Casinos Push Back Against VGT Legalization

unnamed (4)The group Pennsylvanians For Responsible Government is starting a new ad campaign pushing against House Bill 1010, which would legalize video gaming terminals (VGTs) in Pennsylvania.  

“Because VGT’s are designed to operate without employees, the 18,000 people casinos collectively employ in Pennsylvania will be put in serious jeopardy. VGT’s will be a loser for the casino industry, the employees who depend on them for employment and their families, and most of all the Pennsylvania taxpayers,” Pennsylvanians for Responsible Government spokesman Mike Barley said in a statement.  

Pennsylvanians for Responsible Government is backed by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation among other casino groups in Pennsylvania who are aiming to prevent the bill from becoming law.  

The group has promised to spend at least $1 million in the campaign, between television, radio, and digital campaigns.  The T.V. ads will air across the state except in the Philadelphia market.  This is likely because the Philadelphia market is the most expensive in the state.  

The group says it is continuing to add money to the budget for their campaign.  

The ads were not released to PoliticsPA at the time of writing.

Update: You can view the television ad from the group below.

6 Responses

  1. This is a great idea it will make Pennsylvania the Number one Gambling destination in the World pA should also legalize Prostitution in Industrial Areas and also privatize the Liquor stores . Also legalize all Drugs without a prescription but must be sold only through a Licensed Pharmasist

  2. I oppose state-sanctioned gambling on principle, because it preys on the poor and less educated. I did so when casinos were debated for the same reason. The as now I heard and appreciated principled arguments on favor.

    It takes a studious indifference to logic however to fret over the damage done to our people from Vegas. Especially while profiting from a slighltly different type of predatory behavior.

    The about face would be laughable if not so blatantly hypocritical.

    Rock on, insatiably greedy Political Campaign Donor Class.

  3. Sure, let’s go full out like Oregon+Michigan. Oregon has 4 lottery drawings a day. Michigan has online lottery games for the suckers to get instantly fleeced. Remember the lottery only returns .50 cents on the dollar, if that. By law PA slots must return 85% “on average”, even though a 15% “vig” is huge. These idiots downstate think they can tax the poor into oblivion! hell, a pack of smokes is now over $8! + the minimum wage remains @ $7.25 an hour! Ridiculous. Add into the mix the theft by the PLCB of the consumers at their retail outlets an PA has all the sin locked up! gambling, smokes + booze!

    This is outright theft since the politicians are to sisified to raise taxes on the super rich and claim the state’s fair share of their largess. Well, their will be a reckoning day when it will be time to pay the piper and those hard choices will HAVE to be made.

    Oh, yes. One other thing. PA has the highest parimutuel taxes in the arness in horse racing industry in North America. It’s because of these HUGE take outs at PA tracks the handles aren’t better. Serious player won’t bet a bundle on this states tracks because of the high takeout. It cuts into their profit margins in a game that depends on low takeouts to make sense of serious wager. See, the politicians have even ruined the racing industry in the state with the highest parimutuel taxes in the country!

    It figures though. These are the sort of dumb shits we have running this state.

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