Casey Gears Up

Since a Quinnipiac poll showed GOP challenger Tom Smith just 3 points behind Bob Casey (48 percent to 45), the first-term Democratic Senator has kicked into gear and made his campaign far more public.

He’s been dinged in the press, like in John Baer’s Daily News column Tuesday, for having his “head in the sand” and being absent from the campaign trail.

Even Ed Rendell has chimed in. Reports the Scranton Times-Tribune:

“Casey? He hasn’t run a campaign. He’s run one ad, a stupid Tea Party ad,” Mr. Rendell said. “The Tea Party ad isn’t bad, but that’s all they’ve run. They’ve run a non-campaign up until now and Smith has put a lot of money into the campaign. … You start spending money, that’ll change.”

He was busy fundraising, he said (which itself hasn’t gone great). No more.

Casey rallied Democratic party volunteers in Erie yesterday. Today, he’s holding a press conference in Philadelphia with Mayor Michael Nutter to talk about Medicare and, presumably, smack Smith for his friendly words about controversial GOP plans about entitlements.

And his campaign rebutted one of Smith’s central claims – that Casey is ineffective in Congress – in a radio ad around the state.

The 60 second spot features a woman calling a voter information hotline to ask about Smith’s attacks.

“There’s one about Bob Casey. Some study on his effectiveness?” she says.

“I’m afraid there is no such study. Apparently Mr. Casey’s opponent Tom Smith just made it up for his ads,” responds a man working for the non-existent ‘Voter information hotline.’

“The fact is, Bob Casey lead the fight to pass the payroll tax cut for the middle class. And he’s been a leader in fighting against unfair trade laws.”

The “study” the radio ad mentions doesn’t exist. Neither does any Smith reference to such a study. The Casey radio ad is referring to this Smith television spot, which says in part, “Casey’s been called ‘the Senate’s most ineffective legislator.’ He’s the invisible Senator.”

It does not purport to be citing a study. Rather, it cites a column by J.D. Mullane of the Bucks County Courrier Times. “Punxsutawney Bob is shaping up as the Senate’s most ineffective legislator, maybe ever,” Mullane wrote of Casey in August, 2012.

The speaker in Casey’s radio ad goes on to say that Smith founded a Tea Party and supports plans that threaten Social Security and Medicare.

Here’s the ad set to video:

11 Responses

  1. Bob Casey has done not a thing to help Pennsylvania and as in his other political positions has done little for what he is being paid. This is true of all the politicians does anyone realize the discrimination we live with as being a lower level of people then the people doing our business! Wake up and see the reality. Casey will live better and be treated better health wise then any of us average Americans, why is that. They need to have term limits and campaign finance limits.

  2. Bob Casey’s support comes from Unions and they failed against Ed Rendell in 2002. Let us see if the Union Organizers can motivate their membership with fear and threats once again.

    Coal Miners are going for Tom Smith and I suspect other union people may realize what this young man has.

    The speaker asks compelling quesitions
    “Would someone please explain to me how increasing taxes on some rich guy puts somebody else back to work. Or how taxing a small business owner create small business jobs?”
    Video 2.3 minutes Millions in Pennsylvania are watching this video and similar videos on the Internet. The Left, typified by Dave Diano, despise the fiscal common sense voter that it can only redirect the conversation with insulting and demonizing caricatures .

  3. Bob Casey is completely useless, just like Obama. No wonder they vote together 99% of the time. They are probably separated at birth. Where’s Casey’s birth certificate??? Get rid of Obama and get rid of Casey. Both are no good for PA! NOBAMA!!!

  4. Bobby Casey’s spineless character plus Harry Reid’s greed plus Nancy Pelosi’s contempt equals Obama’s destruction of America. I will vote for Tom Smith.

  5. We are all voting for Senator Casey.
    Bob Casey has passed many bills.

    Unlike the lies in Tom J Smith ads. He says Casey did not pass one single bill. Oh how correct! Bob passed many.

    Tom Smith calls himself a politician. I will agree that he tries to force people to his side of the ballot. There are many lies in his ads. I am sure that a smart well educated person can pickup on these quickly. I guess because of knowing Tom all of his life makes it very easy for me to spot the lies.

    Tom needs to tell the truth to the voters.

    I am asking the voters to make the right decision and be informed about Tom Smith who is not a politician. Yes, it is getting very deep with the lies…you may need to put your fishing waders or booted pipestone waders on for his debate. The debate will be recorded on Oct 26th and on TV on Oct 28th.

  6. Bob Casey is a good man with morals. He is loyal to his wife and family. He is a good american citizen.

    I will not let millions of dollars and lies sway my vote to the party that I belong. I believe in voting for an honest, moral, & family man.

  7. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I suspect Barry’s comment may have been tongue-in-cheek. At least that’s how I read it.

  8. Barry: A “flawless” campaign??? He was supposed to win this by 14 points remember?? He’s done!! Too little too late. What’s he going to run on??

  9. It’s no surprise that Tea Party Ed Rendell is bashing Senator Casey’s flawlessly executed campaign. Rendell has long been backed by the Tea Party and worked for Republicans in the past.

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