And Job Killing Policies that led to the recession. While he’s been in Congress Dent has: While he’s been in Congress Dent has:
Repeatedly voted for trade bills that send our jobs overseas
Voted to protect the tax breaks of outsourcers and tax dodgers
Voted to allow Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to become a Systemic Risk
The net result of these votes is clear; our housing market in crisis[3], our jobs sent abroad[4], massive unemployment[5], and yet record corporate profits.[6]
Trade Bills That Send our Jobs Abroad
Dent has voted in favor of at least 5 trade agreements since coming to congress.[7] Many of these, like CAFTA, and NAFTA before it, send our jobs to other countries.
Dent Voted For Passage of CAFTA
H.R. 3045, Vote #443, 7/28/2005; D: 15-187; R: 202-27
Tax Breaks for Outsourcers and Tax Dodgers
Charlie Dent made his priorities clear: Dent is against tax cuts to help small businesses hire new employees, but for tax handouts to corporations that outsource jobs or use off-shore tax shelters to avoid U.S. taxes. Congressman Dent has taken over $1.7 million in corporate special interest money and he’s repeatedly voted for them instead of small businesses.
Dent Voted to Continue to Allow Corporations to Move Revenue Overseas to Avoid Taxes
H.R. 2419, Vote #755; 7/27/2007; D: 7-218; R: 191-5
H.R. 3058, Vote #351, 6/30/2005; D: 169-28; R: 20-203
Allowed Freddie and Fannie to Become a Systemic Risk
Before the housing crisis even began, Dent had a chance to prevent much of it from occurring. Instead he added fuel to the fire and allowed the two giants to become systemic risks to the economy. The results have been staggering; since going into conservatorship Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ” have been sustained by almost $150 billion in U.S. aid…”[8] Given that the two are still borrowing from the taxpayer today, it is unlikely we will ever get all of our money back.
Dent Voted Against Preventing Fannie/Freddie from Becoming a Systemic Risk
H.R. 1461, Vote #543, 10/26/2005; D: 3-192; R: 70-153
In addition, Dent Voted:
Against preventing Freddie and Fannie from borrowing from the treasury[9]
Against creating minimum capital levels at Freddie and Fannie[10]
Against raising premiums for high risk borrowers[11]
For weakening FHA loan requirements[12]
Congressman Dent he works for Wall Street. Charlie Dent has raised $309,379 from Wall Street[13], and as noted above, has voted for Wall Street’s interest again and again.
I’m John Callahan, I approved this message because I’ll get results on Main Street
[1] H.R. 1424, Vote #681, 10/3/2008
[2] ” Billions in earmarks in Senate’s bailout bill,” Coile, San Francisco Chronicle, 10/3/2008
[3] “FHFA Releases Report on State of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,” Mott, Bloomberg, 8/26/2010
[4] “Does tax code send U.S. jobs offshore?” Lynch, USA Today, 3/21/2008
[5] Bureau of Labor Statistics,
[6] “Corporate bosses are whining, even though they’re reporting record profits.,” Newsweek, Gross, 8/31/2010
[7] H.R. 3045, Vote #443, 7/28/2005, H.R.4340, Vote #616, 12/7/2005, H.R. 3045, Vote #443, 7/28/2005, H.R. 3688, Vote #1060, 11/8/2007, H.R. 1830, Vote #583, 6/27/2007, H.R. 1092, Vote #181, 4/10/2008
[8] “FHFA Releases Report on State of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,” Mott, Bloomberg, 8/26/2010
[9] H.R. 1461, Vote #544, 10/26/2005
[10] H.R. 1461, Vote #542, 10/26/2005
[11] H.R. 1852, Vote #874, 9/18/2007
[12] H.R. 1852, Vote #876, 9/18/2007
[13] “Top Industries, Charlie Dent,” Center for Responsive Politics, 2005-2010