Now that the Administration has officially confirmed that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against it’s citizens, it is widely expected that they will soon take some sort of military action against that nation.
Senator Casey spoke out earlier this week in commendation of Syria’s leadership and support of presidential action.
“Addressing the crisis in Syria at this stage will be extremely difficult, but every day that Assad remains in power helps Iran and Hezbollah and threatens stability across the region,” the Senator stated in a press release. “[Assad] has crossed more than a red line and the United States must act in the interest of our national and global security.”
Today Senator Toomey also voiced his support for the limited response the Obama Administration appears to be favoring.
“It appears to be an established fact that Assad has used chemical weapons repeatedly in an indiscriminate slaughter of his own civilians,” the Senator said. “These weapons and his behavior pose a national security risk to the U.S. This calls for an American response, being mindful to avoid a long-term military engagement in the Syrian civil war. The President must explain to Congress and the American people the objectives and risks of any action.”
Rep. Tom Marino (R-Lycoming), however, stood among House members who oppose unilateral action by Obama on constitutional grounds.
“The current situation in Syria dictates that the President consults with Congress before authorizing the use of U.S. military force,” he said. “The Constitution clearly separates war powers between the executive and legislative branches, granting Congress the explicit authority to declare war and the President the authority to act only in cases of imminent danger.”
The congressman did state, though, that he is already opposed to any intervention at this time. Additionally, Marino along with Reps. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) and Joe Pitts (R-Chester) have both signed a letter calling for the President to seek and receive authorization from Congress before conducting any operations.
Co-signers include an unlikely coalition of dovish liberals and libertarian and/or constitutional conservatives.
While the Administration is currently consulting with Congress, it is highly unlikely they will seek authorization for any military action.
One Response
I would like see the Presisent make his case for military action to Congess. I would like Congress to reclaim its war making powers.
I fear the President is being led into a trap that will draw the U.S. into a civil war. Unilateral action by the U.S. seems like a bad idea.